Proceedings. 3rd Annual Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials
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Temperature dependences of fibre-optical sensors of mechanical values
Tập 1 - Trang 3 pp. - 2002
In the work the temperature dependences of the fibre-optical sensor of mechanical values are explored. The examinations of influence of temperature changes on the transmitting characteristic of FOS were spend. As a sensing device the silicon membrane with width h1=40 micron with strong centre by width h3=200 micron was used. The measuring were spend at temperatures T1=20/spl deg/C, T2=60/spl deg/C, T3=90/spl deg/C. The estimation of values of responsive, nonlinearity and hysteresis was explored.
#Temperature sensors #Temperature dependence #Optical fiber sensors #Mechanical sensors #Sensor phenomena and characterization #Face detection #Silicon #Optical sensors #Diodes #Sensor systems and applications
2002 Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials Proceedings (Cat. No.02EX518)
Tập 1 - Trang i - 2002
Presents the front cover of the proceedings record.
Visible photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals fabricated in SiO/sub 2/ films after annealing under hydrostatic pressure
Tập 1 - Trang 3 pp. - 2002
The effect of hydrostatic pressure applied at high temperature on photoluminescence of Si-implanted SiO/sub 2/ films has been studied. For the films implanted with Si/sup +/ ions to total doze of 4.8 /spl middot/ 10/sup 16/ cm/sup -2/ a high temperature annealing (T/sub a/=1 000/spl deg/C) under high hydrostatic pressure (12 Kbar) causes a "blue" shift and increase intensity of the photoluminescence band attributed to silicon nanocrystals.
#Photoluminescence #Nanocrystals #Semiconductor films #Annealing #Silicon #Argon #Physics #Temperature distribution #High definition video #Optical pulses
Characterization of etched tracks and nanotubules by ion transmission spectrometry
Tập 1 - Trang 4 pp. - 2002
Etched tracks have recently come into the focus of renewed interest, as it has turned out that they have a great future application potential. Therefore it is worthwhile to review the techniques for ion track characterization. Especially, ion transmission spectrometry (ITS) has recently emerged as a new tool for the rapid characterization of both the average diameter and the shape of etched tracks as presented in J. Vacik et al. (1997) and J. Vacik et al. (1999). In this paper a simple formula for the correlation between the ion transmission yield and the track diameter is derived for cylindrical tracks under the impact of both parallel and divergent probing ion beams. Increasing beam divergence leads to a slight decrease of the transmission yield for small, and to a considerable enhancement of the track transmission for larger capillaries. Direct track radius determinations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are compared with our ITS calculations with good result.
#Etching #Spectroscopy #Particle beams #Target tracking #Particle beam measurements #Physics #Scanning electron microscopy #Particle measurements #Polymers #Solid state circuits
Calculation of z/sub 12/ resistance for the FTSP transducer as an element of external electrical circuit
Tập 1 - Trang 5 pp. - 2002
The analytical equation for calculation of z/sub 12/ resistance of the four-terminal silicon pressure piezotransducer (FTSP transducer) is presented in this paper. The main stages of this calculation in accordance with this equation are described in details. The elastic element (EE) with silicon crystal planes (100) and [110], p- and n-types of conductivity, and various ratios of length to width are analyzed. The optimal places for location of the current spread region (CSR) of the FTSP transducer on the surface of EE and the optimal angular orientations of CSR with respect to the main crystal axes are defined for all considered cases. As a result, the sensitivity of the classic FTSP transducer with rectangular form of the CSR is calculated. The results of this calculation allows to establish the expedience of application of (100) and [110] silicon crystal planes as well as elastic elements with great ratio of length to width.
#Electric resistance #Transducers #Tensile stress #Silicon #Conductivity #Nonlinear equations #Piezoresistance #Capacitive sensors #Doping
Micromechanical thermal converter of power alternating current
Tập 1 - Trang 3 pp. - 2002
The microconverter construction and its fabrication process route designed. The approaching technological materials are selected. The heat fluxes and electrical performances simulations of the device are worked out. All fabrication operations, according to a process route are developed. Experimental samples are explored and results compared with a performance of secondary etalon. On the basis of obtained data the indispensable changes are introduced in to the microconverter construction. The upgraded thermoelectric converter at present of time is made according to an improved process route.
#Micromechanical devices #Thermoelectricity #Resistance heating #Voltage #Thermal resistance #Thermal conductivity #Electric variables measurement #Wire #Manufacturing processes #Mechanical sensors
The investigation of main characteristics of membrane thermal sensors based on silicon
Tập 1 - Trang 3 pp. - 2002
The silicon thermoelectrical sensor measuring small heat flows has been designed. The first test party has been fabricated. Sensor test methods have been developed and carried out, topology defects have been reveal. Output characteristics of the sensor have been received.
#Biomembranes #Sensor phenomena and characterization #Thermal sensors #Silicon #Testing #Temperature sensors #Thermal resistance #Fluid flow measurement #Voltage #Topology
Problems of semiconductor element base for the quantum computer
Tập 1 - Trang 5 pp. - 2002
This paper reports on the trends in development of quantum computer, QC. The assumed advantage of QC in comparison with the standard computer is that the QC works not with digits but with the quantum states. Also, the advantage of QC over the DECM consists in the quantum parallelism and comes from the exponential space of states of the number of cubits. As a single cubit can be in the state of superposition of 0 and 1 states, the register of n cubits can be in the state of superposition of all 2/sup n/ possible states. The requirements to the construction of the QC are: 1) necessity of assembly (register) of cubits; 2) necessity of constant magnetic field; and 3) necessity of low temperatures.
#Quantum computing #Quantum mechanics #Physics computing #Parallel processing #Computational modeling #Electrons #Mechanical factors #Differential equations #Cryptography #Tensile stress
IEEE 2002 Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials Proceedings [front matter]
Tập 2 - Trang i-104 - 2002
Conference proceedings front matter may contain various advertisements, welcome messages, committee or program information, and other miscellaneous conference information. This may in some cases also include the cover art, table of contents, copyright statements, title-page or half title-pages, blank pages, venue maps or other general information relating to the conference that was part of the original conference proceedings.
The effect of external mechanical stress on the fullerite conductivity
Tập 1 - Trang 5 pp. - 2002
The possibility to use powder consisting of fullerite microcrystals as device sensitive in external mechanical load is considered. As we suppose the change of conductivity of fullerite microcrystal powder as function of environmental mechanical stress is useful for creation of nanoscale devices of sensor electronics. This new effect based on changing of intermolecular distance between fullerene molecules due to action of external mechanical force, which can change the distance between fullerene molecules because of weak van-der-Waals interaction exists. The founded effect is quite linear and sensitivity of this effect to external mechanical stress more then in well-known pressure transducers based on silicon technology.
#Stress #Conductivity #Sensor phenomena and characterization #Chemical sensors #Polymers #Mechanical sensors #Silicon #Nanostructured materials #Solids #Dielectrics