Journal of Bacteriology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY , American Society for Microbiology

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MicrobiologyMolecular Biology

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The Journal of Bacteriology® (JB) publishes primary-research articles that probe fundamental processes in bacteria, archaea, and their viruses and the molecular mechanisms by which they interact with each other and with their hosts and their environments.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Characterization of a periplasmic 3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase gene, cpdP, from the marine symbiotic bacterium Vibrio fischeri
Tập 175 Số 15 - Trang 4615-4624 - 1993
Paul V. Dunlap, Sean M. Callahan
Vibrio fischeri, a marine bacterium that forms a bioluminescent symbiosis with certain fish and squids, exhibits the unusual attribute of growth on 3':5'-cyclic AMP (cAMP), apparently through the activity of a 3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (3':5'-CNP) with exceptionally high activity. The V. fischeri 3':5'-CNP is located in the periplasm, a novel cellular location for this enzyme in bacteria. To gain insight into the physiological function of this enzyme, we cloned the gene (designated cpdP) encoding it from V. fischeri MJ-1. This is the first bacterial 3':5'-CNP gene to be cloned. Sequencing and analysis of the 1.26-kb cpdP locus revealed a single open reading frame specifying a protein of 330 amino acid residues, including a 22-amino-acid leader peptide. The putative cpdP promoter contained a reasonable -10 promoter region (TATTAT) but contained no obvious -35 region; instead, a 12-bp inverted repeat (TTAAATATTTAA) occurred just upstream of this location. A possible rho-independent transcriptional terminator with a calculated free energy of -21.2 kcal.mol-1 (ca. -88.7 kJ.mol-1) followed the CpdP protein coding sequence. The predicted subunit molecular weight of 33,636 for the mature CpdP protein (36,087 less 2,451 for the leader peptide) was consistent with the molecular weight of 34,000 estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The deduced amino acid sequence of the CpdP protein exhibited 30.3% identity with that of the low-affinity 3':5'-CNP (PDE1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and 33.6% identity with that of the extracellular 3':5'-CNP of Dictyostelium discoideum. The residue identities clustered in two regions, residues 100 to 146 and 238 to 269, which contained 30 of the 33 amino acids conserved in all three proteins, 4 of which were histidines. A gene replacement mutant of V. fischeri MJ-1 containing a 0.45-kb BglII deletion within the cpdP gene lacked periplasmic 3':5'-CNP activity and did not grow on cAMP, confirming for V. fischeri the relationship among cpdP, synthesis of the periplasmic 3':5'-CNP, and growth on cAMP. The mutant exhibited no obvious sensitivity to high extracellular concentrations of cAMP (5 and 10 mM), suggesting that the enzyme does not play a role in defense against extracellular cAMP.
Cloning, nucleotide sequence, and expression of a gene encoding an adhesin subunit protein of Helicobacter pylori
Tập 175 Số 3 - Trang 674-683 - 1993
D. Gareth Evans, T. Karjalainen, David J. Evans, David Y. Graham, C H Lee
Gene hpaA, which codes for the receptor-binding subunit of the N-acetylneuraminyllactose-binding fibrillar hemagglutinin (NLBH) of Helicobacter pylori, was cloned and sequenced. The protein expressed by hpaA, designated HpaA, was identified as the adhesin subunit on the basis of its fetuin-binding activity and its reactivity with a polyclonal, monospecific rabbit serum prepared against NLBH purified from H. pylori. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis and Western blots (immunoblots) showed that the cloned adhesin has the same molecular weight (20,000) as that found on H. pylori. Also, HpaA contains a short sequence of amino acids (KRTIQK) which are all either identical or functionally similar to those which compose the sialic acid-binding motif of Escherichia coli SfaS, K99, and CFA/I. Affinity-purified antibody specific for a 12-residue synthetic peptide that included this sequence blocked the hemagglutinating activity of H. pylori and was shown by immuno-gold electron microscopy to react with almost transparent material on unstained H. pylori cells, which is consistent with previous observations concerning the location and morphology of the NLBH.
Tryptophan auxotrophs of Rhizobium japonicum
Tập 156 Số 3 - Trang 1356-1358 - 1983
S E Wells, L. D. Kuykendall
Eleven tryptophan-requiring mutants of Rhizobium japonicum I-110 ARS were isolated after nitrous acid mutagenesis and fell into five groups based on characterization by supplementation with intermediates and enzyme assays.
Dual Repression by Fe <sup>2+</sup> -Fur and Mn <sup>2+</sup> -MntR of the <i>mntH</i> Gene, Encoding an NRAMP-Like Mn <sup>2+</sup> Transporter in <i>Escherichia coli</i>
Tập 183 Số 16 - Trang 4806-4813 - 2001
Silke I. Patzer, Klaus Hantke
ABSTRACT The uptake of Mn 2+ , a cofactor for several enzymes in Escherichia coli , is mediated by MntH, a proton-dependent metal transporter, which also recognizes Fe 2+ with lower affinity. MntH belongs to the NRAMP family of eukaryotic Fe 2+ and Mn 2+ transporters. In E. coli strains with chromosomal mntH-lacZ fusions, mntH was partially repressed by both Mn 2+ and Fe 2+ . Inactivation of fur resulted in the loss of Fe 2+ -dependent repression of mntH transcription, demonstrating that Fe 2+ repression depends on the global iron regulator Fur. However, these fur mutants still showed Mn 2+ -dependent repression of mntH . The Mn 2+ -responsive transcriptional regulator of mntH was identified as the gene product of o155 (renamed MntR). mntR mutants were impaired in Mn 2+ but not Fe 2+ repression of mntH transcription. Binding of purified MntR to the mntH operator was manganese dependent. The binding region was localized by DNase I footprinting analysis and covers a nearly perfect palindrome. The Fur binding site, localized within 22 nucleotides of the mntH operator by in vivo operator titration assays, resembles the Fur-box consensus sequence.
