Mathematische Zeitschrift

Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu

Sắp xếp:  
Flächentreue Abbildungen der Flächen auf die Ebene
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 26 - Trang 691-693 - 1927
D. Grawe
Probleme aus der Theorie der Wärmeleitung
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 25 - Trang 608-626 - 1926
Gustav Doetsch
Gleichmäßige Approximation durch die Folge der ersten Ableitungen der Operatoren von Meyer-König und Zeller
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 106 - Trang 402-406 - 1968
Manfred Müller
Celestial mechanics of elastic bodies
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 263 - Trang 233-233 - 2009
Robert Beig, Bernd G. Schmidt
Commuting homotopy limits
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 153 - Trang 59-82 - 1977
Rainer M. Vogt
On the expected volume of the Wiener sausage for a Brownian bridge
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 224 - Trang 33-48 - 1997
M. van den Berg, E. Bolthausen
On Jacobians with group action and coverings
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 294 - Trang 209-227 - 2019
Sebastián Reyes-Carocca, Rubí E. Rodríguez
Let S be a compact Riemann surface and let H be a finite group. It is known that if H acts on S,  then there is a H-equivariant isogeny decomposition of the Jacobian variety JS of S,  called the group algebra decomposition of JS with respect to H. If $$S_1 \rightarrow S_2$$ is a regular covering map, then it is also known that the group algebra decomposition of $$JS_1$$ induces an isogeny decomposition of $$JS_2.$$ In this article we deal with the converse situation. More precisely, we prove that the group algebra decomposition can be lifted under regular covering maps, under appropriate conditions.
Stability of the Reeb vector field of H-contact manifolds
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 263 - Trang 125-147 - 2008
Domenico Perrone
It is well known that a Hopf vector field on the unit sphere S 2n+1 is the Reeb vector field of a natural Sasakian structure on S 2n+1. A contact metric manifold whose Reeb vector field ξ is a harmonic vector field is called an H-contact manifold. Sasakian and K-contact manifolds, generalized (k, μ)-spaces and contact metric three-manifolds with ξ strongly normal, are H-contact manifolds. In this paper we study, in dimension three, the stability with respect to the energy of the Reeb vector field ξ for such special classes of H-contact manifolds (and with respect to the volume when ξ is also minimal) in terms of Webster scalar curvature. Finally, we extend for the Reeb vector field of a compact K-contact (2n+1)-manifold the obtained results for the Hopf vector fields to minimize the energy functional with mean curvature correction.
Embedding of polynomial algebras in the cohomology of the mapping class groups
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 230 - Trang 603-620 - 1999
Ralph Grieder
Über die Summabilität der Laplaceschen Reihe durch arithmetische Mittel
Mathematische Zeitschrift - Tập 24 - Trang 267-284 - 1926
Leopold Fejér
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