BMC Microbiology




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Microbiology (medical)Microbiology

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Updated 16S rRNA-RFLP method for the identification of all currently characterised Arcobacterspp
Tập 12 - Trang 1-7 - 2012
María José Figueras, Arturo Levican, Luis Collado
Arcobacter spp. (family Campylobacteraceae) are ubiquitous zoonotic bacteria that are being increasingly recognised as a threat to human health. A previously published 16S rRNA-RFLP Arcobacter spp. identification method produced specific RFLP patterns for the six species described at that time, using a single endonuclease (MseI). The number of characterised Arcobacter species has since risen to 17. The aim of the present study was to update the 16S rRNA-RFLP identification method to include all currently characterised species of Arcobacter. Digestion of the 16S rRNA gene with the endonuclease MseI produced clear, distinctive patterns for 10 of the 17 species, while the remaining species shared a common or very similar RFLP pattern. Subsequent digestion of the 16S rRNA gene from these species with the endonucleases MnlI and/or BfaI generated species-specific RFLP patterns. 16S rRNA-RFLP analysis identified 17 Arcobacter spp. using either polyacrylamide or agarose gel electrophoresis. Microheterogeneities within the 16S rRNA gene, which interfered with the RFLP identification, were also documented for the first time in this genus, particularly in strains of Arcobacter cryaerophilus isolated from animal faeces and aborted foetuses.
Gut microbiota of preterm infants supplemented with probiotics: sub-study of the ProPrems trial
Tập 18 - Trang 1-8 - 2018
Erica L. Plummer, Dieter M. Bulach, Gerald L. Murray, Susan E. Jacobs, Sepehr N. Tabrizi, Suzanne M. Garland
The ProPrems trial, a multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial, previously reported a 54% reduction in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) of Bell stage 2 or more from 4.4 to 2.0% in 1099 infants born before 32 completed weeks’ gestation and weighing < 1500 g, receiving probiotic supplementation (with Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis BB-02, Streptococcus thermophilus TH-4 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12). This sub-study investigated the effect of probiotic supplementation on the gut microbiota in a cohort of very preterm infants in ProPrems. Bifidobacterium was found in higher abundance in infants who received the probiotics (AOR 17.22; 95% CI, 3.49–84.99, p < 0.001) as compared to the placebo group, and Enterococcus was reduced in infants receiving the probiotic during the supplementation period (AOR 0.27; 95% CI, 0.09–0.82, p = 0.02). Probiotic supplementation with BB-02, TH-4 and BB-12 from soon after birth increased the abundance of Bifidobacterium in the gut microbiota of very preterm infants. Increased abundance of Bifidobacterium soon after birth may be associated with reducing the risk of NEC in very preterm infants.
HIV-1 expression induces cyclin D1 expression and pRb phosphorylation in infected podocytes: cell-cycle mechanisms contributing to the proliferative phenotype in HIV-associated nephropathy
Tập 2 - Trang 1-8 - 2002
Peter J Nelson, Masaaki Sunamoto, Mohammad Husain, Irwin H Gelman
The aberrant cell-cycle progression of HIV-1-infected kidney cells plays a major role in the pathogenesis of HIV-associated nephropathy, however the mechanisms whereby HIV-1 induces infected glomerular podocytes or infected tubular epithelium to exit quiescence are largely unknown. Here, we ask whether the expression of HIV-1 genes in infected podocytes induces cyclin D1 and phospho-pRb (Ser780) expression, hallmarks of cyclin D1-mediated G1 → S phase progression. We assessed cyclin D1 and phospho-pRb (Ser780) expression in two well-characterized models of HIV-associated nephropathy pathogenesis: HIV-1 infection of cultured podocytes and HIV-1 transgenic mice (Tg26). Compared to controls, cultured podocytes expressing HIV-1 genes, and podocytes and tubular epithelium from hyperplastic nephrons in Tg26 kidneys, had increased levels of phospho-pRb (Ser780), a target of active cyclin D1/cyclin-dependent kinase-4/6 known to promote G1 → S phase progression. HIV-1-infected podocytes showed markedly elevated cyclin D1 mRNA and cyclin D1 protein, the latter of which did not down-regulate during cell-cell contact or differentiation, suggesting post-transcriptional stabilization of cyclin D1 protein levels by HIV-1. The selective suppression of HIV-1 transcription by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, flavopiridol, abrogated cyclin D1 expression, underlying the requirement for HIV-1 encoded products to induce cyclin D1. Indeed, HIV-1 virus deleted of nef failed to induce cyclin D1 mRNA to the level of other single gene mutant viruses. HIV-1 expression induces cyclin D1 and phospho-pRb (Ser780) expression in infected podocytes, suggesting that HIV-1 activates cyclin D1-dependent cell-cycle mechanisms to promote proliferation of infected renal epithelium.
