Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1987-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Liss Inc.

Lĩnh vực:
EpidemiologyGenetics (clinical)Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in chinese hamster ovary cells: Evaluations of 108 chemicals
Tập 10 Số S10 - Trang 1-35 - 1987
Sheila M. Galloway, Michael J. Armstrong, Rine Christopher Reuben, S M Colman, B. M. Brown, Christopher P. Cannon, Arthur D. Bloom, Frances Nakamura, Muna Abdul Fattah Ahmed, Soledad Duk, J. Y. Rimpo, Barry H. Margolin, Michael A. Resnick, B. Anderson, Errol Zeiger
Meat‐related mutagens/carcinogens in the etiology of colorectal cancer
Tập 44 Số 1 - Trang 44-55 - 2004
Amanda J. Cross, Rashmi Sinha

Diets containing substantial amounts of red or preserved meats may increase the risk of various cancers, including colorectal cancer. This association may be due to a combination of factors such as the content of fat, protein, iron, and/or meat preparation (e.g., cooking or preserving methods). Red meat may be associated with colorectal cancer by contributing to N‐nitroso compound (NOC) exposure. Humans can be exposed to NOCs by exogenous routes (from processed meats in particular) and by endogenous routes. Endogenous exposure to NOCs is dose‐dependently related to the amount of red meat in the diet. Laboratory results have shown that meats cooked at high temperatures contain other potential mutagens in the form of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). To investigate the role of these compounds, we have created separate databases for HCAs and PAHs, which we have used in conjunction with a validated meat‐cooking food frequency questionnaire. The role of meat type, cooking methods, doneness levels, and meat‐cooking mutagens has been examined in both case‐control studies and prospective cohort studies, with mixed results. Here, we review the current epidemiologic knowledge of meat‐related mutagens, and evaluate the types of studies that may be required in the future to clarify the association between meat consumption and colorectal cancer. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 44:44–55, 2004. Published 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Induction of oxidative stress by bisphenol A and its pleiotropic effects
Tập 58 Số 2 - Trang 60-71 - 2017
Natalie R. Gassman

Bisphenol A (BPA) has become a target of intense public scrutiny since concerns about its association with human diseases such as obesity, diabetes, reproductive disorders, and cancer have emerged. BPA is a highly prevalent chemical in consumer products, and human exposure is thought to be ubiquitous. Numerous studies have demonstrated its endocrine disrupting properties and attributed exposure with cytotoxic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic effects; however, the results of these studies are still highly debated and a consensus about BPA's safety and its role in human disease has not been reached. One of the contributing factors is a lack of molecular mechanisms or modes of action that explain the diverse and pleiotropic effects observed after BPA exposure. The increase in BPA research seen over the last ten years has resulted in more studies that examine molecular mechanisms and revealed links between BPA‐induced oxidative stress and human disease. Here, a review of the current literature examining BPA exposure and the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or oxidative stress will be provided to examine the landscape of the current BPA literature and provide a framework for understanding how induction of oxidative stress by BPA may contribute to the pleiotropic effects observed after exposure. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 58:60–71, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Human population studies with cytogenetic biomarkers: Review of the literature and future prospectives
Tập 45 Số 2-3 - Trang 258-270 - 2005
Stefano Bonassi, Donatella Ugolini, Micheline Kirsch‐Volders, Ulf Strömberg, Roel Vermeulen, James D. Tucker

Cytogenetic biomarkers are by far the most frequently used endpoints in human population studies. Their sensitivity for measuring exposure to genotoxic agents and their role as early predictors of cancer risk have contributed to this success. In this article, we present an overview of the last 25 years of population studies with cytogenetic biomarkers, describing the evolution of this research and addressing the most promising innovations for the future. The evaluation has been restricted to the most popular assays, i.e., chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and micronucleus (MN), which are considered to be causally related to early stages of chronic diseases, especially cancer, and may therefore play a major role in prevention. An extensive literature search covering the period 1 January 1980 to 31 December 2003 was performed using the Medline/PubMed database. A total of 833 population studies using CAs and 434 using matched MN inclusion criteria were included in the analysis. We report the distribution of selected papers by year of publication, country, language, agents investigated, and methods employed. The state of the art and future prospects regarding cytogenetic techniques and epidemiologic and statistical methods are discussed. The role of susceptibility and its potential impact on genotoxic damage are discussed with special attention to the effect of major genetic polymorphisms on the baseline frequency of CAs and micronuclei. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Analysis of spontaneous and induced mutations in transgenic mice using a lambda ZAP/lacl shuttle vector
Tập 18 Số 4 - Trang 316-321 - 1991
Steven W. Kohler, Gabrielle S. Le Provost, Annabeth Fieck, Patricia L. Kretz, William O. Bullock, Donald L. Putman, Joseph A. Sorge, Jay M. Short

