Physiologia Plantarum



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Cell BiologyPlant ScienceMedicine (miscellaneous)PhysiologyGenetics

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Physiologia Plantarum is an international journal committed to publishing the best full-length original research papers that advance our understanding of primary mechanisms of plant development, growth and productivity as well as plant interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment. All organisational levels of experimental plant biology – from molecular and cell biology, biochemistry and biophysics to ecophysiology and global change biology – fall within the scope of the journal. The content is distributed between 5 main subject areas supervised by Subject Editors specialised in the respective domain: (1) biochemistry and metabolism, (2) ecophysiology, stress and adaptation, (3) uptake, transport and assimilation, (4) development, growth and differentiation, (5) photobiology and photosynthesis.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Sulfate deficiency stimulates release of dissolved organic matter in synchronous cultures of Scenedesmus obliquus
Tập 52 Số 2 - Trang 233-238 - 1981
Cart J Soeder, Alfred Bolze
In synchronous cultures of the green alga Scenedesmus 276–3a suboptmal sulfate supply increases the concentration of dissolved organics considerably. The highest level of extracellular organic substances occurs at sulfate dosages which reduce growth by 50‐70% as compared to control cultures growing under standard conditions. Sulfate deficiency causes increased synthesis of carbohydrate and reduces the production of crude protein and chlorophyll almost simultaneously at incipient sulfur deficiency. Since the concentration of extracellular organic substance rises at the same time, this symptom of partial sulfur deficiency is interpreted as resulting from an imbalance between the production and utilization of photosynthetic products. Part of the excess carbohydrate is retained in the cells.
Comparative analysis of gene expression under cold acclimation, deacclimation and reacclimation in Arabidopsis
Tập 152 Số 2 - Trang 256-274 - 2014
Youn‐Jung Byun, Mwl Koo, Hye‐Joon Joo, Young‐Mie Ha‐Lee, Dong‐Hee Lee
Cold acclimated plants show an elevated tolerance against subsequent cold stress. Such adaptation requires alterations in gene expression as well as physiological changes. We were interested in gene expression changes at the transcriptional level during adaptation processes. The patterns of transcriptional changes associated with cold acclimation, deacclimation and reacclimation in Arabidopsis leaves were characterized using the Coldstresschip. Gene expression profiles were further analyzed by ‘coexpressed gene sets’ using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Genes involved in signal transduction through calcium, and cascades of kinases and transcription factor genes, were distinctively induced in the early response of cold acclimation. On the other hand, genes involved in antioxidation, cell wall biogenesis and sterol synthesis were upregulated in the late response of cold acclimation. After the removal of cold, the expression patterns of most genes rapidly returned to the original states. However, photosynthetic light‐harvesting complex genes and lipid metabolism‐related genes stayed upregulated in cold deacclimated plants compared to non‐treated plants. It is also notable that many well‐known cold‐inducible genes are slightly induced in reacclimation and their expression remains at relatively low levels in cold reacclimation compared to the expression during the first cold acclimation. The results in this study show the dynamic nature of gene expression occurring during cold acclimation, deacclimation and reacclimation. Our results suggest that there is a memory of cold stress and that the ‘memory of cold stress’ is possibly due to elevated photosynthetic efficiency, modified lipid metabolism, increased calcium signaling, pre‐existing defense protein made during first cold acclimation and/or modified signal transduction from pre‐existing defense protein.