msaABCR operon is involved in persister cell formation in Staphylococcus aureus
Tập 17 - Trang 1-21 - 2017
Gyan S. Sahukhal, Shanti Pandey, Mohamed O. Elasri
Persister cells comprise a phenotypic variant that shows extreme antibiotic tolerance resulting in treatment failures of bacterial infections. While this phenomenon has posed a great threat in public health, mechanisms underlying their formation in Staphylococcus aureus remain largely unknown. Increasing evidences of the presence of persister cells in recalcitrant infections underscores the great urgency to unravel the mechanism by which these cells develop. Previously, we characterized msaABCR operon that plays roles in regulation of virulence, biofilm development and antibiotic resistance. We also characterized the function of MsaB protein and showed that MsaB is a putative transcription factor that binds target DNA in response to nutrients availability. In this study, we compared the number of persister cell in wild type, msaABCR deletion mutant and the complemented strain in two backgrounds USA300 LAC and Mu50. Herein, we report that msaABCR deletion mutant forms significantly less number of persister cells relative to wild type after challenge with various antibiotics in planktonic and biofilm growth conditions. Complementation of the msaABCR operon restored wild type phenotype. Combined antibiotic therapy along with msaABCR deletion significantly improves the killing kinetics of stationary phase and biofilm S. aureus cells. Transcriptomics analysis showed that msaABCR regulates several metabolic genes, transcription factors, transporters and enzymes that may play role in persister cells formation, which we seek to define in the future. This study presented a new regulator, msaABCR operon, that is involved in the persister cells formation, which is a poorly understood in S. aureus. Indeed, we showed that msaABCR deletion significantly reduces the persister cells formation in all growth phases tested. Although, we have not yet defined the mechanism, we have shown that msaABCR regulates several metabolic, transporters, and extracellular proteases genes that have been previously linked with persister cells formation in other bacterial systems. Taken together, this study showed that inactivation of the msaABCR operon enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics for the treatment of S. aureus infections, especially in context of persister cells.