A short term, in vivo mutagenesis assay has been developed utilizing a lacl target gene contained within a lambda ZAP shuttle vector which has been incorporated into transgenic mice. Following chemical exposure, the target gene was recovered from mouse genomic DNA by mixing the DNA with in vitro lambda phage packaging extract. Mutations within the lacl target were identified by infecting host E. coli with the packaged phage and plating on indicator plates containing Xgal. Phage plaques with mutations in the lacl appeared blue, while intact phage were colorless. The ratio of blue plaques to colorless plaques is a measure of the mutagenicity of the compound. This system was used to obtain significant induction (up to 74‐fold) over background levels for a variety of compounds, including N‐ethyl‐N‐nitrosourea, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), cyclophosphamide, and methylnitrosourea. Sequence analysis of selected mutant clones derived from this system was accomplished through the use of partial filamentous phage origins which allow rapid transfer of the target gene from phage to plasmid. Sequence analysis of spontaneous mutants derived from the mice primarily found of base substitutions, differing markedly from the previous data for spontaneous mutations in lacl derived from E. coli, where the preponderance of mutations were found at a single site, a repeated tetramer sequence. Upon sequence analysis of BaP derived base substitutions, only transversions were obtained, consistent with the known mechanism of BaP mutagenesis. Use of the well‐characterized lacl gene in transgenic mice should allow for extrapolation of the extensive pool of in vitro data to whole animals, as well as provide insight into the tissue specific effects of mutagenic compounds.

A brief overview of mechanisms of mitochondrial toxicity from NRTIs
Tập 48 Số 3-4 - Trang 166-172 - 2007
James J. Kohler, William Lewis

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in combinations with other antiretrovirals (highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART) are the cornerstones of AIDS therapy, turning HIV infection into a manageable clinical entity. Despite the initial positive impact of NRTIs, therapeutic experience revealed serious side effects that appeared to originate in the mitochondria and which ultimately manifested as dysfunction of that organelle. It may be reasonable to consider that as the AIDS epidemic continues and as survival with HIV infection is prolonged by treatment with HAART, long‐term side effects of NRTIs may become increasingly common. This consideration may be underscored in children who are born to HIV‐infected mothers who received NRTI therapy in utero during gestation. The long‐term effect of that NRTI exposure in utero is not clear yet. This review examines some proposed mechanisms of NRTI mitochondrial toxicity, including genetic predisposition, defects in mitochondria DNA replication, the encompassing “DNA pol‐γ hypothesis,” the relationship between mitochondrial nucleotide and NRTI pools, mitochondrial DNA mutation and dysfunction, and oxidative stresses related to HIV infection and NRTIs. Mechanisms of mitochondrial toxicity are reviewed with respect to key cell biological, pathological, and pharmacological events. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchange tests in Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro. IV. Results with 15 chemicals
Tập 14 Số 3 - Trang 165-187 - 1989
James L. Ivett, B. M. Brown, Catherine S. Rodgers, Beth Anderson, Michael A. Resnick, Errol Zeiger

The National Toxicology Program has undertaken a study to assess the ability of four genetic toxicology assays to predict the carcinogenicity of chemicals in 2‐year rodent studies [Tennant et al.: Science 236:933–941, 1987]. Two of the assays, used for evaluating in vitro cytogenetic damage, were the SCE and chromosome aberration assays in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The results and data for 15 of the chemicals tested in these two assays are presented here. Each chemical was tested with and without exogenous metabolic activation. The chemicals tested were bisphenol A, 2‐chloroethanol, C.I. acid orange 10, C.I. disperse yellow 3, C.I. solvent yellow 14, cytembena, D&C red 9, 1,2‐dibromoethane, FD&C yellow 6, malaoxon, D, L‐menthol, phenol, sulfisoxazole, titanium dioxide, and tris(2‐ethylhexyl)phosphate. In vitro cytogenetic results from the other chemicals presented by Tennant et al. (Science 236:933–941, 1987) have been published by Galloway et al. (Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 10(Suppl 10):1–175, 1987 ), Gulati et al. (Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 13:133–193, 1989), and Loveday et al. (Environmental Mutagenesis 13:60–94).

