




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell , WILEY

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Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child HealthMedicine (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Tập 71 Số 6 - Trang 979-985 - 1982
Geneviève Spik, B. Brunet, C. Mazurier‐Dehaine, G Fontaine, J Montreuil
ABSTRACT. Human lactotransferrin was characterized in the faecal extracts from breastfed babies. Quantitative determination of human copro‐lactotransferrin from birth for a period of up to 3 weeks showed that the daily elimination decreased from 35 to 5 mg. The amount of copro‐lactotransferrin corresponding to the endogenous secretion was calculated to be from 0.5 to 1mg per day. When a cow's milk diet supplemented by partially or completely iron‐saturated human or bovine lactotransferrin was fed to the babies, the amounts of coprolactotransferrin excreted depended on the origin and on the iron saturation of the lactoransferrin. In particular, the amount of bovine copro‐lactotransferrin in the faeces averaged 200 mg per day. The human and bovine copro‐lactotransferrins were isolated by ion‐exchange chromatography or by affinity chromatography and were still able to bind iron. The fingerprints of native human and bovine lactotransferrins hydrolysed in vitro by infant's gastric or duodenal secretions showed that both proteins were not extensively digested. This demonstrates that these lactotransferrins ingested by babies are not completely destroyed and keep their ability to bind iron, and thus may supplement the bacteriostatic effects of the endogenous lactotransferrin in the intestinal tract.
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and neurological developmental outcome at 18 months in healthy term infants
Tập 94 Số 1 - Trang 26-32 - 2005
Hylco Bouwstra, D.A. Janneke Dijck‐Brouwer, Günther Boehm, E R Boersma, Frits A.J. Muskiet, Mijna Hadders–Algra
Breastfeeding and neurological outcome at 42 months
Tập 87 Số 12 - Trang 1224-1229 - 1998
CI Lanting, Svati Patandin, Nynke Weisglas‐Kuperus, B.C.L. Touwen, E R Boersma
This study investigated the effect of early feeding mode on the neurological condition at 42 months. For this purpose, healthy pregnant women were recruited in Groningen and Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Children were healthy and born at term. At 42 months, the children were neurologically examined by means of the Touwen/Hempel technique. In addition to the clinical diagnosis, the neurological findings were interpreted in terms of optimality. Special attention was paid to the quality of movements in terms of fluency. In total, 200 (51%) exclusively breastfed (for ≥ 6 weeks) and 194 (49%) formula‐fed children were studied. Twelve (3%) 42‐month‐old children were considered to be neurologically mildly abnormal and 1 child was diagnosed as abnormal. No effect of the type of feeding was found on the clinical diagnosis or the neurological optimality. After adjustments for study centre and social, obstetric, perinatal and neonatal neurological differences, a beneficial effect of breastfeeding on the fluency of movements was found (odds ratio for non‐optimal fluency 0.56; 95% confidence interval 0.37‐0.85). The prolongation of full breastfeeding beyond 6 weeks did not influence the quality of movements. In conclusion, among Dutch preschool children, there was a small advantageous effect of full breastfeeding during the first 6 weeks of life on the fluency of movements.
Systematic review of COVID‐19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults
Tập 109 Số 6 - Trang 1088-1095 - 2020
Jonas F. Ludvigsson
AbstractAimThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic has affected hundreds of thousands of people. Data on symptoms and prognosis in children are rare.MethodsA systematic literature review was carried out to identify papers on COVID‐19, which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), using the MEDLINE and Embase databases between January 1 and March 18, 2020.ResultsThe search identified 45 relevant scientific papers and letters. The review showed that children have so far accounted for 1%‐5% of diagnosed COVID‐19 cases, they often have milder disease than adults and deaths have been extremely rare. Diagnostic findings have been similar to adults, with fever and respiratory symptoms being prevalent, but fewer children seem to have developed severe pneumonia. Elevated inflammatory markers were less common in children, and lymphocytopenia seemed rare. Newborn infants have developed symptomatic COVID‐19, but evidence of vertical intrauterine transmission was scarce. Suggested treatment included providing oxygen, inhalations, nutritional support and maintaining fluids and electrolyte balances.ConclusionsThe coronavirus disease 2019 has occurred in children, but they seemed to have a milder disease course and better prognosis than adults. Deaths were extremely rare.