A novel Leishmania infantum nuclear phosphoprotein Lepp12 which stimulates IL1-beta synthesis in THP-1 transfectants
Tập 3 Số 1
Konstantina Fragaki, B Ferrua, Baharia Mograbi, Julie Waldispühl, J Kubar
A quantitative model for dermal infection and oedema in BALB/c mice pinna
Tập 16 - Trang 1-13 - 2016
Erika Nahomy Marino-Marmolejo, Flor Yohana Flores-Hernández, Mario Alberto Flores-Valdez, Luis Felipe García-Morales, Ana Cecilia González-Villegas, Jorge Bravo-Madrigal
Pharmaceutical industry demands innovation for developing new molecules to improve effectiveness and safety of therapeutic medicines. Preclinical assays are the first tests performed to evaluate new therapeutic molecules using animal models. Currently, there are several models for evaluation of treatments, for dermal oedema or infection. However, the most common or usual way is to induce the inflammation with chemical substances instead of infectious agents. On the other hand, this kind of models require the implementation of histological techniques and the interpretation of pathologies to verify the effectiveness of the therapy under assessment. This work was focused on developing a quantitative model of infection and oedema in mouse pinna. The infection was achieved with a strain of Streptococcus pyogenes that was inoculated in an injury induced at the auricle of BALB/c mice, the induced oedema was recorded by measuring the ear thickness with a digital micrometer and histopathological analysis was performed to verify the damage. The presence of S. pyogenes at the infection site was determined every day by culture. Our results showed that S. pyogenes can infect the mouse pinna and that it can be recovered at least for up to 4 days from the infected site; we also found that S. pyogenes can induce a bigger oedema than the PBS-treated control for at least 7 days; our results were validated with an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory formulation made with ciprofloxacin and hydrocortisone. The model we developed led us to emulate a dermal infection and allowed us to objectively evaluate the increase or decrease of the oedema by measuring the thickness of the ear pinna, and to determine the presence of the pathogen in the infection site. We consider that the model could be useful for assessment of new anti-inflammatory or antibacterial therapies for dermal infections.
Low levels of HIV-1 drug resistance mutations in patients who achieved viral re-suppression without regimen switch: a retrospective study
- 2020
Chika Onwuamah, Jonathan Okpokwu, Rosemary Audu, Godwin Imade, Seema Meloni, Azuka Okwuraiwe, Philippe Chebu, Adesola Z. Musa, Beth Chaplin, Ibrahim Dalhatu, Oche Agbaji, Jay Osi Samuels, OC Ezechi, Ahmed Mukhtar, Georgina N. Odaibo, David O. Olaleye, Prosper Okonkwo, Babatunde Lawal Salako, Elliot Raizes, Chunfu Yang, Phyllis J. Kanki, Emmanuel O. Idigbe
Abstract Background We identified a HIV-positive cohort in virologic failure (VF) who re-suppressed without drug switch. We characterized their drug resistance mutations (DRM) and adherence profiles to learn how to better manage HIV drug resistance. A retrospective cohort study utilizing clinical data and stored samples. Patients received ART at three Nigerian treatment centres. Plasma samples stored when they were in VF were genotyped. Result Of 126 patients with samples available, 57 were successfully genotyped. From ART initiation, the proportion of patients with adherence ≥90% increased steadily from 54% at first high viral load (VL) to 67% at confirmed VF, and 81% at time of re-suppressed VL. Sixteen (28%) patients had at least one DRM. Forty-six (81%) patients had full susceptibility to the three drugs in their first-line (1 L) regimen. Thirteen (23%) were resistant to at least one antiretroviral drug but three were resistant to drugs not used in Nigeria. Ten patients had resistance to their 1 L drug(s) and six were fully susceptible to the three drugs in the recommended second-line regimen. Conclusion This cohort had little drug resistance mutations. We conclude that if adherence is not assured, patients could exhibit virologic failure without having developed mutations associated with drug resistance.
Purification and characterization of L-arginine deiminase from Penicillium chrysogenum
Tập 24 Số 1
Hamed M. El-Shora, Nessma A. El-Zawawy, Mohamed A. Abd El-Rheem, Metwally A. Metwally
AbstractL-arginine deiminase (ADI, EC hydrolyzes arginine to ammonia and citrulline which is a natural supplement in health care. ADI was purified from Penicillium chrysogenum using 85% ammonium sulfate, DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G200. ADI was purified 17.2-fold and 4.6% yield with a specific activity of 50 Umg− 1 protein. The molecular weight was 49 kDa. ADI expressed maximum activity at 40oC and an optimum pH of 6.0. ADI thermostability was investigated and the values of both t0.5 and D were determined. Kd increased by temperature and the Z value was 38oC. ATP, ADP and AMP activated ADI up to 0.6 mM. Cysteine and dithiothreitol activated ADI up to 60 µmol whereas the activation by thioglycolate and reduced glutathione (GSH) prolonged to 80 µmol. EDTA, α,α-dipyridyl, and o-phenanthroline inactivated ADI indicating that ADI is a metalloenzyme. N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), N-bromosuccinimide (NBS), butanedione (BD), dansyl chloride (DC), diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) and N-acetyl-imidazole (NAI) inhibited ADI activity indicating the necessity of sulfhydryl, tryptophanyl, arginyl, lysyl, histidyl and tyrosyl groups, respectively for ADI catalysis. The obtained results show that ADI from P. chrysogenum could be a potential candidate for industrial and biotechnological applications.
