Materials Theory
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Molecular science is governed by the dynamics of electrons and atomic nuclei, and by their interactions with electromagnetic fields. A faithful physicochemical understanding of these processes is crucial for the design and synthesis of chemicals and materials of value for our society and economy. Although some problems in this field can be adequately addressed by classical mechanics, many demand an explicit quantum mechanical description. Such quantum problems require a representation of wave functions that grows exponentially with system size and therefore should naturally benefit from quantum computation on a number of logical qubits that scales only linearly with system size. In this perspective, we elaborate on the potential benefits of quantum computing in the molecular sciences, i.e., in molecular physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science.
We present a quantum algorithm for data classification based on the nearest-neighbor learning algorithm. The classification algorithm is divided into two steps: Firstly, data in the same class is divided into smaller groups with sublabels assisting building boundaries between data with different labels. Secondly we construct a quantum circuit for classification that contains multi control gates. The algorithm is easy to implement and efficient in predicting the labels of test data. To illustrate the power and efficiency of this approach, we construct the phase transition diagram for the metal-insulator transition of
Growth and other dynamical processes in soft materials can create novel types of mesoscopic defects including discontinuities for the second and higher derivatives of the deformation, and terminating defects for these discontinuities. These higher-order defects move “easily", and can thus confer a great degree of flexibility to the material. We develop a general continuum mechanical framework from which we can derive the dynamics of higher order defects in a thermodynamically consistent manner. We illustrate our framework by obtaining the explicit dynamical equations for the next higher order defects in an elastic body beyond dislocations, phase boundaries, and disclinations, namely, surfaces of inflection and branch lines.
Plasticity modelling has long relied on phenomenological models based on ad-hoc assumption of constitutive relations, which are then fitted to limited data. Other work is based on the consideration of physical mechanisms which seek to establish a physical foundation of the observed plastic deformation behavior through identification of isolated defect processes (’mechanisms’) which are observed either experimentally or in simulations and then serve to formulate so-called physically based models. Neither of these approaches is adequate to capture the complexity of plastic deformation which belongs into the realm of emergent collective phenomena, and to understand the complex interplay of multiple deformation pathways which is at the core of modern high performance structural materials. Data based approaches offer alternative pathways towards plasticity modelling whose strengths and limitations we explore here for a simple example, namely the interplay between rate and dislocation density dependent strengthening mechanisms in fcc metals.
In the Portevin–Le Chatelier (PLC) effect sample plastic deformation takes place via localized bands. We present a model to account for band dynamics and the variability the bands exhibit. The approach is tuned to account for strain hardening and the strain-rate dependence for the case of so-called type A (propagating) bands. The main experimental features of the fluctuations are a reduction with strain and increase with the strain rate which is reproduced by a model of plastic deformation with Dynamic Strain Aging, including disorder as a key parameter. Extensions are discussed as are the short-comings in reproducing detailed avalanche statistics.
Since crystal plasticity is the result of moving and interacting dislocations, it seems self-evident that continuum plasticity should in principle be derivable as a statistical continuum theory of dislocations, though in practice we are still far from doing so. One key to any statistical continuum theory of interacting particles is the consideration of spatial correlations. However, because dislocations are extended one-dimensional defects, the classical definition of correlations for point particles is not readily applicable to dislocation systems: the line-like nature of dislocations entails that a scalar pair correlation function does not suffice for characterizing spatial correlations and a hierarchy of two-point tensors is required in general. The extended nature of dislocations as closed curves leads to strong self-correlations along the dislocation line. In the current contribution, we thoroughly introduce the concept of pair correlations for general averaged dislocation systems and illustrate self-correlations as well as the content of low order correlation tensors using a simple model system. We furthermore detail how pair correlation information may be obtained from three-dimensional discrete dislocation simulations and provide a first analysis of correlations from such simulations. We briefly discuss how the pair correlation information may be employed to improve existing continuum dislocation theories and why we think it is important for analyzing discrete dislocation data.