Temporal groundwater quality, health risks and source point management zonation of multi-aquifers in Jilin Qian’an, Northeastern China

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Tập 45 - Trang 6069-6094 - 2023
Oluwafemi Adewole Adeyeye1,2,3,4,5, Changlai Xiao1,2,3, Achivir Stella Yawe1,2,3,5, Zhihao Zhang6, Weifei Yang1,2,3, Uzodigwe Emmanuel Nnanwuba7, Xiujuan Liang1,2,3
1Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment (Jilin University), Ministry of Education, Changchun, China
2National Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of In-Situ Conversion, Drilling and Exploitation Technology for Oil Shale, Changchun, China
3College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University, Changchun, China
4College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
5Global Geosolutionz, Typesetters Biz Complex, Department of Geology Building, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
6Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shenyang, China
7College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China

Tóm tắt

Jilin Qian’an, located in Northeastern China's Songnen Plain, relies almost exclusively on groundwater for drinking. The quaternary phreatic aquifer (Q3) is distinguished by high geogenic fluoride and arsenic concentrations, which necessitates reliance on quaternary confined (Q1) and neogene confined (N) aquifers (deeper aquifers) as source point management (SPM) alternatives. However, deeper aquifers are contaminated, necessitating temporal monitoring and unique management strategies. Using 165 samples, this study investigated the appropriateness of deeper restricted aquifers as a continuous SPM alternative by assessing the spatiotemporal groundwater quality and human health risk of the multi-aquifers in Jilin Qian’an from the 1980s to the 2010s. In addition, a source point management zonation (SPMZ) was implemented to define the specific intervention necessary in various portions of the study area. Results indicate water quality parameters were within recommended limits for most samples except fluoride, while arsenic was the most significant heavy metal pollutant. Mean groundwater mineralization in all the aquifers increased with time. Deeper aquifers are still a better alternative to the shallow phreatic aquifer as groundwater quality in the study is of the order N > Q1 > Q3 in the respective aquifers. Cancer risk assessment (CR) shows increases from 2001 to the 2010s in all aquifers except in Q3. SPMZ delineated: High As and high F zones; high As and low F zones; high As zones; high F zones; low F zones; and safe zones. Localized intervention based on SPMZ is recommended, along with the use of alternative water sources.

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