Eosinophilia Leukaemoides
Tập 32 Số 3-4 - Trang 722-734 - 1945
Per Selander
Overweight and obese children have lower cortisol levels than normal weight children
Tập 103 Số 3 - Trang 295-299 - 2014
Elin Allansson Kjölhede, Per E. Gustafsson, PA Gustafsson, Nina Nelson
AbstractAimThe stress hormone cortisol is vital to survival, and a disturbed circadian rhythm can be deleterious to health. However, little is known about cortisol levels in healthy children. The aim of this study was to examine cortisol levels in relation to body mass index (BMI), age and sex.MethodsSalivary samples were collected in early morning, late morning and evening, on four consecutive days, from 342 children aged 6–12 years using Salivette® tubes. Samples were analysed using a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA). School nurses measured the children's height and weight, and these measurements were used to calculate their BMI.ResultsThe children displayed a circadian rhythm in cortisol secretion, with morning zeniths and evening nadirs. Average cortisol levels in early morning, late morning and evening were significantly lower in overweight and obese children than in their normal weight counterparts. Cortisol levels did not vary significantly with age or sex.ConclusionOur findings may suggest cortisol suppression in overweight and obese children. We found no evidence that sex or age influences cortisol levels. These findings highlight the need for further research on the relationship between stress and obesity in children.
The natural history of cardiac rhabdomyoma with and without tuberous sclerosis
Tập 85 Số 8 - Trang 928-931 - 1996
G. Bosi, Lintermans Jp, Pellegrino Pa, G Svaluto‐Moreolo, André Vliers
The aim of the present study is to contribute to the knowledge of the natural history of cardiac rhabdomyoma in children with and without tuberous sclerosis. In a retrospective study, 33 children with cardiac rhabdomyoma were collected from three pediatric cardiology centres. In 30/33 patients tuberous sclerosis was associated. High prevalence of cardiac rhabdomyoma was found in infancy, with 21/23 detected before the age of 1 year, and 11/33 before 1 month of age. Cardiac manifestations were present in 19 patients: cardiac rhythm disturbances were detected in 13; in 6/33 a Wolff‐Parkinson‐White syndrome was documented, of which 4 presented paroxysmal arrhythmias. Obstructive or regurgitative phenomena were present in 5; and in 2 patients surgical removal proved necessary. With the exception of one tumoural mass in the right atrium, all 77 tumours were located somewhere in the ventricles, including at atrioventricular valve level. Because of spontaneous regression of most of the tumoural masses, treatment should at first be symptomatic, while surgical removal is required only in life‐threatening conditions, as documented in 2 of our 33 patients.
Nasal carriage of <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> in 4–6 age groups in healthy children in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
Tập 96 Số 7 - Trang 1043-1046 - 2007
İhsan Hakkı Çiftçi, Reşit Köken, Ayşegül Bükülmez, Mehmet Özdemir, Birol Şafak, Zafer Çetınkaya
AbstractAim: Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of disease, particularly for colonized persons. Although methicillin‐resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infection has frequently reported, population‐based S. aureus and MRSA colonisation estimates are lacking. Our objective in this report is to present the prevalance of S. aureus carriage among 4–6 age groups healthy children in our region.Methods: Nasal samples for S. aureus culture were obtained from healthy children. Sociodemographic features and the data related with risk factors were obtained from the parents of the children. Nasal swabs were inoculated on to a variety of bacteriological culture media, which were then incubated at 35 ± 1°C for 16–18 h. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of the isolates was determined according to Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI, 2005) guidelines.Results: In this study 1134 children between 4 and 6 years old age were evaluated; 607 (53.5%) of the subjects were boys and 527 (46.5%) were girls. S. aureus was isolated in 322 (28.4%) subjects and MRSA was isolated in 3 (0.3%) subjects of them. All of the MRSA isolates were found in healthcare workers' children.Conclusions: This first assessment of this study is that nearly one third of the 4–6 age group healthy children population present nasal carriage of S. aureus in Turkey. However, it also shows that the rate of MRSA carriage remains low. In addition, it is considered that MRSA colonization may be a risk factor for healthcare workers' children.
Physician specialty is associated with adherence to treatment guidelines for acute otitis media in children
Tập 102 Số 1 - 2013
Zachi Grossman, Barbara Silverman, Dan Miron
AbstractAimTo identify physician and visit characteristics affecting adherence to guidelines recommending delayed antibiotic therapy for acute otitis media (AOM).MethodsWe used physician visit data from an Israeli health maintenance organization to identify children ages 0–15 diagnosed with AOM. We defined early antibiotic treatment as purchase, within 3 days of diagnosis, of antibiotics prescribed by the diagnosing physician. We considered the effect of physician specialty (paediatrician, otolaryngologist, and family physician), day of the week, setting (urgent care/clinic) and clinic location (peripheral/central) on the rate of early treatment.ResultsProportion of cases receiving early treatment dropped from 2002 to 2009 in cases treated by otolaryngologists (47–36%) and paediatricians (46–42%) and increased in cases treated by family physicians (43–50%). Treatment rate was higher in cases treated on weekends than on weekdays (48% vs. 44%), in urgent care as compared to clinic settings (51% vs. 44%), and in children living in peripheral as compared to central areas (52% vs. 38%).ConclusionsSuccessful implementation of delayed treatment of otitis media guidelines requires addressing factors associated with increased early treatment rates.
The Secular Change in Growth and Development
Tập 53 Số 1 - Trang 79-89 - 1964
Harry Bakwin