Validation studies with Muta™ mouse: A transgenic mouse model for detecting mutations in vivo
Tập 18 Số 4 - Trang 308-315 - 1991
B. Myhr

MutaMouse is a transgenic mouse engineered to detect mutations in vivo in any tissue of choice by using simple laboratory methods. The target is a bacterial lacZ gene incorporated via lambda phage into the genome of each mouse cell such that a concatamer of approximately 40 copies exists at a single site on both chromosomes of a homologous pair. In order to assess the potential usefulness of MutaMouse in detecting in vivo mutagenesis, several known mutagens/carcinogens were applied to male animals of 8–10 weeks in age. Intraperitoneal injections (single or 5 daily doses) of N‐ethyl‐N‐nitrosourea (ENU), chlorambucil, procarbazine, cyclophosphamide, and acrylamide were investigated for mutagenic effects in bone marrow, liver, and testes. In addition, skin painting studies (single application) were performed with dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), N‐methyl‐N′‐nitro‐N‐nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), and acetic acid. Increases in mutant frequency were clearly induced by all eight chemicals, the magnitudes of which were dependent on the chemical, dose, method of dosing, tissue analyzed, and the time lapse between treatment and isolation of DNA. Data on variability in mutant frequency was presented relative to the analyzed population of lacZ genes and number of animals per treatment group. Application of the MutaMouse model to the detection of heritable mutations was discussed.

Di‐(2‐ethylhexyl) phthalate and bisphenol A exposure impairs mouse primordial follicle assembly in vitro
Tập 55 Số 4 - Trang 343-353 - 2014
Teng Zhang, Lan Li, X. Qin, Yang Zhou, Xifeng Zhang, Linqing Wang, Massimo De Felici, Hong Chen, Guo‐Qing Qin, Wei Shen

Bisphenol‐A (BPA) and diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) are estrogenic compounds widely used in commercial plastic products. Previous studies have shown that exposure to such compounds have adverse effects on various aspects of mammalian reproduction including folliculogenesis. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of BPA and DEHP exposure on primordial follicle formation. We found that germ cell nest breakdown and primordial follicle assembly were significantly reduced when newborn mouse ovaries were exposed to 10 or 100 μM BPA and DEHP in vitro. Moreover, BPA and DEHP exposure increased the number of TUNEL positive oocytes and the mRNA level of the pro‐apoptotic gene Bax in oocytes. These effects were associated with decreased expression of oocyte specific genes such as LIM homeobox 8 (Lhx8), factor in the germline alpha (Figla), spermatogenesis and oogenesis helix‐loop‐helix (Sohlh2), and newborn ovary homeobox (Nobox). Interestingly, BPA and DEHP exposure also prevented DNA demethylation of CpG sites of the Lhx8 gene in oocytes, a process normally associated with folliculogenesis. Finally, folliculogenesis was severely impaired in BPA and DEHP exposed ovaries after transplantation into the kidney capsules of immunodeficient mice. In conclusion, BPA and DEHP exposures impair mouse primordial follicle assembly in vitro. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 55:343–353, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange tests in chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro: II. Results with 20 chemicals
Tập 13 Số 1 - Trang 60-94 - 1989
Kenneth S. Loveday, M. H. Lugo, Michael A. Resnick, Beth Anderson, Errol Zeiger

Twenty chemicals were tested for their ability to induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and chromosomal aberrations (ABs) in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). These chemicals were tested with and without an added metabolic activation system (rat liver S9 fraction). Four chemicals were negative in both assays, 1 induced ABs only, and 15 were positive for SCEs; 6 of these 15 also induced ABs.

The effect of cell harvest time on the ability to detect the induction of chromosomal aberrations was examined for six chemicals. Five of these had caused at least one of the following: cell cycle delay, aberrations observed in first division metaphase cells in the SCE assay, or a weak response in the standard AB assay (10–12‐hr growth period). Three chemicals, chlorinated tri‐sodium phosphate, 1, 2‐dibromo‐3‐chloropro‐pane, and tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium chloride, were positive using both the standard and extended harvest times. N‐Nitrosodimethyl‐amine and diphenhydramine HCI were only positive using an extended harvest time, and malo‐naldehyde was negative using both standard and extended harvest times.