Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Sắp xếp:  
Die experimentelle Vererbungslehre in der Zoologie seit 1900
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 16 - Trang 186-186 - 1916
Arnold Lang
Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli birA intragenic suppressors
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 210 - Trang 234-240 - 1987
Kevin M. Uchida, Anthony J. Otsuka
The biotin (bio) operon in Escherichia coli is negatively regulated by BirA, a bifunctional protein with both repressor and biotin-activating functions. Twenty-five heatresistant revertants of three temperature-sensitive birA alleles (birA 85, bir A 104 and bir A 879) were isolated and categorized into five growth and six repression classes. The revertants appear to increase biotin activation by raising the specific activity of BirA and/or, increasing the number of enzyme molecules. The 19 bir A 85 revertants displayed a broad range of activity for both enzyme and repressor functions, and may represent intragenic second-site suppressor mutations. The bir A 85 revertants included a novel class of bio superrepressor mutations. Repressor titration experiments suggested that many of the bir A 85 revertants increase BirA concentrations above wild-type levels because the repressors were not competed from the chromosomal bio operator by multicopy bio operator plasmids. The majority of the bir A 104 revertants resulted in both wild-type repressor and enzyme activity; they are possibly true revertants in which the amino acid residue altered by the bir A 104 mutation has been substituted by the wild-type or a chemically similar amino acid.
Unique antibiotic sensitivity of an in vitro polypeptide synthesis system from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum. Phylogenetic implications
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 207 - Trang 385-394 - 1987
Josè Luis Sanz, Sergio Altamura, Isabella Mazziotti, Ricardo Amils, Piero Cammarano, Paola Londei
The susceptibility of Thermoplasma acidophilum (an extremely acidophilic, moderately thermophilic, wall-less sulphur-oxidizing archaebacterium) to 50 ribosome-specific inhibitors of polypeptide elongation was surveyed using efficient poly(U)-and poly(UG)-directed cell-free systems and comparable reference systems derived from eubacterial (Bacillus stearothermophilus, Escherichia coli) and eukaryotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) species. Under optimum temperature (58° C) and ionic conditions for polypeptide synthesis Thermoplasma ribosomes are only sensitive to the 70 S/80 S ribosome-directed aminoglycoside neomycin, and to five 80 S ribosome-directed inhibitors all of which (α-sarcin, mitogillin, restrictocin, dianthin and gelonin) impair the functioning of the large (60 S) ribosomal subunit. Sensitivity of the three structurally related compounds α-sarcin, mitogillin and restrictocin and susceptibility to neomycin place Thermoplasma ribosomes between those of Sulfolobus solfataricus (only sensitive to α-sarcin) and Methanococcus vannielli (sensitive to α-sarcin, mitogillin, restrictocin and neomycin but also affected by a variety of 70 S ribosome-directed drugs). The phylogenetic significance of the greatly diversified antibiotic sensitivity spectra displayed by archaebacteria in general, as opposed to the uniform ones exhibited by eubacteria and eukaryotes, is discussed.
Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung Der. Durch Die Faktoren Fr Und Ster Bedingten Pollensterilität Bei Oenothera
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 84 - Trang 251-269 - 1952
Cornelia Harte, Brigitte Bissinger
Im Hinblick auf die eingangs angeführte Aufgabe vorliegender Arbeit läßt sich zusammenfassend sagen:
Molecular cloning and DNA homology of plasmid-mediated β-lactamase genes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1987
Roger C. Levesque, Antone A. Medeiros, George A. Jacoby
Molecular cloning of DNA fragments between 1.5 and 8kb from BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, SalI, or Sau3A digests permitted the isolation of structural genes coding for TEM-1, ROB-1, OXA-1, OXA-3, OXA-4, OXA-5, PSE-1, PSE-2, PSE-3, PSE-4, CARB-3, CARB-4, AER-1, and LCR-1 β-lactamases. Ampicillin-resistant clones were selected and it was confirmed that they contained the respective β-lactamase genes by isoelectric focusing. Detailed physical maps of 14 different recombinant plasmids were constructed using 8 restriction endonucleases. Plasmid deletions and lacZ fusions were used to localize the β-lactamase structural genes. DNA probes were constructed for the TEM01, ROB-1, OXA-1, and PSE-1 genes. Under conditions of high stringency, hybridization was observed between the genes for TEM-1 and TEM-2 or TLE-1, OXA-1 and OXA-4, and PSE-1 and PSE-4 or CARB-3, while the ROB-1 gene probe showed no cross-hybridization. Such bla gene probes should facilitate studies of β-lactamase molecular epidemiology.
Multiple effects of kanamycin on translational accuracy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 194 - Trang 195-199 - 1984
Pierre C. Jelenc, C. G. Kurland
We have studied the effects of kanamycin on the accuracy of translation in vitro by wild-type and mutant ribosomes from Escherichia coli. Kanamycin stimulates the leucine missense error of poly(U) translation by wild-type, Ram, and streptomycin-resistant ribosomes in characteristic ways; in particular, the streptomycin-resistant ribosomes are significantly less error-prone than wild-type or Ram ribosomes at all concentrations of the antibiotic. Kinetic analysis of the effects of kanamycin on the translational accuracy of wild-type ribosomes reveals a different concentration dependence for the perturbation of the initial selectivity and for the proofreading. Furthermore, the initial selectivity of streptomycin-resistant ribosomes is not affected by kanamycin; the drug enhances only the error of proofreading by this mutant ribosome. We suggest that the multiple effects of kanamycin on the errors of translation are due to separate effects at different ribosomal sites.
Control of the argECBH cluster in Escherichia coli
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 117 - Trang 337-348 - 1972
George A. Jacoby
The argECBH genes in Escherichia coli are tightly clustered, but argE is not controlled coordinately with argCBH. Furthermore, while nonsense mutations have been isolated in argC and argB which are polar for argH, nonsense and frameshift mutations in argE are found nonpolar for the remaining genes in the cluster. Conditions have been realized for selecting mutations which relieve repression of argC without affecting control of arg genes outside the cluster. These mutations map between argE and argC, are cis-dominant, and cause partial constitutivity for argE as well as for argCBH. These results suggest that the argECBH cluster comprises two operons transcribed divergently from an internal operator-promoter complex.
Untersuchungen zur Variabilität der Meerschweinchenhaare und ihrer Pigmente
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 76 Số 1 - Trang 535-568 - 1939
Lothar Schilling
Temperature-sensitive mutations in Drosophila melanogaster
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 120 - Trang 107-114 - 1973
Thomas A. Grigliatti, Linda Hall, Raja Rosenbluth, David T. Suzuki
Improved methods for rearing and screening large numbers of flies permitted the recovery of 10 mutations exhibiting a reversible temperature-dependent adult paralysis among 1.1×106 flies tested. Of the 10 mutations, two were allelic to para ts,two were alleles in a new locus, stoned (stn), and six fell into a third area, the shibire (shi) locus. Several of the shi alleles cause embryonic, larval and adult paralysis at 29° C as well as structural anomalies of various tissues. In addition to the ts mutations, several non-conditional mutations affecting adult movement were recovered.
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