
Scientific Reports




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The ER stress regulator Bip mediates cadmium-induced autophagy and neuronal senescence
Tập 6 Số 1
Tao Wang, Yan Yuan, Hui Zou, Jin‐Long Yang, Suping Zhao, Yonggang Ma, Yi Wang, Jianchun Bian, Zongping Liu, Jianhong Gu, Jiaqiao Zhu
AbstractAutophagy is protective in cadmium (Cd)-induced oxidative damage. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has been shown to induce autophagy in a process requiring the unfolded protein response signalling pathways. Cd treatment significantly increased senescence in neuronal cells, which was aggravated by 3-MA or silencing of Atg5 and abolished by rapamycin. Cd increased expression of ER stress regulators Bip, chop, eIf2α, and ATF4, and activated autophagy as evidenced by upregulated LC3. Moreover, the ER stress inhibitor mithramycin inhibited the expression of ER stress protein chaperone Bip and blocked autophagic flux. Downregulating Bip significantly blocked the conversion of LC3-I to LC3-II, decreased LC3 puncta formation, and prevented the increase of senescence in PC12 cells. Interestingly, knocking down Bip regulated the expression of p-AMPK, p-AKT and p-s6k induced by Cd. BAPTA, a Bip inhibitor, decreased the expression of p-AMPK and LC3-II, but enhanced neuronal senescence. In addition, we found that siRNA for Bip enhanced GATA4 expression after 6 h Cd exposure in PC12 cells, while rapamycin treatment decreased GATA4 levels induced by 24 h Cd exposure. These results indicate that autophagy degraded GATA4 in a Bip-dependent way. Our findings suggest that autophagy regulated by Bip expression after ER stress suppressed Cd-induced neuronal senescence.
Drug vaping applied to cannabis: Is “Cannavaping” a therapeutic alternative to marijuana?
Tập 6 Số 1
Vincent Varlet, Nicolas Concha‐Lozano, Aurélie Berthet, Grégory Plateel, Bernard Favrat, Mariangela De Cesare, Estelle Lauer, Marc Augsburger, Aurélien Thomas, Christian Giroud
AbstractTherapeutic cannabis administration is increasingly used in Western countries due to its positive role in several pathologies. Dronabinol or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) pills, ethanolic cannabis tinctures, oromucosal sprays or table vaporizing devices are available but other cannabinoids forms can be used. Inspired by the illegal practice of dabbing of butane hashish oil (BHO), cannabinoids from cannabis were extracted with butane gas and the resulting concentrate (BHO) was atomized with specific vaporizing devices. The efficiency of “cannavaping,” defined as the “vaping” of liquid refills for e-cigarettes enriched with cannabinoids, including BHO, was studied as an alternative route of administration for therapeutic cannabinoids. The results showed that illegal cannavaping would be subjected to marginal development due to the poor solubility of BHO in commercial liquid refills (especially those with high glycerin content). This prevents the manufacture of liquid refills with high BHO concentrations adopted by most recreational users of cannabis to feel the psychoactive effects more rapidly and extensively. Conversely, “therapeutic cannavaping” could be an efficient route for cannabinoids administration because less concentrated cannabinoids-enriched liquid refills are required. However, the electronic device marketed for therapeutic cannavaping should be carefully designed to minimize potential overheating and contaminant generation.
Characterization and Modeling of Nonfilamentary Ta/TaOx/TiO2/Ti Analog Synaptic Device
Tập 5 Số 1
Yukui Zhang, Yen-Chuan Lin, I‐Ting Wang, Tzu‐Ping Lin, Tuo‐Hung Hou
AbstractA two-terminal analog synaptic device that precisely emulates biological synaptic features is expected to be a critical component for future hardware-based neuromorphic computing. Typical synaptic devices based on filamentary resistive switching face severe limitations on the implementation of concurrent inhibitory and excitatory synapses with low conductance and state fluctuation. For overcoming these limitations, we propose a Ta/TaOx/TiO2/Ti device with superior analog synaptic features. A physical simulation based on the homogeneous (nonfilamentary) barrier modulation induced by oxygen ion migration accurately reproduces various DC and AC evolutions of synaptic states, including the spike-timing-dependent plasticity and paired-pulse facilitation. Furthermore, a physics-based compact model for facilitating circuit-level design is proposed on the basis of the general definition of memristor devices. This comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of the promising electronic synapse can facilitate realizing large-scale neuromorphic systems.
