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Validating A Method for Mapping Managers' Mental Models of Competitive Industry Structures
Tập 48 Số 9 - Trang 975-991 - 1995
Kevin Daniels, Leslie de Chernatony, Gerry Johnson
Cognitive mapping techniques refer to methods used to elicit the structure and content of people's mental models. There is a growing interest in applying these techniques to the study of managers' mental models of strategic management issues. This paper reports on a new method for mapping managers' mental models of competitive industry structures, that is based upon recent developments in the cognitive psychology of the categorization of concepts. This method, a simple visual card sorting technique, is quick to administer and interpret. The method is evaluated with respect to its psychometric properties against the well established, but potentially cumbersome, repertory grid technique. The method is demonstrated to have good validity by comparing it with the repertory grid technique.
The Partial Unacceptability of Money in Repayment for Neighborly Help
Tập 46 Số 1 - Trang 65-76 - 1993
Paul Webley, Stephen E. G. Lea
This study focuses on the acceptability of using money in repayment for three kinds of neighborly help. Questionnaires were distributed to 400 households in four different neighborhoods. Only in the case of the "loan" of food was money found to be an acceptable form of repayment. In most cases, the use of money was rejected because it would break a social convention. There was a strong preference for repaying help by offering the same kind of help in exchange. The data suggested that there are strong patterns of reciprocal helping. Multiple regression analyses showed that the amount of help received was correlated with age, place of previous residence, and the number of people in the immediate area whom the respondent would call by name. Respondents who scored higher on either help received or perceived neighborliness were slightly more willing to offer money in repayment of neighborly help. These results are consistent with the view that there are limits on the use of money in social exchanges.
Barriers to Mentoring: The Female Manager's Dilemma
Tập 42 Số 1 - Trang 1-22 - 1989
Belle Rose Ragins
Mentoring relationships may be critical for women seeking advancement in organizations. The infrequency of mentoring relationships for females suggests special concerns and considerations. This literature review draws upon current research to examine the interpersonal and organizational barriers female managers face in developing and maintaining effective mentoring relationships in organizations. An analysis is made of gender differences in the function, nature, and effectiveness of mentoring relationships. Recommendations and guidelines for future research and theory development are proposed. The groundwork for a longitudinal theory of mentoring and career development for women in organizations is presented. Implications for organizations are also discussed.
Review Article: The past, present and future of organization development: Taking the long view
Tập 65 Số 11 - Trang 1395-1429 - 2012
Bernard Burnes, Bill Cooke
Organization development has been, and arguably still is, the major approach to organizational change across the Western world, and increasingly globally. Despite this, there appears to be a great deal of confusion as to its origins, nature, purpose and durability. This article reviews the ‘long’ history of organization development from its origins in the work of Kurt Lewin in the late 1930s to its current state and future prospects. It chronicles and analyses the major stages, disjunctures and controversies in its history and allows these to be seen in a wider context. The article closes by arguing that, although organization development remains the dominant approach to organizational change, there are significant issues that it must address if it is to achieve the ambitious and progressive social and organizational aims of its founders.
Daily job search and psychological distress: Evidence from China
Tập 62 Số 8 - Trang 1171-1197 - 2009
Zhaoli Song, Marilyn A. Uy, Shuhua Zhang, Kan Shi
We examined the relationship between job search and distress using the daily diary method that involved 100 unemployed job seekers in China. Three models were tested: a direct relationship model (examining the effect of job search on distress), a reversed relationship model (assessing the impact of distress on job search), and a third variable model (testing the extent to which daily financial strain accounts for the relationship between job search and distress). Results offered support for both direct and reversed models. The third variable model was not supported. Negative job search experience mediated the direct effect of job search on distress. Using a within-individual approach, our study provides an in-depth examination on the nature and directionality of the relationship between job search and distress and illuminates the dynamic nature of this relationship.
The Representation of Labour Turnover as a Social Process
Tập 3 Số 4 - Trang 349-372 - 1950
A. K. Rice, Jan Hill, Eric Trist
Strategic Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Tập 42 Số 2 - Trang 157-184 - 1989
Randall S. Schüler
It has recently been suggested that the potentially dynamic and proactive role of employers in industrial relations be recognized (Kochan, McKersie, & Cappelli, 1984). Because incorporating the notion of strategic human resource management appears consistent with that suggestion, it is done here integrating frameworks of competitive strategy and human resource management practices using the rationale of needed employee role behaviors and cost and market conditions. This is then merged with business life-cycles stages creating a contingency framework for understanding the impact of strategic human resource management on industrial relations. This is done also using the rationale of cost and market conditions and needed employee role behaviors. The integrated competitive strategy-human resource management model is extended by inclusion of strategic targets and industry chain. The implications for industrial relations are laced throughout the discussion along with three sets of propositions. Implications for employers, employees, unions, and government are presented in the summary and conclusions. Here, the dynamic and proactive role of employers is placed into perspective.
Fairness in Personnel Selection: A Meta-Analysis and Policy Implications
Tập 45 Số 5 - Trang 489-506 - 1992
Joseph J. Martocchio, Ellen M. Whitener
Previous research has suggested that selection procedures and performance evaluations are not unfair to minorities. Results of a meta-analysis indicated that Whites performed higher than non-Whites on cognitive ability tests (d = .464) and on supervisory ratings (d = .284), but not on objective results (d = -.009) and that validities between the tests and ratings and results were not significantly different. In addition, a comparison of predicted to actual mean standardized criterion differences between White and non-White subgroups suggested that cognitive ability underpredicted actual differences in supervisory ratings. These results imply that researchers and policymakers need to continue to evaluate fairness in testing and performance evaluation because, contrary to prior evidence, the use of cognitive ability tests may indeed be unfair to non-Whites.
Does gender bias against female leaders persist? Quantitative and qualitative data from a large-scale survey
Tập 64 Số 12 - Trang 1555-1578 - 2011
Kim M. Elsesser, Janet Lever
The present study of 60,470 women and men examined evaluations of participants’ current managers as well as their preferences for male and female managers, in general. A cross-sex bias emerged in the ratings of one’s current boss, where men judged their female bosses more favorably and women judged male bosses more favorably. The quality of relationships between subordinates and managers were the same for competent male and female managers. A small majority (54%) of participants claimed to have no preference for the gender of their boss, but the remaining participants reported preferring male over female bosses by more than a 2:1 ratio. Qualitative analysis of the participants’ justifications for this preference are presented, and results are discussed within the framework of role congruity theory.
An analysis of bias in supervisor narrative comments in performance appraisal
Tập 63 Số 12 - Trang 1903-1933 - 2010
Kathlyn Y. Wilson
This study explored supervisors’ explanations for performance ratings assigned to subordinates. It was suggested that supervisors may emphasize a different set of factors across groups in arriving at an overall evaluation that would reflect different implicit theories of performance for different ethnic groups. Operationally, these differences were predicted to be reflected as differences across groups in the factors cited by supervisors in justifying their performance ratings of subordinates. The study also examined the consistency between these assigned ratings and the written justifications. Using a sample of bank staff, supervisors’ written summaries of subordinate performance were content analyzed to identify the types of comments made across groups and the match or mismatch with overall ratings. Hypotheses received partial support.The results are interpreted in light of the literature on group differences in performance ratings, and implications for future research and practice are discussed.