
European Food Research and Technology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Verlag , SPRINGER

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BiochemistryIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringFood ScienceBiotechnologyChemistry (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tập 70 - Trang 540-563 - 1935
W. Ludorff, R. Grau, H. J. Steinbeck, W. Schreiber, J. Großfeld, Fr. Bartschat, O. Windhausen, E. Vogt, F. Lamprecht
Flavonole und Flavone der Gemüsearten V. Flavonole und Flavone des Wurzelgemüses
Tập 159 - Trang 265-270 - 1975
Wolfgang Eloesser, Karl Herrmann
Wurzelgemüse enthält Spuren bis geringe Mengen an Flavon(ol)-glykosiden, während die Blätter der gleichen Species zum Teil beträchtliche Gehalte (bis über 1 g/kg, berechnet als Aglykon) aufweisen. Rettiche, Kohlrüben, Schwarzwurzeln und Rote Beete enthielten < 1 mg/kg Kämpferol und/oder Quercetin, Möhren < 1 mg/kg Apigenin und Luteolin, Sellerie hingegen ca. 75 mg Apigenin/kg und ca. 14 mg Luteolin/kg, Meerrettich ca. 20 mg Kämpferol/kg und Radieschen 1–10 mg Kämpferol/kg als Glykoside. Dünnschichtchromatographisch wurden in Radieschenblättern der Sorte „Eiszapfen” neben Isoquercitrin (Quercetin-3-glucosid) je ein Quercetin-3-0-diglycosid und ein Kämpferol-0-diglykosid, beide mit den Zuckern Rhanmose und Arabinose, aufgefunden.
Keimzahl und Florazusammensetzung bei Hackfleisch unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Enterobakterien und Pseudomonaden
Tập 158 - Trang 321-331 - 1975
Alfons Kleeberger, Martin Busse
Die wichtigste Keimgruppe bei frischem Hackfleisch sind dieMicrococcaeae. Daneben stellenLaktobazillen, Pseudomonaden undEnterobakterien relativ hohe Floraanteile. In verdorbenem Hackfleisch wird die Bakterienflora durchLaktobazillen undPseudomonaden bestimmt.Enterobakterien spielen vor allem bei erhöhten Verderbstemperaturen (15°C) eine Rolle. Eine nähere Bearbeitung von 1076 Kulturen vonEnterobakterien und 915 Kulturen vonPseudomonaden führte zu folgenden Ergebnissen. DieEnterobakterienflora des Hackfleisches besteht im wesentlichen aus Vertretern vonEnterobacter liquefaciens, Erwinia, Citrobacter undKlebsiella. Dabei treten zum Zeitpunkt des Verderbs vor allemEnterobacter liquefaciens undErwinia in den Vordergrund. Grundsäich ähnelt sich jedoch dieEnterobakterien-Flora von frischem und verdorbenem Hackfleisch. Dasselbe gilt für diePseudomonasflora, die zu 60–70% ausPseudomonas fragi besteht. Die Gesamtkeimzahl des Hackfleisches unterliegt großSchwan kungen.
Recovery of flavanones from wastes of industrially processed lemons
Tập 206 - Trang 404-407 - 1998
M. D. Coll, L. Coll, J. Laencina, F. A. Tomás-Barberán
 The flavonoids present in the wastes and residues obtained during the industrial processing of lemons were characterized and quantified. Selected products of the juice-extraction line and essential-oil-recovery line were studied. Industrial lemon juice is characterized by containing hesperidin and eriocitrin as the main flavonoid glycosides (130 μg/ml), other minor flavanones and C-glycosylflavones. After the concentration process, the concentrated juice contained a 5-fold increase in the concentration of flavonoids, but some of the hesperidin present in the initial juice was lost. The flavanone glycosides were mainly concentrated in the peel and solid residues, where hesperidin was present as the prevailing flavonoid with concentrations of up to three times higher than those of eriocitrin. In liquid residues eriocitrin was the main flavonoid. The solid residues (peel and frit precipitates) were the most interesting sources for the industrial recovery of flavonoids (13 kg/t processed lemons).
Tập 173 - Trang 306-307 - 1981
H. -D. Belitz, P. W. Kittner, W. Feldheim, J. Buchberger
Proteolysis of Cacioricotta cheese made from goat milk coagulated with caprifig (Ficus carica sylvestris) or calf rennet
Tập 234 - Trang 527-533 - 2012
M. Faccia, G. Picariello, A. Trani, P. Loizzo, G. Gambacorta, C. Lamacchia, A. Di Luccia
A study was undertaken on Cacioricotta, a traditional Italian goat’s cheese obtained from overheated milk (90 °C) without use of starter. The profile of proteolysis in the artisanal type, made with vegetable coagulant (latex released from caprifig branches) as milk clotting agent, was compared to that of the “industrial” one, manufactured with calf rennet. Particular aim of the investigation was to study the differences and, possibly, establish a useful tool for distinguishing the two types of cheese. The study was based on the quantification of the water soluble, 15% TCA soluble and amino acid nitrogen fractions, RP-HPLC separation of low molecular weight peptides and their identification by mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS). The use of fig latex was associated to higher amounts of the nitrogen fractions and to RP-HPLC chromatograms very rich in peptides, in contrast to an almost complete lack of peptides in the industrial counterpart. These results confirm the strong proteolyitic activity exerted by the caprifig clotting enzymes in spite of the intense overheating of the milk, which is considered to cause reduction of the rate of casein degradation in cheese. The MS-based identification of several peptides provided a support at the molecular level for the characterization of Cacioricotta made with this vegetable coagulant and could be useful for “tracing back” purposes. In conclusion, the peptide pattern determined by the use of caprifig for milk coagulation can be considered a particular feature of the artisanal Cacioricotta, giving confirmation of its vocation to EU protection as typical product.
Weitere Beiträge zur Untersuchung von Käse
Tập 19 - Trang 475-484 - 1910
P. Buttenberg, W. Koenig
Speisefette und -�le
Tập 136 Số 1 - Trang 101-102 - 1967
Effect of environmental factors [air and UV-C irradiation] on some fresh fruit juices
Tập 234 - Trang 1063-1070 - 2012
A. Rameshkumar, T. Sivasudha, R. Jeyadevi, D. Arul Ananth, G. Pradeepha
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of environmental factors (air and UV-C irradiation) on various common fruits juices (lemon, orange, papaya and grape). Total phenolics, total ascorbic acid (AA) content and antioxidant capability were determined in atmospheric air oxidation on fresh fruit juices, and the effect of UV-C irradiation on AA was investigated in both fresh fruit juices and commercial AA using RP-HPLC. The total phenolics content was found to be 92.46 ± 1.5, 41.53 ± 2.1, 138.56 ± 2.3 and 110.54 ± 3.9 mg/100 ml of lemon, orange, papaya and grape juices, respectively. DPPH radical–scavenging activity of the fresh juices was 94.53 ± 3.1, 82.36 ± 2.2, 94.65 ± 3.5 and 90.74 ± 2.6 percentage, whereas the 1-day-old fruit juices showed reduced scavenging activity when compared to fresh juices. Total phenolic (TP) and DPPH-scavenging activity were significantly decreased in the mean at P < 0.05 level. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content of fresh fruit juices was determined through RP-HPLC; fruit juices that were kept in open container for 24 hrs and that were treated with UV irradiation have shown a decrease in AA content, when compared with control fresh juice samples. AA degradation increased with high significant differences at P < 0.001 level, with the increase in oxidation time in atmospheric air and UV-C radiation.