Materials Theory

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Cell structure formation in a two-dimensional density-based dislocation dynamics model
Materials Theory - Tập 5 - Trang 1-22 - 2021
Ronghai Wu, Michael Zaiser
Cellular patterns formed by self-organization of dislocations are a most conspicuous feature of dislocation microstructure evolution during plastic deformation. To elucidate the physical mechanisms underlying dislocation cell structure formation, we use a minimal model for the evolution of dislocation densities under load. By considering only two slip systems in a plane strain setting, we arrive at a model which is amenable to analytical stability analysis and numerical simulation. We use this model to establish analytical stability criteria for cell structures to emerge, to investigate the dynamics of the patterning process and establish the mechanism of pattern wavelength selection. This analysis demonstrates an intimate relationship between hardening and cell structure formation, which appears as an almost inevitable corollary to dislocation dominated strain hardening. Specific mechanisms such as cross slip, by contrast, turn out to be incidental to the formation of cellular patterns.
Probing the transition from dislocation jamming to pinning by machine learning
Materials Theory - - 2020
Henri Salmenjoki, Lasse Laurson, Mikko J. Alava
Collective motion of dislocations is governed by the obstacles they encounter. In pure crystals, dislocations form complex structures as they become jammed by their anisotropic shear stress fields. On the other hand, introducing disorder to the crystal causes dislocations to pin to these impeding elements and, thus, leads to a competition between dislocation-dislocation and dislocation-disorder interactions. Previous studies have shown that, depending on the dominating interaction, the mechanical response and the way the crystal yields change.Here we employ three-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics simulations with varying density of fully coherent precipitates to study this phase transition − from jamming to pinning − using unsupervised machine learning. By constructing descriptors characterizing the evolving dislocation configurations during constant loading, a confusion algorithm is shown to be able to distinguish the systems into two separate phases. These phases agree well with the observed changes in the relaxation rate during the loading. Our results also give insights on the structure of the dislocation networks in the two phases.
Slip-free multiplication and complexity of dislocation networks in FCC metals
Materials Theory - Tập 5 - Trang 1-24 - 2021
Nicolas Bertin, Ryan B. Sills, Wei Cai, Sh. Akhondzadeh
During plastic deformation of crystalline solids, intricate networks of dislocation lines form and evolve. To capture dislocation density evolution, prominent theories of crystal plasticity assume that 1) multiplication is driven by slip in active slip systems and 2) pair-wise slip system interactions dominate network evolution. In this work, we analyze a massive database of over 100 discrete dislocation dynamics simulations (with cross-slip suppressed), and our findings bring both of these assumptions into question. We demonstrate that dislocation multiplication is commonly observed on slip systems with no applied stress and no plastic strain rate, a phenomenon we refer to as slip-free multiplication. We show that while the formation of glissile junctions provides one mechanism for slip-free multiplication, additional mechanisms which account for the influence of coplanar interactions are needed to fully explain the observations. Unlike glissile junction formation which results from a binary reaction between a pair of slip systems, these new multiplication mechanisms require higher order reactions that lead to complex network configurations. While these complex configurations have not been given much attention previously, they account for about 50% of the line intersections in our database.
#Characterization and Evaluation of Materials #Condensed Matter Physics #Physical Chemistry #Materials Engineering
Pinning of dislocations in disordered alloys: effects of dislocation orientation
Materials Theory - Tập 6 - Trang 1-13 - 2022
Michael Zaiser, Ronghai Wu
The current interest in compositionally complex alloys including so called high entropy alloys has caused renewed interest in the general problem of solute hardening. It has been suggested that this problem can be addressed by treating the alloy as an effective medium containing a random distribution of dilatation and compression centers representing the volumetric misfit of atoms of different species. The mean square stresses arising from such a random distribution can be calculated analytically, their spatial correlations are strongly anisotropic and exhibit long-range tails with third-order power law decay (Geslin and Rodney 2021; Geslin et al. 2021). Here we discuss implications of the anisotropic and long-range nature of the correlation functions for the pinning of dislocations of arbitrary orientation. While edge dislocations are found to follow the standard pinning paradigm, for dislocations of near screw orientation we demonstrate the co-existence of two types of pinning energy minima.
