Development of crop cultivars by honeycomb breeding

Agronomy for Sustainable Development - Tập 32 - Trang 161-180 - 2011
Vasilia A. Fasoula1, Ioannis S. Tokatlidis2
1Center for Applied Genetic Technologies, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
2Department of Agricultural Development, Democritus University of Thrace, Orestiada, Greece

Tóm tắt

The ability of agriculture to adapt to environmental changes and to address main issues of food quality and environment protection is a fundamental factor in achieving sustainability. Low yield capacity of contemporary sustainable farming systems, however, is a major obstacle to future growth of sustainable agriculture. In addition, increasing pressure is placed for higher food supply due to the projected population increase. To overcome these barriers and stimulate the wide adoption of sustainable agriculture, ample supply of cultivars that satisfy the requirements for sustainability without compromising productivity is essential. Otherwise, the viability of sustainable agriculture is unsound. Moreover, plant breeding has to be a non-stop process supporting agriculture because of the ongoing climate changes. The studies of the effects of competition on crop yield and selection efficiency unravelled important findings for plant breeders. Firstly, the uppermost cultivar type is the mono-genotypic and particularly the highest evolutionary grade of ‘pure line’. Secondly, single plant selection is effective only when it is realized in the absence of competition for growth resources. Honeycomb methodology, by considering as a major principle the application of selection in the absence of competition, counteracts the disturbing effects of competition on selection effectiveness. Furthermore, the honeycomb experimental designs cope with the confounding implications of soil heterogeneity. These two findings help breeders to consider the individual plant as an evaluating and selection unit. As a consequence, the development of pure line cultivars that fully meet the needs of a sustainable agriculture is possible. Most importantly, honeycomb breeding exploits effectively not only favourable but marginal environments as well through the development of density-neutral cultivars. Marginal environments are exploited optimally when lower plant populations are used. It is of essence to realize that without the ability of exploiting successfully marginal environments which represent the majority of the production environments globally, sustainability in agriculture becomes problematic.

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