Detection and quantification of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in water and fish tissue samples by quantitative real time PCR
Tập 14 - Trang 1-10 - 2014
Nicole Strepparava, Thomas Wahli, Helmut Segner, Orlando Petrini
Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the agent of Bacterial Cold Water Disease and Rainbow Trout Fry Syndrome, two diseases leading to high mortality. Pathogen detection is mainly carried out using cultures and more rapid and sensitive methods are needed. We describe a qPCR technique based on the single copy gene β’ DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (rpoC). Its detection limit was 20 gene copies and the quantification limit 103 gene copies per reaction. Tests on spiked spleens with known concentrations of F. psychrophilum (106 to 101 cells per reaction) showed no cross-reactions between the spleen tissue and the primers and probe. Screening of water samples and spleens from symptomless and infected fishes indicated that the pathogen was already present before the outbreaks, but F. psychrophilum was only quantifiable in spleens from diseased fishes. This qPCR can be used as a highly sensitive and specific method to detect F. psychrophilum in different sample types without the need for culturing. qPCR allows a reliable detection and quantification of F. psychrophilum in samples with low pathogen densities. Quantitative data on F. psychrophilum abundance could be useful to investigate risk factors linked to infections and also as early warning system prior to potential devastating outbreak.
High-level chromate resistance in Arthrobactersp. strain FB24 requires previously uncharacterized accessory genes
Tập 9 - Trang 1-14 - 2009
Kristene L Henne, Cindy H Nakatsu, Dorothea K Thompson, Allan E Konopka
The genome of Arthrobacter sp. strain FB24 contains a chromate resistance determinant (CRD), consisting of a cluster of 8 genes located on a 10.6 kb fragment of a 96 kb plasmid. The CRD includes chrA, which encodes a putative chromate efflux protein, and three genes with amino acid similarities to the amino and carboxy termini of ChrB, a putative regulatory protein. There are also three novel genes that have not been previously associated with chromate resistance in other bacteria; they encode an oxidoreductase (most similar to malate:quinone oxidoreductase), a functionally unknown protein with a WD40 repeat domain and a lipoprotein. To delineate the contribution of the CRD genes to the FB24 chromate [Cr(VI)] response, we evaluated the growth of mutant strains bearing regions of the CRD and transcript expression levels in response to Cr(VI) challenge. A chromate-sensitive mutant (strain D11) was generated by curing FB24 of its 96-kb plasmid. Elemental analysis indicated that chromate-exposed cells of strain D11 accumulated three times more chromium than strain FB24. Introduction of the CRD into strain D11 conferred chromate resistance comparable to wild-type levels, whereas deletion of specific regions of the CRD led to decreased resistance. Using real-time reverse transcriptase PCR, we show that expression of each gene within the CRD is specifically induced in response to chromate but not by lead, hydrogen peroxide or arsenate. Higher levels of chrA expression were achieved when the chrB orthologs and the WD40 repeat domain genes were present, suggesting their possible regulatory roles. Our findings indicate that chromate resistance in Arthrobacter sp. strain FB24 is due to chromate efflux through the ChrA transport protein. More importantly, new genes have been identified as having significant roles in chromate resistance. Collectively, the functional predictions of these additional genes suggest the involvement of a signal transduction system in the regulation of chromate efflux and warrants further study.