Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Identification and evaluation of suitable reference genes for RT-qPCR analyses in Trichoderma atroviride under varying light conditions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-9 - 2023
Daniel Flatschacher, Alexander Eschlböck, Susanne Zeilinger
Trichoderma atroviride is a competitive soil-borne mycoparasitic fungus with extensive applications as a biocontrol agent in plant protection. Despite its importance and application potential, reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in T. atroviride have not been evaluated. Light exerts profound effects on physiology, such as growth, conidiation, secondary metabolism, and stress response in T. atroviride, as well as in other fungi. In this study, we aimed to address this gap by identifying stable reference genes for RT-qPCR experiments in T. atroviride under different light conditions, thereby enhancing accurate and reliable gene expression analysis in this model mycoparasite. We measured and compared candidate reference genes using commonly applied statistical algorithms. Under cyclic light–dark cultivation conditions, tbp and rho were identified as the most stably expressed genes, while act1, fis1, btl, and sar1 were found to be the least stable. Similar stability rankings were obtained for cultures grown under complete darkness, with tef1 and vma1 emerging as the most stable genes and act1, rho, fis1, and btl as the least stable genes. Combining the data from both cultivation conditions, gapdh and vma1 were identified as the most stable reference genes, while sar1 and fis1 were the least stable. The selection of different reference genes had a significant impact on the calculation of relative gene expression, as demonstrated by the expression patterns of target genes pks4 and lox1. The data emphasize the importance of validating reference genes for different cultivation conditions in fungi to ensure accurate interpretation of gene expression data.
Ameliorating the drought stress tolerance of a susceptible soybean cultivar, MAUS 2 through dual inoculation with selected rhizobia and AM fungus
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-19 - 2023
Revanna Ashwin, Davis Joseph Bagyaraj, Basavaiah Mohan Raju
Drought stress is currently the primary abiotic stress factor for crop loss worldwide. Although drought stress reduces the crop yield significantly, species and genotypes differ in their stress response; some tolerate the stress effect while others not. In several systems, it has been shown that, some of the beneficial soil microbes ameliorate the stress effect and thereby, minimizing yield losses under stress conditions. Realizing the importance of beneficial soil microbes, a field experiment was conducted to study the effect of selected microbial inoculants namely, N-fixing bacteria, Bradyrhizobium liaoningense and P-supplying arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Ambispora leptoticha on growth and performance of a drought susceptible and high yielding soybean cultivar, MAUS 2 under drought condition. Drought stress imposed during flowering and pod filling stages showed that, dual inoculation consisting of B. liaoningense and A. leptoticha improved the physiological and biometric characteristics including nutrient uptake and yield under drought conditions. Inoculated plants showed an increased number of pods and pod weight per plant by 19% and 34% respectively, while the number of seeds and seed weight per plant increased by 17% and 32% respectively over un-inoculated plants under drought stress condition. Further, the inoculated plants showed higher chlorophyll and osmolyte content, higher detoxifying enzyme activity, and higher cell viability because of less membrane damage compared to un-inoculated plants under stress condition. In addition, they also showed higher water use efficiency coupled with more nutrients accumulation besides exhibiting higher load of beneficial microbes. Dual inoculation of soybean plants with beneficial microbes would alleviate the drought stress effects, thereby allowing normal plants’ growth under stress condition. The study therefore, infers that AM fungal and rhizobia inoculation seems to be necessary when soybean is to be cultivated under drought or water limiting conditions.
