Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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On Sharp Olsen’s and Trace Inequalities for Multilinear Fractional Integrals
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 59 - Trang 1039-1050 - 2022
Loukas Grafakos, Alexander Meskhi
We establish a sharp Olsen type inequality $ \big \| g {\mathcal {I}}_{\alpha }(f_{1}, {\dots } , f_{m}) \big \|_{{L^{q}_{r}} } \leq C \big \| g \big \|_{L^{q}_{\ell } } \prod\limits_{j=1}^{m} \big \| f_{j}\big \|_{L^{p_{j}}_{s_{j}}} $ for multilinear fractional integrals ${\mathcal {I}}_{\alpha }(\vec {f} ) (x) = \int \limits _{({\Bbb {R}}^{n})^{m}}\frac {f_{1}(y_{1}){\cdots } f_{m}(y_{m})}{(|x-y_{1}|+ {\cdots } + |x-y_{m}|)^{mn-\alpha }} d\vec {y}, x\in {\Bbb {R}}^{n}$ , 0 < α < mn, where ${L^{q}_{r}}$ , $L^{q}_{\ell }$ , $L^{p_{j}}_{s_{j}}$ , j = 1,…,m, are Morrey space with indices satisfying certain homogeneity conditions. This inequality is sharp because it gives necessary and sufficient condition on a weight function V for which the inequality $ \big \|{\mathcal {I}}_{\alpha }(f_{1}, {\dots } , f_{m}) \big \|_{{L^{q}_{r}}(V) } \leq C \prod\limits_{j=1}^{m} \big \| f_{j}\big \|_{L^{p_{j}}_{s_{j}}} $ holds. Morrey spaces play an important role in relation to regularity problems of solutions of partial differential equations. They describe the integrability more precisely than Lebesgue spaces. We also derive a characterization of the trace inequality $ \big \| B_{\alpha } (f_{1},f_{2})\big \|_{{L^{q}_{r}}(d\mu ) } \leq C \prod\limits_{j=1}^{2} \big \| f_{j}\big \|_{L^{p_{j}}_{s_{j}} ({\Bbb {R}}^{n}) }, $ in terms of a Borel measure μ, where Bα is the bilinear fractional integral operator given by the formula $ B_{\alpha }(f_{1},f_{2})(x) =\int \limits _{{\Bbb {R}}^{n}} \frac {f_{1}(x+t)f_{2}(x-t)}{|t|^{n-\alpha }} dt, 0< \alpha
Well-posedness and Large Deviations of the Stochastic Modified Camassa-Holm Equation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 45 - Trang 331-354 - 2016
Yong Chen, Hongjun Gao
In this paper, the stochastic modified Camassa-Holm (MCH) equation is concerned. Firstly, the local well-posedness for this equation is established by the trilinear estimates to the approximate solutions. Then the large deviation principle (LDP) for the regularized stochastic MCH is obtained by the weak convergence approach. To get the LDP for stochastic MCH, some exponentially equivalents of the probability measures are proved. The regularization method plays an crucial role.
Recurrent Dirichlet Forms and Markov Property of Associated Gaussian Fields
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 49 - Trang 609-633 - 2017
Masatoshi Fukushima, Yoichi Oshima
For the extended Dirichlet space $\mathcal {F}_{e}$ of a general irreducible recurrent regular Dirichlet form $(\mathcal {E},\mathcal {F})$ on L 2(E;m), we consider the family $\mathbb {G}(\mathcal {E})=\{X_{u};u\in \mathcal {F}_{e}\}$ of centered Gaussian random variables defined on a probability space $({\Omega }, \mathcal {B}, \mathbb {P})$ indexed by the elements of $\mathcal {F}_{e}$ and possessing the Dirichlet form $\mathcal {E}$ as its covariance. We formulate the Markov property of the Gaussian field $\mathbb {G}(\mathcal {E})$ by associating with each set A ⊂ E the sub-σ-field σ(A) of $\mathcal {B}$ generated by X u for every $u\in \mathcal {F}_{e}$ whose spectrum s(u) is contained in A. Under a mild absolute continuity condition on the transition function of the Hunt process associated with $(\mathcal {E}, \mathcal {F})$ , we prove the equivalence of the Markov property of $\mathbb {G}(\mathcal {E})$ and the local property of $(\mathcal {E},\mathcal {F})$ . One of the key ingredients in the proof is in that we construct potentials of finite signed measures of zero total mass and show that, for any Borel set B with m(B) > 0, any function $u\in \mathcal {F}_{e}$ with s(u) ⊂ B can be approximated by a sequence of potentials of measures supported by B.