ZupT Is a Zn(II) Uptake System in <i>Escherichia coli</i>
Tập 184 Số 3 - Trang 864-866 - 2002
Gregor Grass, Marco D. Wong, Barry P. Rosen, Ron L. Smith, Christopher Rensing
ABSTRACT Escherichia coli zupT ( ygiE ), encoding a ZIP family member, mediated zinc uptake. Growth of cells disrupted in both zupT and the znuABC operon was inhibited by EDTA at a much lower concentration than a single mutant or the wild type. Cells expressing ZupT from a plasmid exhibited increased uptake of 65 Zn 2+ .
ZitB (YbgR), a Member of the Cation Diffusion Facilitator Family, Is an Additional Zinc Transporter in <i>Escherichia coli</i>
Tập 183 Số 15 - Trang 4664-4667 - 2001
Gregor Grass, Baochao Fan, Barry P. Rosen, Sylvia Franke, Dietrich H. Nies, Christopher Rensing
ABSTRACT The Escherichia coli zitB gene encodes a Zn(II) transporter belonging to the cation diffusion facilitator family. ZitB is specifically induced by zinc. ZitB expression on a plasmid rendered zntA -disrupted E. coli cells more resistant to zinc, and the cells exhibited reduced accumulation of 65 Zn, suggesting ZitB-mediated efflux of zinc.
Cloning and Functional Analysis of the <i>pbr</i> Lead Resistance Determinant of <i>Ralstonia metallidurans</i> CH34
Tập 183 Số 19 - Trang 5651-5658 - 2001
Brigitte Borremans, Jon L. Hobman, Ann Provoost, Nigel L. Brown, Daniël van der Lelie
ABSTRACT The lead resistance operon, pbr , of Ralstonia metallidurans (formerly Alcaligenes eutrophus ) strain CH34 is unique, as it combines functions involved in uptake, efflux, and accumulation of Pb(II). The pbr lead resistance locus contains the following structural resistance genes: (i) pbrT , which encodes a Pb(II) uptake protein; (ii) pbrA , which encodes a P-type Pb(II) efflux ATPase; (iii) pbrB , which encodes a predicted integral membrane protein of unknown function; and (iv) pbrC , which encodes a predicted prolipoprotein signal peptidase. Downstream of pbrC , the pbrD gene, encoding a Pb(II)-binding protein, was identified in a region of DNA, which was essential for functional lead sequestration. Pb(II)-dependent inducible transcription of pbrABCD from the PpbrA promoter is regulated by PbrR, which belongs to the MerR family of metal ion-sensing regulatory proteins. This is the first report of a mechanism for specific lead resistance in any bacterial genus.
ZntB Is a Novel Zn <sup>2+</sup> Transporter in <i>Salmonella enterica</i> Serovar Typhimurium
Tập 184 Số 16 - Trang 4369-4373 - 2002
Ashley J. Worlock, Ronald L. Smith
ABSTRACT A Zn 2+ transport system encoded by the zntB locus of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been identified. The protein encoded by this locus is homologous to the CorA family of Mg 2+ transport proteins and is widely distributed among the eubacteria. Mutations at zntB confer an increased sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of Zn 2+ and Cd 2+ , a phenotype that suggests that the encoded protein mediates the efflux of both cations. A direct analysis of transport activity identified a capacity for Zn 2+ efflux. These data identify ZntB as a zinc efflux pathway in the enteric bacteria and assign a new function to the CorA family of cation transporters.
Solubilization of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase by a membrane-bound protease
Tập 121 Số 3 - Trang 1102-1110 - 1975
C H MacGregor
Nitrate reductase extracted from the membrane of Escherichia coli by alkaline heat treatment was purified to homogeneity and used to prepare specific antibody. Nitrate reductase, precipitated by this antibody from Triton extracts of the membrane, contained a third subunit not present in the purified enzyme used to prepare the antibody. Nitrate reductase precipitated by antibody from alkaline heat extracts was composed of peptide fragments of various sizes. These fragments were produced by a membrane-bound protease which was activated by alkaline pH and heat. It is the action of this protease that releases the enzyme from the membrane, as shown by the observations that protease inhibitors decreased the amount of solubilization of the enzyme, and the enzyme remaining in the membrane after heating showed much less proteolytic cleavage than that which was released.
Mycoplasma phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system: glucose-negative mutant and regulation of intracellular cyclic AMP
Tập 133 Số 1 - Trang 203-209 - 1978
Usamah A.W. Mugharbil, Vincent P. Cirillo
Glucose-negative mutants of Mycoplasma capricolum were selected for growth on fructose in the presence of the toxic glucose analog alpha-methyl-D-glucopyranoside. The mutants are defective in the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system for glucose. One mutant, pts-4, was studied in detail. It lacks the glucose-specific, membrane-bound enzyme II, IIGlc, as well as the general, low-molecular-weight, phosphocarrier protein, HPr. In place of the latter, however, it has a fructose-specific protein, HPrFru. Consistent with these changes, the mutant lost the ability to grow on glucosamine and maltose but retained its ability to grow on sucrose. In the glucose-negative mutant, glucose did not regulate the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP. The intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP in M. capricolum is regulated by the presence of metabolizable sugars. In the wild-type, both glucose and fructose reduced the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP; however, in the glucose-negative mutant, glucose no longer regulated the intracellular level of cyclic AMP.