Class-II dihydroorotate dehydrogenases from three phylogenetically distant fungi support anaerobic pyrimidine biosynthesis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-18 - 2021
Jonna Bouwknegt, Charlotte C. Koster, Aurin M. Vos, Raúl A. Ortiz-Merino, Mats Wassink, Marijke A. H. Luttik, Marcel van den Broek, Peter L. Hagedoorn, Jack T. Pronk
In most fungi, quinone-dependent Class-II dihydroorotate dehydrogenases (DHODs) are essential for pyrimidine biosynthesis. Coupling of these Class-II DHODHs to mitochondrial respiration makes their in vivo activity dependent on oxygen availability. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and closely related yeast species harbor a cytosolic Class-I DHOD (Ura1) that uses fumarate as electron acceptor and thereby enables anaerobic pyrimidine synthesis. Here, we investigate DHODs from three fungi (the Neocallimastigomycete Anaeromyces robustus and the yeasts Schizosaccharomyces japonicus and Dekkera bruxellensis) that can grow anaerobically but, based on genome analysis, only harbor a Class-II DHOD. Heterologous expression of putative Class-II DHOD-encoding genes from fungi capable of anaerobic, pyrimidine-prototrophic growth (Arura9, SjURA9, DbURA9) in an S. cerevisiae ura1Δ strain supported aerobic as well as anaerobic pyrimidine prototrophy. A strain expressing DbURA9 showed delayed anaerobic growth without pyrimidine supplementation. Adapted faster growing DbURA9-expressing strains showed mutations in FUM1, which encodes fumarase. GFP-tagged SjUra9 and DbUra9 were localized to S. cerevisiae mitochondria, while ArUra9, whose sequence lacked a mitochondrial targeting sequence, was localized to the yeast cytosol. Experiments with cell extracts showed that ArUra9 used free FAD and FMN as electron acceptors. Expression of SjURA9 in S. cerevisiae reproducibly led to loss of respiratory competence and mitochondrial DNA. A cysteine residue (C265 in SjUra9) in the active sites of all three anaerobically active Ura9 orthologs was shown to be essential for anaerobic activity of SjUra9 but not of ArUra9. Activity of fungal Class-II DHODs was long thought to be dependent on an active respiratory chain, which in most fungi requires the presence of oxygen. By heterologous expression experiments in S. cerevisiae, this study shows that phylogenetically distant fungi independently evolved Class-II dihydroorotate dehydrogenases that enable anaerobic pyrimidine biosynthesis. Further structure–function studies are required to understand the mechanistic basis for the anaerobic activity of Class-II DHODs and an observed loss of respiratory competence in S. cerevisiae strains expressing an anaerobically active DHOD from Sch. japonicus.
Volatile organic compounds emitted by Trichoderma species mediate plant growth
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2016
Samantha Lee, Melanie Yap, Gregory Behringer, Richard Hung, Joan W. Bennett
Simple sequence repeat markers that identify Claviceps species and strains
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 1-13 - 2016
Barbara S. Gilmore, Stephen C. Alderman, Brian J. Knaus, Nahla V. Bassil, Ruth C. Martin, James E. Dombrowski, Jeremiah K. S. Dung
Claviceps purpurea is a pathogen that infects most members of Pooideae, a subfamily of Poaceae, and causes ergot, a floral disease in which the ovary is replaced with a sclerotium. When the ergot body is accidently consumed by either man or animal in high enough quantities, there is extreme pain, limb loss and sometimes death. This study was initiated to develop simple sequence repeat (SSRs) markers for rapid identification of C. purpurea. SSRs were designed from sequence data stored at the National Center for Biotechnology Information database. The study consisted of 74 ergot isolates, from four different host species, Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Bromus inermis, and Secale cereale plus three additional Claviceps species, C. pusilla, C. paspali and C. fusiformis. Samples were collected from six different counties in Oregon and Washington over a 5-year period. Thirty-four SSR markers were selected, which enabled the differentiation of each isolate from one another based solely on their molecular fingerprints. Discriminant analysis of principle components was used to identify four isolate groups, CA Group 1, 2, 3, and 4, for subsequent cluster and molecular variance analyses. CA Group 1 consisting of eight isolates from the host species P. pratensis, was separated on the cluster analysis plot from the remaining three groups and this group was later identified as C. humidiphila. The other three groups were distinct from one another, but closely related. These three groups contained samples from all four of the host species. These SSRs are simple to use, reliable and allowed clear differentiation of C. humidiphila from C. purpurea. Isolates from the three separate species, C. pusilla, C. paspali and C. fusiformis, also amplified with these markers. The SSR markers developed in this study will be helpful in defining the population structure and genetics of Claviceps strains. They will also provide valuable tools for plant breeders needing to identify resistance in crops or for researchers examining fungal movements across environments.
Correction to: Aspergillus niger is a superior expression host for the production of bioactive fungal cyclodepsipeptides
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 Số 1 - 2018
Simon Boecker, S. Gratz, Dennis Kerwat, Lutz Adam, David Schirmer, Lennart Richter, Tabea Schütze, Daniel Petras, Roderich D. Süßmuth, Vera Meyer
Multiple genotypes within aecial clusters in Puccinia graminis and Puccinia coronata: improved understanding of the biology of cereal rust fungi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 1-7 - 2017
Anna Berlin, Berit Samils, Björn Andersson
Cereal rust fungi (Puccinia spp.) are among the most economically important plant pathogens. These fungi have a complex life cycle, including five spore stages and two hosts. They infect one grass host on which they reproduce clonally and cause the cereal rust diseases, while the alternate host is required for sexual reproduction. Although previous studies clearly demonstrate the importance of the alternate host in creating genetic diversity in cereal rust fungi, little is known about the amount of novel genotypes created in each successful completion of a sexual reproduction event. In this study, single sequence repeat markers were used to study the genotypic diversity within aecial clusters by genotyping individual aecial cups. Two common cereal rusts, Puccinia graminis causing stem rust and Puccinia coronata the causal agent of crown rust were investigated. We showed that under natural conditions, a single aecial cluster usually include several genotypes, either because a single pycnial cluster is fertilized by several different pycniospores, or because aecia within the cluster are derived from more than one fertilized adjoining pycnial cluster, or a combination of both. Our results imply that although sexual events in cereal rust fungi in most regions of the world are relatively rare, the events that occur may still significantly contribute to the genetic variation within the pathogen populations.
