Conservation Letters





Cơ quản chủ quản:  John Wiley & Sons Inc. , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
EcologyNature and Landscape ConservationEcology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win‐win solutions
Tập 6 Số 4 - Trang 274-279 - 2013
Roldán Muradian, Murat Arsel, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Fikret Adaman, Bernardo Aguilar, Bina Agarwal, Esteve Corbera, Driss Ezzine de Blas, Joshua Farley, Géraldine Froger, Eduardo García‐Frapolli, Erik Gómez‐Baggethun, John M. Gowdy, Nicolás Kosoy, J.F. Le Coq, Pieter Leroy, Peter H. May, Philippe Méral, P. Mibielli, Richard B. Norgaard, Begüm Özkaynak, Unai Pascual, Walter Pengue, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros, Denis Pesche, Romain Pirard, Jesús Ramos-Martín, Laura Rival, Fernando Sáenz-Ségura, Gert Van Hecken, Arild Vatn, Bhaskar Vira, Kevin Urama

In this commentary we critically discuss the suitability of payments for ecosystem services and the most important challenges they face. While such instruments can play a role in improving environmental governance, we argue that over‐reliance on payments as win‐win solutions might lead to ineffective outcomes, similar to earlier experience with integrated conservation and development projects. Our objective is to raise awareness, particularly among policy makers and practitioners, about the limitations of such instruments and to encourage a dialogue about the policy contexts in which they might be appropriate.

Land Sparing Versus Land Sharing: Moving Forward
Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 149-157 - 2014
Joern Fischer, David J. Abson, Van Butsic, M. Jahi Chappell, Johan Ekroos, Jan Hanspach, Tobias Kuemmerle, Henrik G. Smith, Henrik von Wehrden

To address the challenges of biodiversity conservation and commodity production, a framework has been proposed that distinguishes between the integration (“land sharing”) and separation (“land sparing”) of conservation and production. Controversy has arisen around this framework partly because many scholars have focused specifically on food production rather than more encompassing notions such as land scarcity or food security. Controversy further surrounds the practical value of partial trade‐off analyses, the ways in which biodiversity should be quantified, and a series of scale effects that are not readily accounted for. We see key priorities for the future in (1) addressing these issues when using the existing framework, and (2) developing alternative, holistic ways to conceptualise challenges related to food, biodiversity, and land scarcity.

Shortfalls and Solutions for Meeting National and Global Conservation Area Targets
Tập 8 Số 5 - Trang 329-337 - 2015
Stuart H. M. Butchart, M. F. Clarke, Robert J. Smith, Rachel Sykes, Jörn P. W. Scharlemann, Mike Harfoot, Graeme M. Buchanan, Ariadne Angulo, Andrew Balmford, Bastian Bertzky, Thomas M. Brooks, Kent E. Carpenter, Mia T. Comeros‐Raynal, John Cornell, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, Lincoln Fishpool, Richard A. Fuller, Jonas Geldmann, Heather Harwell, Craig Hilton‐Taylor, Michael Hoffmann, Ackbar Joolia, Lucas Joppa, Naomi Kingston, Ian May, Amy Milam, Beth Polidoro, Gina M. Ralph, Nadia I. Richman, Carlo Rondinini, Daniel B. Segan, Benjamin Skolnik, Mark Spalding, Simon N. Stuart, Andy Symes, Joseph Taylor, Piero Visconti, James E. M. Watson, Louisa E. Wood, Neil D. Burgess

Governments have committed to conserving ≥17% of terrestrial and ≥10% of marine environments globally, especially “areas of particular importance for biodiversity” through “ecologically representative” Protected Area (PA) systems or other “area‐based conservation measures”, while individual countries have committed to conserve 3–50% of their land area. We estimate that PAs currently cover 14.6% of terrestrial and 2.8% of marine extent, but 59–68% of ecoregions, 77–78% of important sites for biodiversity, and 57% of 25,380 species have inadequate coverage. The existing 19.7 million km2 terrestrial PA network needs only 3.3 million km2 to be added to achieve 17% terrestrial coverage. However, it would require nearly doubling to achieve, cost‐efficiently, coverage targets for all countries, ecoregions, important sites, and species. Poorer countries have the largest relative shortfalls. Such extensive and rapid expansion of formal PAs is unlikely to be achievable. Greater focus is therefore needed on alternative approaches, including community‐ and privately managed sites and other effective area‐based conservation measures.

Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) and its conservation implications
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 9-20 - 2011
Michael B. Mascia, Sharon Pailler

National parks and other protected areas (PAs) are the foundation of global efforts to conserve biological diversity. Conservation policy and practice assume that PAs are permanent fixtures on the landscape, but scattered evidence points to widespread—yet largely overlooked—PA downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD). As a preliminary investigation of PADDD and its implications for conservation science and policy, we explore the published literature and contemporary media reports. We identify 89 historic instances of PADDD, in 27 countries, since 1900. Contemporary accounts reveal that PADDD has recently occurred or is currently under consideration in at least 12 countries worldwide. Proximate causes of PADDD vary widely, but center on access to and use of natural resources. Case studies from India and South America highlight the fact that PAs are socially defined and socially constructed governance regimes, responsive to social pressures—including conservation demands—at local to global scales. PADDD challenges longstanding assumptions underlying conservation policy and practice, including efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), and underscores the need for resilient and robust conservation strategies. Because many fundamental questions regarding PADDD remain unanswered, further research is required to understand this conservation phenomenon and develop tailored policy responses.

Assessing citizen science data quality: an invasive species case study
Tập 4 Số 6 - Trang 433-442 - 2011
Alycia Crall, Greg Newman, Thomas J. Stohlgren, Kirstin A. Holfelder, J. H. Graham, Donald M. Waller
Social Media Data Can Be Used to Understand Tourists’ Preferences for Nature‐Based Experiences in Protected Areas
Tập 11 Số 1 - 2018
Anna Hausmann, Tuuli Toivonen, Rob Slotow, Henrikki Tenkanen, Atte Moilanen, Vuokko Heikinheimo, Enrico Di Minin

Can social media data be used as an alternative to traditional surveys to understand tourists’ preferences for nature‐based experiences in protected areas? We explored this by comparing preferences for biodiversity obtained from a traditional survey conducted in Kruger National Park, South Africa, with observed preferences assessed from over 13,600 pictures shared on Instagram and Flickr by tourists visiting the park in the same period. We found no significant difference between the preferences of tourists as stated in the surveys and the preferences revealed by social media content. Overall, large‐bodied mammals were found to be the favorite group, both in the survey and on social media platforms. However, Flickr was found to better match tourists’ preference for less‐charismatic biodiversity. Our findings suggest that social media content can be used as a cost‐efficient way to explore, and for more continuous monitoring of, preferences for biodiversity and human activities in protected areas.

When payments for environmental services will work for conservation
Tập 6 Số 4 - Trang 230-237 - 2013
Sven Wunder

Using the article by Muradian et al. () as entry point, I develop a broader framework for the conditions needed to allow PES to emerge and function. It is argued that PES are designed as instruments with clear goals, and will function without markets, economic valuation, or commoditized services. As a highly adaptive management tool, PES are particularly suited for achieving equitable and flexible conservation outcomes. However, PES do require a payment culture and good organization from service users, a trustful negotiation climate, and well‐defined land‐ or resource‐tenure regimes for providers. These demanding preconditions may explain why PES implementation, while promising in many cases, has only spread slowly in low‐income countries.

From archives to conservation: why historical data are needed to set baselines for marine animals and ecosystems
Tập 5 Số 5 - Trang 349-359 - 2012
Loren McClenachan, Francesco Ferretti, Julia K. Baum

Intergenerational loss of information about the abundance of exploited species can lead to shifting baselines, which have direct consequences for how species and ecosystems are managed. Historical data provide a means of regaining that information, but they still are not commonly applied in marine conservation and management. Omission of relevant historical information typically results in assessments of conservation status that are more optimistic, recovery targets that are lower, and fisheries quotas that are higher than if long‐term data were considered. Here, we review data and methods that can be used to estimate historical baselines for marine species including bony fishes, sharks, turtles, and mammals, demonstrate how baselines used in management change when historical data are included, and provide specific examples of how data from the past can be applied in management and conservation including extinction risk assessment, recovery target setting, and management of data‐poor fisheries. Incorporating historical data into conservation and management frameworks presents challenges, but the alternative—losing information on past population sizes and ecological variability—represents a greater risk to effective management of marine species and ecosystems.

Redefining expertise and improving ecological judgment
Tập 4 Số 2 - Trang 81-87 - 2011
Mark A. Burgman, Anna Carr, Lee Godden, Robin Gregory, Marissa McBride, Louisa Flander, Lynn A. Maguire
Implications of bias in conservation research and investment for freshwater species
Tập 4 Số 6 - Trang 474-482 - 2011
William Darwall, Robert A. Holland, Kevin G. Smith, David Draper, Emma G. E. Brooks, Vineet Katarya, Caroline M. Pollock, Yichuan Shi, Viola Clausnitzer, Neil Cumberlidge, Annabelle Cuttelod, Klaas‐Douwe B. Dijkstra, Mame D. Diop, Nieves García, Mary Seddon, Paul Skelton, Jos Snoeks, Denis Tweddle, Jean‐Christophe Vié