Emulating short-term synaptic dynamics with memristive devices
Tập 6 Số 1
Radu Berdan, Eleni Vasilaki, Ali Khiat, Giacomo Indiveri, Alexantrou Serb, Themistoklis Prodromakis
AbstractNeuromorphic architectures offer great promise for achieving computation capacities beyond conventional Von Neumann machines. The essential elements for achieving this vision are highly scalable synaptic mimics that do not undermine biological fidelity. Here we demonstrate that single solid-state TiO2 memristors can exhibit non-associative plasticity phenomena observed in biological synapses, supported by their metastable memory state transition properties. We show that, contrary to conventional uses of solid-state memory, the existence of rate-limiting volatility is a key feature for capturing short-term synaptic dynamics. We also show how the temporal dynamics of our prototypes can be exploited to implement spatio-temporal computation, demonstrating the memristors full potential for building biophysically realistic neural processing systems.
Depletion of tRNA-halves enables effective small RNA sequencing of low-input murine serum samples
Tập 6 Số 1
Alan Van Goethem, Nurten Yigit, Celine Everaert, Myrthala Moreno‐Smith, Liselot Mus, Eveline Barbieri, Frank Speleman, Pieter Mestdagh, Jason M. Shohet, Tom Van Maerken, Jo Vandesompele
AbstractThe ongoing ascent of sequencing technologies has enabled researchers to gain unprecedented insights into the RNA content of biological samples. MiRNAs, a class of small non-coding RNAs, play a pivotal role in regulating gene expression. The discovery that miRNAs are stably present in circulation has spiked interest in their potential use as minimally-invasive biomarkers. However, sequencing of blood-derived samples (serum, plasma) is challenging due to the often low RNA concentration, poor RNA quality and the presence of highly abundant RNAs that dominate sequencing libraries. In murine serum for example, the high abundance of tRNA-derived small RNAs called 5′ tRNA halves hampers the detection of other small RNAs, like miRNAs. We therefore evaluated two complementary approaches for targeted depletion of 5′ tRNA halves in murine serum samples. Using a protocol based on biotinylated DNA probes and streptavidin coated magnetic beads we were able to selectively deplete 95% of the targeted 5′ tRNA half molecules. This allowed an unbiased enrichment of the miRNA fraction resulting in a 6-fold increase of mapped miRNA reads and 60% more unique miRNAs detected. Moreover, when comparing miRNA levels in tumor-carrying versus tumor-free mice, we observed a three-fold increase in differentially expressed miRNAs.
Reversible interconversion and maintenance of mammary epithelial cell characteristics by the ligand-regulated EGFR system
Tập 6 Số 1
Shinji Fukuda, Hisayo Nishida‐Fukuda, Daisuke Nanba, Koh‐ichi Nakashiro, Haruhiko Nakayama, Hiroyuki Kubota, Shigeki Higashiyama
AbstractEpithelial cell plasticity is controlled by extracellular cues, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully understood. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and amphiregulin (AREG) are high- and low-affinity ligands for EGF receptor (EGFR), respectively. EGFR signaling is known to promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by the activation of ERK and the induction of an EMT transcription factor, ZEB1. Here, we demonstrate that ligand-switching between EGF and AREG at equivalent molarity reversibly interconverts epithelial and mesenchymal-like states of EGFR signal-dependent mammary epithelial cells. The EGF- and AREG-cultured cells also differ in their epithelial characteristics, including the expression of cell surface markers, the mode of migration and the ability for acinus-formation. The ligand-switching between EGF and AREG temporally alters strength of the shared EGFR-ERK signaling. This alteration inverts relative expression levels of ZEB1 and its antagonizing microRNAs, miR-205 and miR-200c, those are critical determinants of the epithelial phenotype. Further, AREG-induced EGFR accumulation on the plasma membrane compensates for the weak association between AREG and EGFR. The EGFR dynamics enables AREG to support proliferation as efficiently as EGF at equivalent molarity and to maintain epithelial characteristics. Our findings reveal a role of EGFR ligands-generated signal strength in the regulation of mammary epithelial cell plasticity.
