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E.A. SMITH AND G.T. MACFARLANE. 1996. Concentrations of phenolic compounds in human gut contents were more than fourfold higher in the distal colon (6.2 mmol kg‐1) compared to the proximal bowel (1.4 mmol kg‐1). Tryptophan metabolites were never found in more than trace amounts in large intestinal contents and phenol substituted fatty acids were the major products of aromatic amino acid fermentation that accumulated in the proximal colon, whereas phenol and
An antimicrobial peptide designated pediocin AcH was isolated from
Factorially designed experiments have been used to study the growth and survival of
The antimicrobial properties of aqueous solutions of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide have been compared. Peracetic acid exhibited excellent antimicrobial properties, especially under acidic conditions. Reductions by a factor of 106 in the numbers of vegetative bacteria are obtained within 1 min at 25°C using a solution containing 1.3 mmol/l of peracetic acid. Rapid activity against bacterial spores and yeasts also occurs. Hydrogen peroxide is more effective as a sporicide than as a bactericide, with sporicidal action being obtained using a solution containing 0.88 mol/l. Bactericidal action is poor but hydrogen peroxide was bacteriostatic at concentrations above 0.15 mmol/l.
Colony characteristics, growth in litmus milk, precipitation in calcium glycerophosphate medium and utilization of carbon sources of the root‐nodule bacteria isolated from the tropical legumes
Protease activities in human ileal effluent were approximately 20‐fold greater than in normal faeces. Comparative studies with faeces from a person who did not have a pancreas suggested that a substantial proportion of the proteolytic activity in normal faeces was of bacterial origin. Thimerosal, iodoacetate, EDTA and cysteine significantly inhibited proteolysis in faeces, but not in small intestinal contents, showing that cysteine and metalloproteases were produced by bacteria in the large gut. These results, together with results from studies using