Giải mã ChitoCode: Chitin và chitosan từ nấm như các biopolymer chức năng Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-8 - 2021
Stefan Cord-Landwehr, Bruno M. Moerschbacher
Chitin và chitosan là hai trong số các biopolymer chức năng phổ biến và linh hoạt nhất, có hoạt tính sinh học thú vị và tính chất vật liệu vượt trội. Trong khi chitin là cổ đại về mặt tiến hóa và hiện diện trong nhiều sinh vật nhân thực ngoại trừ thực vật bậc cao và động vật có vú, sự phân bố tự nhiên của chitosan, tức là các dẫn xuất đã khử acetyl hóa nhiều của chitin, thì hạn chế hơn. Bằng chứng rõ ràng cho sự hiện diện của nó chỉ có được ở nấm, nơi chitosan được sản xuất từ chitin thông qua hoạt động của enzym chitin deacetylase. Tuy nhiên, hiện tại không có thông tin về chi tiết cấu trúc như tỷ lệ và mô hình acetyl hóa cũng như vai trò sinh lý của chitosan tự nhiên. Chúng tôi giả thuyết rằng các chitin deacetylase đang tạo ra chitin và chitosan với các mô hình acetyl hóa cụ thể và rằng chúng cung cấp thông tin cho sự tương tác với các protein gắn kết chitin và chitosan cụ thể. Những protein này có thể là các protein cấu trúc liên quan đến việc lắp ráp các ma trận phức tạp chứa chitin và chitosan như thành tế bào nấm và lớp biểu bì côn trùng, các enzym sửa đổi và phân giải chitin và chitosan như chitin deacetylase, chitinase và chitosanase, nhưng cũng có thể là các thụ thể nhận diện chitin và chitosan của hệ miễn dịch bẩm sinh ở thực vật, động vật và con người. Mô hình acetyl hóa, do đó, có thể tạo thành một loại ‘ChitoCode’, và chúng tôi tin rằng các công cụ phân tích mới trên in silico, in vitro và in situ cũng như các phương pháp tổng hợp mới trong công nghệ sinh học enzym và tổng hợp hữu cơ hiện đang cung cấp một cơ hội chưa từng có để giải mã mã này. Chúng tôi dự đoán sẽ có hiểu biết sâu sắc hơn về sinh học của các ma trận chứa chitin và chitosan, bao gồm tổng hợp, lắp ráp, khoáng hóa, phân hủy và cảm nhận của chúng. Điều này sẽ cải thiện công nghệ sinh học chitin và chitosan cũng như phát triển các sản phẩm và ứng dụng dựa trên chitin và chitosan đáng tin cậy, chẳng hạn như trong y tế và nông nghiệp, khoa học thực phẩm và thức ăn gia súc, cũng như mỹ phẩm và khoa học vật liệu.
An approach to change the basic polymer composition of the milled Fomes fomentarius fruiting bodies
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-7 - 2021
Liudmila Kalitukha
Chitin and its derivative chitosan are readily exploited, especially in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, biomedical, chemical, and textile industries. The biopolymers are currently recovered from the crustacean shells after purification from the large amount of proteins and minerals. The key problems are centered around a lot of chemical waste and allergenic potential of the heat-stable remaining proteins. Fungi can be considered as an alternative eco-friendlier source of the chitin and chitosan due to the lower level of inorganic materials and absence of the allergenic proteins. The work presents a new chemical assay to change the composition of the milled Fomes fomentarius fruiting bodies. A gradual 13-fold increase of the chitin amount accompanied by 14-fold decrease of the glucan content was obtained after repetitive alkali-acidic treatment. Raw material contained mainly chitin with 30% degree of deacetylation. After the first and second alkali treatment, the polymer was defined as chitosan with comparable amounts of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and d-glucosamine units. The last treated samples showed an increase of the chitin amount to 80%, along with typical for the natural tinder fibers degree of deacetylation and three-dimensional fibrous hollow structure. A new approach allowed a gradual enrichment of the pulverized Fomes fomentarius fruiting bodies with chitin or chitosan, depending on the extraction conditions. High stability and fibrous structure of the fungal cell walls with a drastically increased chitin ratio let us suggest a possibility of the targeted production of the chitin-enriched fungal material biotechnologically under eco-friendly conditions.
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