Exponential Contraction in Wasserstein Distances for Diffusion Semigroups with Negative Curvature
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 53 - Trang 1123-1144 - 2020
Feng-Yu Wang
Let Pt be the (Neumann) diffusion semigroup Pt generated by a weighted Laplacian on a complete connected Riemannian manifold M without boundary or with a convex boundary. It is well known that the Bakry-Emery curvature is bounded below by a positive constant ≪> 0 if and only if $$W_{p}(\mu_{1}P_{t}, \mu_{2}P_{t})\leq e^{-\ll t} W_{p} (\mu_{1},\mu_{2}),\ \ t\geq 0, p\geq 1 $$ holds for all probability measures μ1 and μ2 on M, where Wp is the Lp Wasserstein distance induced by the Riemannian distance. In this paper, we prove the exponential contraction $$W_{p}(\mu_{1}P_{t}, \mu_{2}P_{t})\leq ce^{-\ll t} W_{p} (\mu_{1},\mu_{2}),\ \ p \geq 1, t\geq 0$$ for some constants c,≪> 0 for a class of diffusion semigroups with negative curvature where the constant c is essentially larger than 1. Similar results are derived for SDEs with multiplicative noise by using explicit conditions on the coefficients, which are new even for SDEs with additive noise.
The Berezin Transform of Toeplitz Operators on the Weighted Bergman Space
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 57 - Trang 263-281 - 2021
Cezhong Tong, Junfeng Li, Hicham Arroussi
In this paper, we obtain some interesting reproducing kernel estimates and some Carleson properties that play an important role. We characterize the bounded and compact Toeplitz operators on the weighted Bergman spaces with Békollé-Bonami weights in terms of Berezin transforms. Moreover, we estimate the essential norm of them assuming that they are bounded.
Harnack Inequalities and Applications for Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Semigroups with Jump
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2011
Shun-Xiang Ouyang, Michael Röckner, Feng-Yu Wang
The Harnack inequality established in Röckner and Wang (J Funct Anal 203:237–261, 2003) for generalized Mehler semigroup is improved and generalized. As applications, the log-Harnack inequality, the strong Feller property, the hyper-bounded property, and some heat kernel inequalities are presented for a class of O-U type semigroups with jump. These inequalities and semigroup properties are indeed equivalent, and thus sharp, for the Gaussian case. As an application of the log-Harnack inequality, the HWI inequality is established for the Gaussian case. Perturbations with linear growth are also investigated.
Dual Spaces for Weak Martingale Hardy Spaces Associated with Rearrangement-Invariant Spaces
Springer Science and Business Media LLC -
Xingyan Quan, Niyonkuru Silas, Guangheng Xie
Problèmes elliptiques à frontière libre axi-symétriques: Estimation du diamètre de la section au moyen de la capacité
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 61-72 - 1996
Le but de cet article est d'estimer la capacité d'un pétit segment [a(1−ε), a(1+ε)]×{z=0} du démi-plan П := {x = (r, z)|r > 0, z ∈ ℝ} de ℝ2 par rapport à la capacité définie par la norme $$\left\| u \right\|_{H_L }^2 = \int_\prod u Lu r dr dz: = \int_\prod \{ u_r^2 + u_z^2 \} r^{ - k} dr dz$$ . Ce résultat est ensuite utilisé pour estimer le diamètre de la surface libre de certains problèmes elliptiques non linéaires.
Radially Symmetric Functions as Fixed Points of some Logarithmic Operators
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 83-89 - 1998
In this note we show that for f ∈ C((0,∞); R+) ∩ C1 ((0,∞)) with support in [0,∞), if a function u ∈ C1(R2) is such that support (u+) is compact and u(x) = ∫R2 f(u(y)) log 1/(|x-y|)dy ∀ x, then u is radial. This result is important for some free boundary problems in R2 or some axisymmetric ones in Rn.
Théorie du potentiel pour des opérateurs elliptiques non linéaires du second ordre à coefficients discontinus
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 255-271 - 2001
Azeddine Baalal
Let Ω a open subset of ℝ n , n⩾3, and Ω⊂ $$\overline \omega$$ ⊂Ω an open. Existence and unicity are proved for the Dirichlet problem $$\left\{ \begin{gathered} \mathcal{L}u: = - \sum\nolimits_j {\frac{\partial }{{\partial x_j }}} \left( {\sum\nolimits_j {\alpha _{ij} \frac{{\partial u}}{{\partial x_i }} + \delta _j u} } \right) + \mathcal{B}( \cdot ,u,\nabla u) = 0, {\text{in }}\omega ; \hfill \\ u = g, {\text{on }}\partial \omega {\text{.}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$ It is assumed that the linear part of ℒ satisfy the conditions of Hervé, ℬ(·,u,∇u): Ω×ℝ×ℝ n →ℝ satisfy Carathéodory's condition and structure conditions (H1), (H2) and (H3) below. Let H denote the sheaf of L-solutions, we prove that (Ω,H) is a nonlinear Bauer harmonic space.
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