FAMSA: Fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment of huge protein families
Tập 6 Số 1
Sebastian Deorowicz, Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz, Adam Gudyś
AbstractRapid development of modern sequencing platforms has contributed to the unprecedented growth of protein families databases. The abundance of sets containing hundreds of thousands of sequences is a formidable challenge for multiple sequence alignment algorithms. The article introduces FAMSA, a new progressive algorithm designed for fast and accurate alignment of thousands of protein sequences. Its features include the utilization of the longest common subsequence measure for determining pairwise similarities, a novel method of evaluating gap costs, and a new iterative refinement scheme. What matters is that its implementation is highly optimized and parallelized to make the most of modern computer platforms. Thanks to the above, quality indicators, i.e. sum-of-pairs and total-column scores, show FAMSA to be superior to competing algorithms, such as Clustal Omega or MAFFT for datasets exceeding a few thousand sequences. Quality does not compromise on time or memory requirements, which are an order of magnitude lower than those in the existing solutions. For example, a family of 415519 sequences was analyzed in less than two hours and required no more than 8 GB of RAM. FAMSA is available for free at
A Comparative Analysis of Community Detection Algorithms on Artificial Networks
Tập 6 Số 1
Zhao Yang, René Algesheimer, Claudio J. Tessone
AbstractMany community detection algorithms have been developed to uncover the mesoscopic properties of complex networks. However how good an algorithm is, in terms of accuracy and computing time, remains still open. Testing algorithms on real-world network has certain restrictions which made their insights potentially biased: the networks are usually small, and the underlying communities are not defined objectively. In this study, we employ the Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi benchmark graph to test eight state-of-the-art algorithms. We quantify the accuracy using complementary measures and algorithms’ computing time. Based on simple network properties and the aforementioned results, we provide guidelines that help to choose the most adequate community detection algorithm for a given network. Moreover, these rules allow uncovering limitations in the use of specific algorithms given macroscopic network properties. Our contribution is threefold: firstly, we provide actual techniques to determine which is the most suited algorithm in most circumstances based on observable properties of the network under consideration. Secondly, we use the mixing parameter as an easily measurable indicator of finding the ranges of reliability of the different algorithms. Finally, we study the dependency with network size focusing on both the algorithm’s predicting power and the effective computing time.
Metabolic Reconstruction and Modeling Microbial Electrosynthesis
Tập 7 Số 1
C. W. Marshall, Daniel E. Ross, Kim M. Handley, Pamela Weisenhorn, Janaka N. Edirisinghe, Christopher S. Henry, Jack A. Gilbert, Harold D. May, R. Sean Norman
AbstractMicrobial electrosynthesis is a renewable energy and chemical production platform that relies on microbial cells to capture electrons from a cathode and fix carbon. Yet despite the promise of this technology, the metabolic capacity of the microbes that inhabit the electrode surface and catalyze electron transfer in these systems remains largely unknown. We assembled thirteen draft genomes from a microbial electrosynthesis system producing primarily acetate from carbon dioxide, and their transcriptional activity was mapped to genomes from cells on the electrode surface and in the supernatant. This allowed us to create a metabolic model of the predominant community members belonging to Acetobacterium, Sulfurospirillum, and Desulfovibrio. According to the model, the Acetobacterium was the primary carbon fixer, and a keystone member of the community. Transcripts of soluble hydrogenases and ferredoxins from Acetobacterium and hydrogenases, formate dehydrogenase, and cytochromes of Desulfovibrio were found in high abundance near the electrode surface. Cytochrome c oxidases of facultative members of the community were highly expressed in the supernatant despite completely sealed reactors and constant flushing with anaerobic gases. These molecular discoveries and metabolic modeling now serve as a foundation for future examination and development of electrosynthetic microbial communities.
Occurrence of fibrates and their metabolites in source and drinking water in Shanghai and Zhejiang, China
Tập 7 Số 1
Akiko Ido, Youhei Hiromori, Liping Meng, Haruki Usuda, Hisamitsu Nagase, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi
AbstractFibrates, which are widely used lipidaemic-modulating drugs, are emerging environmental pollutants. However, fibrate concentrations in the environment have not been thoroughly surveyed. Here, we determined concentrations of the most commonly used fibrates and their metabolites in source water and drinking water samples from ten drinking water treatment plants in Shanghai and Zhejiang, China, using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. All the target compounds were detected in at least some of the source water samples, at concentrations ranging from 0.04 ng/L (fenofibrate) to 1.53 ng/L (gemfibrozil). All the compounds except fenofibrate were also detected in at least some of the drinking water samples, at recoveries ranging from 35.5% to 91.7%, suggesting that these compounds are poorly removed by typical drinking water treatment processes. In a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α agonistic activity assay, the target compounds showed no significant activity at nanogram per litre concentrations; therefore, our results suggest that the fibrate concentrations in drinking water in Shanghai and Zhejiang, China do not significantly affect human health. However, because of the increasing westernization of the Chinese diet, fibrate use may increase, and thus monitoring fibrate concentrations in aquatic environments and drinking water in China will become increasingly important.