The Ramanujan Journal

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Partitions into Beatty sequences
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 59 - Trang 1007-1021 - 2022
Nian Hong Zhou
Let $$\alpha >1$$ be an irrational number. We establish asymptotic formulas for the number of partitions of n into summands and distinct summands, chosen from the Beatty sequence $$(\lfloor \alpha m\rfloor )$$ . This improves some results of Erdös and Richmond established in 1977.
Hilbert genus fields of real biquadratic fields
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 37 - Trang 345-363 - 2014
Yi Ouyang, Zhe Zhang
The Hilbert genus field of the real biquadratic field $$K=\mathbb {Q}(\sqrt{\delta },\sqrt{d})$$ is described by Yue (Ramanujan J 21:17–25, 2010) and by Bae and Yue (Ramanujan J 24:161–181, 2011) explicitly in the case $$\delta =2$$ or $$p$$ with $$p\equiv 1 \, \mathrm{mod}\, 4$$ a prime and $$d$$ a squarefree positive integer. In this article, we describe explicitly the case that $$\delta =p, 2p$$ or $$p_1p_2$$ where $$p$$ , $$p_1$$ , and $$p_2$$ are primes congruent to $$3$$ modulo $$4$$ , and $$d$$ is any squarefree positive integer, thus complete the construction of the Hilbert genus field of real biquadratic field $$K=K_0(\sqrt{d})$$ such that $$K_0=\mathbb {Q}(\sqrt{\delta })$$ has an odd class number.
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 20 Số 3 - Trang 253-256 - 2009
Krishnaswami Alladi
A supersingular coincidence
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 59 - Trang 609-613 - 2021
G. K. Sankaran
The 15 primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71 are called the supersingular primes: they occur in several contexts in number theory and also, strikingly, they are the primes that divide the order of the Monster. It is also known that the moduli space of (1, p)-polarised abelian surfaces is of general type for these primes. In this note, we explain that apparently coincidental fact by relating it to other number-theoretic occurences of the supersingular primes.
The McKay–Thompson series of Mathieu Moonshine modulo two
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 34 - Trang 319-328 - 2014
Thomas Creutzig, Gerald Höhn, Tsuyoshi Miezaki
In this note, we describe the parity of the coefficients of the McKay–Thompson series of Mathieu moonshine. As an application, we prove a conjecture of Cheng, Duncan, and Harvey stated in connection with umbral moonshine for the case of Mathieu moonshine.
The Lang–Trotter conjecture for products of non-CM elliptic curves
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 59 - Trang 379-436 - 2022
Hao Chen, Nathan Jones, Vlad Serban
Inspired by the work of Lang–Trotter on the densities of primes with fixed Frobenius traces for elliptic curves defined over $${\mathbb {Q}}$$ and by the subsequent generalization of Cojocaru–Davis–Silverberg–Stange to generic abelian varieties, we study the analogous question for abelian surfaces isogenous to products of non-CM elliptic curves over $${\mathbb {Q}}$$ that are not $${\overline{{\mathbb {Q}}}}$$ -isogenous. We formulate the corresponding conjectural asymptotic, provide upper bounds, and explicitly compute (when the elliptic curves lie outside a thin set) the arithmetically significant constants appearing in the asymptotic. This allows us to provide computational evidence for the conjecture.
On modular solutions of certain meromorphic modular differential equations
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 22 - Trang 261-272 - 2010
Yuichi Sakai
Kaneko and Koike gave the “extremal” quasimodular forms of depth 1 for PSL2(ℤ) and modular differential equations they satisfy. In this paper, we study modular solutions of their modular differential equations.
Sums of the kth divisor function of the ternary quadratic with prime variables
The Ramanujan Journal - - 2023
Yuetong Zhao, Wei Zhai, Jinjiang Li
Multivariable Askey–Wilson function and bispectrality
The Ramanujan Journal - Tập 24 - Trang 273-287 - 2011
Jeffrey S. Geronimo, Plamen Iliev
For every positive integer d, we define a meromorphic function F d (n;z), where n,z∈ℂ d , which is a natural extension of the multivariable Askey–Wilson polynomials of Gasper and Rahman (Theory and Applications of Special Functions, Dev. Math., vol. 13, pp. 209–219, Springer, New York, 2005). It is defined as a product of very-well-poised 8 φ 7 series and we show that it is a common eigenfunction of two commutative algebras ${\mathcal{A}}_{z}$ and ${\mathcal{A}}_{n}$ of difference operators acting on z and n, with eigenvalues depending on n and z, respectively. In particular, this leads to certain identities connecting products of very-well-poised 8 φ 7 series.
Andrews-Beck type congruences modulo powers of 5
The Ramanujan Journal - - Trang 1-13 - 2024
Nankun Hong, Renrong Mao
Let NT(m, k, n) denote the total number of parts in the partitions of n with rank congruent to m modulo k. Andrews proved Beck’s conjecture on congruences for NT(m, k, n) modulo 5 and 7. Generalizing Andrews’ results, Chern obtained congruences for NT(m, k, n) modulo 11 and 13. More recently, the second author used the theory of Hecke operators to establish congruences for such partition statistics modulo powers of primes $$\ell \ge 7$$ . In this paper, we obtain Andrews-Beck type congruences modulo powers of 5.
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