Overdamped langevin dynamics simulations of grain boundary motion
Materials Theory - - 2019
Carolina Baruffi, Alphonse Finel, Yann Le Bouar, Brigitte Bacroix, Oguz Umut Salman
Macroscopic properties of structural materials are strongly dependent on their microstructure. However, the modeling of their evolution is a complex task because of the mechanisms involved such as plasticity, recrystallization, and phase transformations, which are common processes taking place in metallic alloys. This complexity led to a growing interest in atomistic simulations formulated without any auxiliary hypotheses beyond the choice of interatomic potential. In this context, we propose here a model based on an overdamped stochastic evolution of particles interacting through inter-atomic forces. The model settles to the correct thermal equilibrium distribution in canonical and grand-canonical ensembles and is used to study the grain boundary migration. Finally, a comparison of our results with those obtained by molecular dynamics shows that our approach reproduces the complex atomic-scale dynamics of grain boundary migration correctly.
Phase field simulations of FCC to BCC phase transformation in (Al)CrFeNi medium entropy alloys
Materials Theory - Tập 6 - Trang 1-24 - 2022
X. J. Zuo, Y. Coutinho, S. Chatterjee, N. Moelans
Microstructure simulations for quaternary alloys are still a challenge, although it is of high importance for alloy development. This work presents a Phase field (PF) approach capable of resolving phase transformation in a multicomponent system with a simple and effective way to include the thermodynamic and kinetic information for such a complex system. The microstructure evolution during diffusional transformation between FCC and BCC phase at 700 °C for AlCrFeNi alloys was simulated, accounting for composition dependence and off-diagonal terms in the diffusion tensor. The reliability of the presented PF method is validated by comparing the 1-D simulation results with simulations by Diffusion Module (DICTRA) of Thermo-Calc Software. Additionally, 2-D PF simulations of precipitate growth and Ostwald ripening are performed for different alloy systems, and the coarsening behavior is compared. Results showed that thermodynamic and kinetic information is accurately described in the applied PF method. The simulation results show that the diffusion behavior is influenced evidently by variations in the amounts of the different elements in the system. These findings demonstrate the necessity of applying accurate thermodynamic and kinetic models to fully understand the complex interdiffusion behavior in high and medium entropy alloys.
Mixed-mode growth of a multicomponent precipitate in the quasi-steady state regime
Materials Theory - Tập 2 - Trang 1-14 - 2018
Tohid Naseri, Daniel Larouche, Rémi Martinez, Francis Breton
An exact analytical solution of the Fick’s second law was developed and applied to the mixed-mode growth of a multicomponent ellipsoidal precipitate growing with constant eccentricities in the quasi-stationary regime. The solution is exact if the nominal composition, equilibrium concentrations and material properties are assumed constant, and can be applied to compounds having no limitations in the number of components. The solution was compared to the solution calculated by a diffusion-controlled application software and it was found that the solute concentrations at the interface can be determined knowing only the nominal composition, the full equilibrium concentrations and the coefficients of diffusion. The thermodynamic calculations owing to find alternative tie-lines are proven to be useless in the mixed-mode model. From this, it appears that the search of alternative tie-lines is computationally counterproductive, even when the interface has a very high mobility. A more efficient computational scheme is possible by considering that a moving interface is not at equilibrium.
Prospects of quantum computing for molecular sciences
Materials Theory - Tập 6 Số 1
Hongbin Liu, Guang Hao Low, Damian S. Steiger, Thomas Häner, Markus Reiher, Matthias Troyer

Molecular science is governed by the dynamics of electrons and atomic nuclei, and by their interactions with electromagnetic fields. A faithful physicochemical understanding of these processes is crucial for the design and synthesis of chemicals and materials of value for our society and economy. Although some problems in this field can be adequately addressed by classical mechanics, many demand an explicit quantum mechanical description. Such quantum problems require a representation of wave functions that grows exponentially with system size and therefore should naturally benefit from quantum computation on a number of logical qubits that scales only linearly with system size. In this perspective, we elaborate on the potential benefits of quantum computing in the molecular sciences, i.e., in molecular physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science.

