Global Science and Technology Forum
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The study is an applied research aimed to investigate the role of motivation training on future orientation of adolescent in Jatinangor, Indonesia. Future orientation is individual orientation of adolescence in future context. It become a guidance to achieve systematic changes to accomplish their goal (Nurmi 1991). The study used posttest design experimental approach to investigate the role of training. Measurement tools consist of observation notes, training evaluation questioner and future orientation questioner. The results of the study indicated that future orientation of adolescent in Jatinangor considered as high. It shows the object already have clear future orientation. The biggest contribution aspect for their future orientation is motivation. Planning and evaluation aspects are still considered as intermediate level. This result indicates that adolescent still needs to be guided to get strategies and methods in order to plan their future. Motivation training was conducted to assists adolescent to plan and determine their goals and also make strategy to implement their planning. After training, they were more motivated to continue their education to a higher level, aware of education strategy, able to enhance knowledge about interested subject and kind of occupation they can do in the future.
As Moodle (and similar online teaching tools) move into their second decade, it is important to learn how they have caught on among teachers and students. This research attempts to answer the question: Do students and teachers use Moodle to the maximum? A two-part questionnaire was designed to probe student and teacher use of Moodle. Results show that neither students nor teachers take full advantage of what Moodle has to offer.