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Molecular BiologyGeneticsMedicine (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung Der. Durch Die Faktoren Fr Und Ster Bedingten Pollensterilität Bei Oenothera
Tập 84 - Trang 251-269 - 1952
Cornelia Harte, Brigitte Bissinger
Im Hinblick auf die eingangs angeführte Aufgabe vorliegender Arbeit läßt sich zusammenfassend sagen:
Multiple effects of kanamycin on translational accuracy
Tập 194 - Trang 195-199 - 1984
Pierre C. Jelenc, C. G. Kurland
We have studied the effects of kanamycin on the accuracy of translation in vitro by wild-type and mutant ribosomes from Escherichia coli. Kanamycin stimulates the leucine missense error of poly(U) translation by wild-type, Ram, and streptomycin-resistant ribosomes in characteristic ways; in particular, the streptomycin-resistant ribosomes are significantly less error-prone than wild-type or Ram ribosomes at all concentrations of the antibiotic. Kinetic analysis of the effects of kanamycin on the translational accuracy of wild-type ribosomes reveals a different concentration dependence for the perturbation of the initial selectivity and for the proofreading. Furthermore, the initial selectivity of streptomycin-resistant ribosomes is not affected by kanamycin; the drug enhances only the error of proofreading by this mutant ribosome. We suggest that the multiple effects of kanamycin on the errors of translation are due to separate effects at different ribosomal sites.
Untersuchungen zur Variabilität der Meerschweinchenhaare und ihrer Pigmente
Tập 76 Số 1 - Trang 535-568 - 1939
Lothar Schilling
Temperature-sensitive mutations in Drosophila melanogaster
Tập 120 - Trang 107-114 - 1973
Thomas A. Grigliatti, Linda Hall, Raja Rosenbluth, David T. Suzuki
Improved methods for rearing and screening large numbers of flies permitted the recovery of 10 mutations exhibiting a reversible temperature-dependent adult paralysis among 1.1×106 flies tested. Of the 10 mutations, two were allelic to para ts,two were alleles in a new locus, stoned (stn), and six fell into a third area, the shibire (shi) locus. Several of the shi alleles cause embryonic, larval and adult paralysis at 29° C as well as structural anomalies of various tissues. In addition to the ts mutations, several non-conditional mutations affecting adult movement were recovered.
Ebb and flow of the chloroplast inverted repeat
Tập 252 - Trang 195-206 - 1996
S. E. Goulding, K. H. Wolfe, R. G. Olmstead, C. W. Morden
The endpoints of the large inverted repeat (IR) of chloroplast DNA in flowering plants differ by small amounts between species. To quantify the extent of this movement and define a possible mechanism for IR expansion, DNA sequences across the IR—large single-copy (IR-LSC) junctions were compared among 13Nicotiana species and other dicots. In mostNicotiana species the IR terminates just upstream of, or somewhere within, the 5′ portion of therps19 gene. The truncated copy of this gene,rps19′, varies in length even between closely related species but is of constant size within a single species. InNicotiana, six differentrps19′ structures were found. A phylogenetic tree ofNicotiana species based on restriction site data shows that the IR has both expanded and contracted during the evolution of this genus. Gene conversion is proposed to account for these small and apparently random IR expansions. A large IR expansion of over 12 kb has occurred inNicotiana acuminata. The new IR-LSC junction in this species lies within intron 1 of theclpP gene. This rearrangement occurred via a double-strand DNA break and recombination between poly (A) tracts inclpP intron 1 and upstream ofrps19. Nicotiana acuminata chloroplast DNA contains a ‘molecular fossil’ of the IR-LSC junction that existed prior to this dramatic rearrangement.
Genetics of gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus: Molecular cloning of the mgl locus
Tập 207 - Trang 256-266 - 1987
Karen Stephens, Dale Kaiser
Wild-type Myxococcus xanthus cells move across solid surfaces by gliding. However no locomotory organelles for gliding have as yet been identified. Two sets of genes are required for gliding in M. xanthus: Gene System A is necessary for the gliding of isolated cells and Gene System S comes into play when cells are close together. The product of the mgl locus is required for both types of gliding and therefore may be a structural component of the gliding organelle. To begin to investigate the function of mgl in gliding a 12 kb segment of M. xanthus DNA containing the locus was cloned in Escherichia coli and returned to Myxococcus by specialized transduction with coliphage P1. In M. xanthus the chimeric plasmid integrates into the chromosome by recombination between the cloned segment and its homolog in the recipient chromosome forming a tandem duplication of the cloned segment with the vector sequences at the novel joint. The construction of partial diploids in this manner facilitated dominance tests and interallelic crosses with ten mgl alleles. We also describe a method for the analysis of tandem duplications that precisely maps alleles to a specific copy of the duplicated sequences. This method provides evidence for the dominance of mgl + over the mgl - alleles. It also reveals what appears to be gene conversion at this locus during recombination between a cloned mgl sequence and its homolog in the chromosome.
Sequencing and analysis of the gene encoding the α-toxin of Clostridium novyi proves its homology to toxins A and B of Clostridium difficile
Tập 247 - Trang 670-679 - 1995
Fred Hofmann, Andrea Herrmann, Ernst Habermann, Christoph von Eichel-Streiber
A library of total Clostridium novyi DNA was established and screened for the α-toxin gene (tcnα) by hybridization with oligonucleotides derived from a partial N-terminal sequence and by using specific antisera. Overlapping subgenic tcnα fragments were isolated and subsequently the total sequence of tcnα was determined. The 6534 nucleotide open reading frame encodes a polypeptide of Mr 250 166 and pI 5.9. The N-terminal α-toxin (Tcnα) sequence MLITREQLMKIASIP determined by Edman degradation confirmed the identity of the reading frame and the assignment of the translation start point. The toxin is not modified posttranslationally at its N-terminus nor does it consist of different subunits. Overall the amino acid sequence shows 48% homology between the Tcnα and both toxins A (TcdA) and B (TcdB) of Clostridium difficile. The C-terminal 382 residues of Tcnα constitute a repetitive domain similar to those reported for TcdA and TcdB of C. difficile. The individual repeat motifs of these three toxins consist of oligopeptides some 19–52 amino acids in length, arranged in four to five different groups. Genetic, biochemical and pharmacological data thus confirm that the three toxins belong to one subgroup, designated large clostridial cytotoxins (LCT). Further definition of their structure and detailed molecular action should allow the LCTs to be used tools for the analysis of microfilament assembly and function.
The nucleotide sequence of the mercuric resistance operons of plasmid R100 and transposon Tn501: further evidence for mer genes which enhance the activity of the mercuric ion detoxification system
Tập 202 Số 1 - Trang 143-151 - 1986
Nigel L. Brown, Tapan K. Misra, Joseph N. Winnie, Annette D. Schmidt, Michael Seiff, Simón Silver
Zur Schätzung der Erbzahl bei einseitig ausgelesenem Material
Tập 58 - Trang 168-176 - 1931
Wilhelm Weinberg
Mutation et régéneration hypotypique chez certains Atyidés
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 156-157 - 1910
E. Bordage