An analysis of two classes of phase field models for void growth and coarsening in irradiated crystalline solids
Materials Theory - Tập 2 - Trang 1-36 - 2018
K. Ahmed, A. El-Azab
A formal asymptotic analysis of two classes of phase field models for void growth and coarsening in irradiated solids has been performed to assess their sharp-interface kinetics. It was found that the sharp interface limit of type B models, which include only point defect concentrations as order parameters governed by Cahn-Hilliard equations, captures diffusion-controlled kinetics. It was also found that a type B model reduces to a generalized one-sided classical Stefan problem in the case of a high driving thermodynamic force associated with the void growth stage, while it reduces to a generalized one-sided Mullins-Sekerka problem when the driving force is low in the case of void coarsening. The latter case corresponds to the famous rate theory description of void growth. Type C models, which include point defect concentrations and a non-conserved order parameter to distinguish between the void and solid phases and employ coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations, are shown to represent mixed diffusion and interfacial kinetics. In particular, the Allen-Cahn equation of model C reduces to an interfacial constitutive law representing the attachment and emission kinetics of point defects at the void surface. In the limit of a high driving force associated with the void growth stage, a type C model reduces to a generalized one-sided Stefan problem with kinetic drag. In the limit of low driving forces characterizing the void coarsening stage, however, the model reduces to a generalized one-sided Mullins-Sekerka problem with kinetic drag. The analysis presented here paves the way for constructing quantitative phase field models for the irradiation-driven nucleation and growth of voids in crystalline solids by matching these models to a recently developed sharp interface theory.
Tính toán ứng suất bề mặt cho các hạt nano và lỗ rỗng trong nhôm, silicon và sắt: ảnh hưởng của áp suất và tính hợp lệ của phương trình Young-Laplace Dịch bởi AI
Materials Theory - Tập 5 - Trang 1-18 - 2021
Laurent Pizzagalli, Marie-Laure David
Nghiên cứu này được dành riêng cho việc xác định năng lượng bề mặt và ứng suất của hạt nano và lỗ rỗng trong sự hiện diện của áp suất, và để đánh giá độ chính xác của phương trình Young-Laplace cho các hệ thống này. Các quy trình được đề xuất để trích xuất các đại lượng đó từ các tính toán tiềm năng liên nguyên tử cổ điển, được thực hiện cho ba vật liệu khác nhau: nhôm, silicon và sắt. Các cuộc điều tra của chúng tôi trước tiên tiết lộ sự gia tăng năng lượng bề mặt và ứng suất của hạt nano như một hàm của áp suất. Ngược lại, chúng tôi tìm thấy sự giảm đáng kể đối với các lỗ rỗng, điều này có thể liên quan đến việc khởi phát biến dạng dẻo ở áp suất cao. Chúng tôi chỉ ra rằng phương trình Young-Laplace không nên được sử dụng cho các dự đoán định lượng khi áp suất Laplace được tính toán với một giá trị năng lượng bề mặt không đổi, như thường thấy trong tài liệu. Thay vào đó, một sự cải tiến đáng kể được thu được bằng cách sử dụng ứng suất bề mặt phụ thuộc vào đường kính và áp suất. Trong trường hợp đó, phương trình Young-Laplace có thể được sử dụng với độ chính xác hợp lý ở áp suất thấp cho các hạt nano có đường kính nhỏ tới 4 nm, và 2 nm cho các lỗ rỗng. Ở kích thước nhỏ hơn, hoặc áp suất cao, một yếu tố hạn chế nghiêm trọng là thách thức trong việc trích xuất các giá trị ứng suất bề mặt có ý nghĩa.
#ứng suất bề mặt #hạt nano #lỗ rỗng #nhôm #silicon #sắt #phương trình Young-Laplace #năng lượng bề mặt #áp suất
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