Correlation between hormonal homeostasis and morphogenic responses in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> seedlings growing in a Cd/Cu/Zn multi‐pollution context
Tập 149 Số 4 - Trang 487-498 - 2013
Adriano Sofo, Antonella Vitti, Maria Nuzzaci, Giuseppe Tataranni, Antonio Scopa, Jaco Vangronsveld, Tony Remans, Giuseppina Falasca, Maria Maddalena Altamura, Francesca Degola, Luigi Sanità di Toppi
To date, almost no information is available in roots and shoots of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana about the hierarchic relationship between metal accumulation, phytohormone levels, and glutathione/phytochelatin content, and how this relation affects root development. For this purpose, specific concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc, alone or in triple combination, were supplied for 12 days to in vitro growing seedlings. The accumulation of these metals was measured in roots and shoots, and a significant competition in metal uptake was observed. Microscopic analyses revealed that root morphology was affected by metal exposure, and that the levels of trans‐zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin riboside, indole‐3‐acetic acid and the auxin/cytokinin ratio varied accordingly. By contrast, under metal treatments, minor modifications in gibberellic acid and abscisic acid levels occurred. Real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis of some genes involved in auxin and cytokinin synthesis (e.g. AtNIT in roots and AtIPT in shoots) showed on average a metal up‐regulated transcription. The production of thiol‐peptides was induced by all the metals, alone or in combination, and the expression of the genes involved in thiol‐peptide synthesis (AtGSH1, AtGSH2, AtPCS1 and AtPCS2) was not stimulated by the metals, suggesting a full post‐transcriptional control. Results show that the Cd/Cu/Zn‐induced changes in root morphology are caused by a hormonal unbalance, mainly governed by the auxin/cytokinin ratio.
Regulation of redox homeostasis in the yeast <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>
Tập 120 Số 1 - Trang 12-20 - 2004
Glen L. Wheeler, Chris M. Grant
An increasingly important area of research is based on sulphydryl chemistry, since the oxidation of ‐SH groups is one of the earliest observable events during oxidant‐mediated damage and ‐SH groups play a critical role in the function of many macromolecular structures including enzymes, transcription factors and membrane proteins. Glutaredoxins and thioredoxins are small heat‐stable oxidoreductases, conserved throughout evolution, which play key roles in maintaining the cellular redox balance. Much progress has been made in analysing these systems in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is a very useful model eukaryote due to its ease of genetic manipulation, its compact genome, the availability of the entire genome sequence, and the current rate of progress in gene function research. Yeast, like all eukaryotes, contains a number of glutaredoxin and thioredoxin isoenzymes located in both the cytoplasm and the mitochondria. This review describes recent findings made in yeast that are leading to a better understanding of the regulation and role of redox homeostasis in eukaryotic cell metabolism.
Regulators of Cell Division in Plant Tissues XII. A Cytokinin Bioassay Using Excised Radish Cotyledons
Tập 25 Số 3 - Trang 391-396 - 1971
D. S. Letham
AbstractA rapid bioassay for cytokinins is described. This is based on the ability of these compounds to promote markedly the expansion of radish cotyledons excised soon after seed germination. The response, which is due largely to a promotion of cell enlargement, is inhibited by abscisic acid. Gibberellins, certain amino acids and calcium salts, naturally occurring substances without cytokinin activity, induce small growth increments in the assay. Cytokinin structure‐activity relationships observed for the assay are very similar to those which apply in the tobacco‐pith tissue culture assay.
Scanning ion‐selective electrode technique and X‐ray microanalysis provide direct evidence of contrasting Na<sup>+</sup> transport ability from root to shoot in salt‐sensitive cucumber and salt‐tolerant pumpkin under <scp>NaCl</scp> stress
Tập 152 Số 4 - Trang 738-748 - 2014
Bo Lei, Yuan Huang, Jingyu Sun, Junjun Xie, Mengliang Niu, Zhixiong Liu, Molin Fan, Zhilong Bie
Grafting onto salt‐tolerant pumpkin rootstock can increase cucumber salt tolerance. Previous studies have suggested that this can be attributed to pumpkin roots with higher capacity to limit the transport of Na+ to the shoot than cucumber roots. However, the mechanism remains unclear. This study investigated the transport of Na+ in salt‐tolerant pumpkin and salt‐sensitive cucumber plants under high (200 mM) or moderate (90 mM) NaCl stress. Scanning ion‐selective electrode technique showed that pumpkin roots exhibited a higher capacity to extrude Na+, and a correspondingly increased H+ influx under 200 or 90 mM NaCl stress. The 200 mM NaCl induced Na+/H+ exchange in the root was inhibited by amiloride (a Na+/H+ antiporter inhibitor) or vanadate [a plasma membrane (PM) H+ATPase inhibitor], indicating that Na+ exclusion in salt stressed pumpkin and cucumber roots was the result of an active Na+/H+ antiporter across the PM, and the Na+/H+ antiporter system in salt stressed pumpkin roots was sufficient to exclude Na+. X‐ray microanalysis showed higher Na+ in the cortex, but lower Na+ in the stele of pumpkin roots than that in cucumber roots under 90 mM NaCl stress, suggesting that the highly vacuolated root cortical cells of pumpkin roots could sequester more Na+, limit the radial transport of Na+ to the stele and thus restrict the transport of Na+ to the shoot. These results provide direct evidence for pumpkin roots with higher capacity to limit the transport of Na+ to the shoot than cucumber roots.
