Helvetica Chimica Acta
SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1918-2023)
Cơ quản chủ quản: Wiley-Blackwell , WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
Các bài báo tiêu biểu
For the characterization of organic substances in gas chromatography a number termed «
The proton NMR spectra of 265 steroids of known structure have been recorded for 0,1M solutions in deuterochloroform and the positions of the signals of the 18‐and 19‐hydrogen atoms have been measured. The additional chemical shifts due to various substituents at many different positions of the steroid skeleton are compiled in a table. With its help most chemical shifts of the 18‐ and 19‐hydrogen atoms of these and unknown steroids may be computed with an accuracy of ± 0,015 ppm. An example show how to calculate the chemical shifts. The physical basis of teh influences due to substituents and double bond, as well as the reasons for the generally small deviations from the calculated chemical shifts, are reviewed and illustrated. The additional chemical shifts due to identical funcitonal groups in equivalent positions,
An extensive study and analysis of the concepts, classification, presentation, and nomenclature of chirality and lack of chirality in crystal structures and their constituents is presented. Oriented crystal structures are classified. The chirality rules for existence of molecular crystal structures are examined and the relation to segmentation and latent symmetry highlighted. The nomenclature of chirality and related terms, and the relationship of chirality to optical activity is covered. The uses and limitations of the Euclidean normalizer are treated. An improved glossary of terms is included.
The known
Fadenmolekeln hochpolymerer Stoffe, welche in ruhender Lösung eine statistisch wahrscheinlichste Gestalt (loses Knäuel) haben, erfahren in strömender Lösung nicht nur Richtungsänderungen der Fadenachse; vielmehr werden durch die von der strömenden Flüssigkeit ausgeübten Kräfte auch Änderungen der Gestalt, insbesondere Änderungen des Abstandes h zwischen Molekelanfangs und ‐endpunkt erzwungen.
The cyclic urea DMPU (N, N′‐dimethyl‐N, N′‐propylene urea = 1,3‐dimethyl‐2‐oxo‐hexahydropyrimidine) is shown to exhibit the same effects HMPT in oxirane‐opening with Li‐acetylide, in a Wittig olefination, in the double deprotonation of nitroalkane, in the Michael addition of Li‐dithiane to cyclohexenone, and in selective generations of certain enolates (
A rapid and inexpensive method for the large‐scale purification of C60 is the simple filtration of the toluenesoluble extract of commercial fullerene soot through a short plug of charcoal/silica gel with toluene as the eluent. Reactions of C60 with ethyl and
A method for the preparation of pentasubstituted cyclopentanes from monosaccharides is presented, involving two crucial steps, viz. the reductive fragmentation of 5‐bromo‐5‐deoxyglucosides (such as
A general chemical phosphorylation method based on P(III) chemistry has been developed. The system is demonstrated for the phosphorylation of oligonucleotides, directly after their synthesis on a solid support, and for the