γ‐Aminobutyric acid addition alleviates ammonium toxicity by limiting ammonium accumulation in rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>) seedlings
Tập 158 Số 4 - Trang 389-401 - 2016
Xiaoling Ma, Changhua Zhu, Na Yang, Lijun Gan, Kai Xia
Excessive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has increased ammonium (NH4+) accumulation in many paddy soils to levels that reduce rice vegetative biomass and yield. Based on studies of NH4+ toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa, Nanjing 44) seedlings cultured in agar medium, we found that NH4+ concentrations above 0.75 mM inhibited the growth of rice and caused NH4+ accumulation in both shoots and roots. Use of excessive NH4+ also induced rhizosphere acidification and inhibited the absorption of K, Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn in rice seedlings. Under excessive NH4+ conditions, exogenous γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) treatment limited NH4+ accumulation in rice seedlings, reduced NH4+ toxicity symptoms and promoted plant growth. GABA addition also reduced rhizosphere acidification and alleviated the inhibition of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn absorption caused by excessive NH4+. Furthermore, we found that the activity of glutamine synthetase/NADH‐glutamate synthase (GS; EC‐GOGAT; EC1.4.1.14) in root increased gradually as the NH4+ concentration increased. However, when the concentration of NH4+ is more than 3 mM, GABA treatment inhibited NH4+‐induced increases in GS/NADH‐GOGAT activity. The inhibition of ammonium assimilation may restore the elongation of seminal rice roots repressed by high NH4+. These results suggest that mitigation of ammonium accumulation and assimilation is essential for GABA‐dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity in rice seedlings.
Dormancy release in beech buds (<i>Fagus sylvatica</i>) requires both chilling and long days
Tập 89 Số 1 - Trang 187-191 - 1993
Ola M. Heide
Chilling and daylength requirements for dormancy release and budburst in dormant beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) buds have been studied in cuttings flushing in controlled environments after different durations of outdoor chilling. Non‐chilled buds sampled in mid October required long days (LD) only for budburst. Buds chilled until March still required LD for normal budburst, whereas buds sampled in November and December were unable to sprout regardless of daylength conditions and would do so only after a substantial period of chilling. Four ecotypes of distant latitudinal and altitudinal origin responded very similarly with a typical quantitative photoperiodic response. In fully chilled shoots sampled in March only 13 to 40% budburst took place in 8‐h SD and only after three times as long time as in continuous light. It is concluded that this dual dormancy control system ensures optimum winter stability in trees under conditions of climatic warming. In the closely related Carpinus betulus L. budburst was unaffected by daylength.
Organic Growth Factor Requirements of Tobacco Tissue Cultures
Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 100-127 - 1965
Elfriede M. Linsmaier, Folke Skoog
Extracellular Organic Carbon from Some Green Algae
Tập 20 Số 1 - Trang 200-207 - 1967
Curt Forsberg, ÖRn Taube
AbstractA preliminary study of the extracellular organic carbon in cultures of Ankistro desmus falcatus, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlorella pyrenotdosa and Crucigenia tetrapedia have been performed. Carbon analyses, parallel to the increase in cell numbers, were made with an infrared analyzer after oxidation of the organic carbon to CO2. During the phase of declining relative growth rate and the stationary phase of growth the species excreted organic carbon. For Scenedesmus and Ankistrodesmus an uptake period took place before the excretion period. Approximately 500 · 106 cells/1 were required until excretion started for the former species. The highest figures for the organic carbon liberated by the four species ranged between 3 and 9 mg/l (approx. 8–23 mg organic matter/I). When distributed per cell the extracellular carbon corresponded to 1–3 μg · 10−6 with a mean for the average excretion for the species tested of 6 · 10−8μg/cell · day. For Scenedesmus the extracellular carbon was calculated to be 2–5 per cent of the cell‐bound carbon.