Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Impact of Preservation Conditions on Fatty Acids, Xanthan Gum Production and Other Characteristics of Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae IBSBF 2103
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 57 - Trang 351-358 - 2017
Graciete S. Silva, Denilson J. Assis, Janice I. Druzian, Maria B. P. P. Oliveira, Paulo L. L. Ribeiro, Soraia M. Cordeiro, Cleber A. Schmidt
The conditions of storage, cultivation and maintenance of microbial cultures should preserve the microbiological homogeneity, phenotypic and genotypic characteristics to ensure better reproducibility of metabolic production. To evaluate the influence of the storage condition on the composition of cell fatty acids, genetic profile and biochemical characteristics of Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae IBSBF 2103, as well as, to identify its relationship with the yielding and viscosity of the xanthan gum produced, this study monitored the strain preserved in two simple and widely used conditions, ultra-freezer (−80 °C) and refrigeration (3–8 °C) during 5 months. Were identified and quantified 13 fatty acids. The cells preserved at −80 °C showed more stable concentration of all fatty acids, producing more xanthan gum and with higher viscosity. The chromosomal analysis obtained with the enzyme XbaI revealed 17 distinct fragments with maximum size of 485 kilobases, without variations among the subcultures maintained in both storage conditions. The X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae subcultures preserved at −80 °C showed less pronounced phenotypic variations, which had positive influence in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the xanthan gum produced.
Application of Immobilized β-Glucosidase from Candida boidinii in the Hydrolysis of Delignified Sugarcane Bagasse
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2024
Larissa Emanuelle da Silva Almeida, Sandra Aparecida de Assis
Candida boidinii is a methylotrophic yeast with wide geographical distribution. In the present study, the microorganism was isolated from the Bahian semiarid and the enzymatic extract containing β-glucosidase was obtained through submerged fermentation. Response surface methodology was employed to optimize of fermentation medium. The higher production of β-glucosidase was obtained after 71 h of fermentation in an optimized medium composed of 3.35% glucose, 1.78% yeast extract and 1% peptone. The optimum pH and temperature of enzymatic activity were 6.8 (citrate–phosphate buffer) and 71.7 °C, respectively. Salts tested (10 mM) CaCl2, Na2SO4 and ZnSO4 promotes the increase of 91%, 45% and 80% of activity, respectively. The enzyme retained 64% ± 2.3 of its initial activity after 1 h heating at 90 °C. The production of reducing sugars was 95.94% after 24 h of hydrolysis and, with the addition of metal ions, this value increased more than 2 times. Among the supports analyzed for immobilization, chitosan showed higher residual activity during reuse. The immobilized enzyme showed higher activity at 60 °C with pH 6 and preserved almost 100% of the initial activity after 30 min at 70 °C.
Biomethanol Production from Methane by Immobilized Co-cultures of Methanotrophs
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 60 - Trang 318-324 - 2020
Sanjay K. S. Patel, Rahul K. Gupta, Virendra Kumar, Sanath Kondaveeti, Anurag Kumar, Devashish Das, Vipin Chandra Kalia, Jung-Kul Lee
Methanol production by co-culture of methanotrophs Methylocystis bryophila and Methyloferula stellata was examined from methane, a greenhouse gas. Co-culture exhibited higher methanol yield of 4.72 mM at optimum ratio of M. bryophila and M. stellata (3:2) compared to individual cultures. The immobilized co-culture within polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) showed relative efficiency of 90.1% for methanol production at polymer concentration of 10% (v/v). The immobilized co-culture cells within PVA resulted in higher bioprocess stability over free cells at different pH, and temperatures. Free and encapsulated co-cultures showed maximum methanol production of 4.81 and 5.37 mM under optimum conditions, respectively. After five cycles of reusage under batch conditions, free and encapsulated co-cultures retained methanol production efficiency of 23.8 and 61.9%, respectively. The present investigation successfully revealed the useful influence of co-culture on the methanol production over pure culture. Further, encapsulation within the polymeric matrix proved to be a better approach for the enhanced stability of the bioprocess.
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacillus megaterium mj1212 Regulates Endogenous Plant Carbohydrates and Amino Acids Contents to Promote Mustard Plant Growth
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2014
Sang-Mo Kang, Ramalingam Radhakrishnan, Young-Hyun You, Gil-Jae Joo, In-Jung Lee, Ko-Eun Lee, Jin-Ho Kim
The current study was conducted to explore the potential of a phosphate solubilizing soil bacterium, Bacillus megaterium mj1212 for enhancing the growth of mustard plants. The newly isolated bacterial strain mj1212 was identified as B. megaterium using phylogenetic analysis and, its phosphate solubilization ability was shown by the clear zone formation on National Botanical Research Institute’s Phosphate medium. Moreover, the phosphate solubilization ability of B. megaterium mj1212 was enhanced by optimal culture conditions at pH 7.0 and 35 °C which might be due to the presence of malic and quinic acid in the culture medium. The beneficial effect of B. megaterium mj1212 in mustard plants was determined by an increasing shoot length, root length and fresh weight of plants. In the biochemical analysis revealed that chlorophyll, sucrose, glucose, fructose and amino acids (Asp, Thr, Ser, Glu, Gly, Ala, Cys, Val, Met, Ilu, Leu, Tyr, Phe, Lys, His, Arg and Pro) were higher in B. megaterium mj1212 treated plants, when compared to their control. The result of present study suggests that B. megaterium mj1212 treatment could be act as phosphate biofertilizer to improve the plant growth.
Methylene Blue Assisted Electrochemical Detection of Bacterial Biofilm
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 63 - Trang 299-306 - 2023
Sonali Rana, Lata Sheo Bachan Upadhyay
This paper presents a novel electrochemical transduction method for the rapid and straightforward detection of bacterial biofilm. Briefly, fifteen isolates from various sources were collected and evaluated for their ability to generate biofilm. The Congo red-based agar method and the tube test were used for preliminary screening. A microtiter experiment was also performed to quantitatively examine the screening results and validate the outcomes of the proposed methylene blue-based electrochemical detection method. Electrochemical sensing was performed on the two selected isolates using methylene blue as a redox indicator. For optimization goals, several methylene blue concentrations were studied. Methylene blue at a concentration of 0.4 mM was used for the analysis conclusion. The developed electrochemical method displayed a linear R2 value of 0.9747. The new electrochemical approach demonstrated great sensitivity and rapid response compared to conventional microtiter test methods.
Ecobiotechnological Approach for Exploiting the Abilities of Bacillus to Produce Co-polymer of Polyhydroxyalkanoate
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 54 - Trang 151-157 - 2014
Prasun Kumar, Mamtesh Singh, Sanjeet Mehariya, Sanjay K. S. Patel, Jung-Kul Lee, Vipin C. Kalia
Ecobiotechnological approach is an attractive and economical strategy to enrich beneficial microbes on waste biomass for production of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). Here, six strains of Bacillus spp. were used to produce co-polymers of PHA from pea-shells. Of the 57 mixed bacterial cultures (BCs) screened, two of the BCs, designated as 5BC1 and 5BC2, each containing 5 strains could produce PHA co-polymer at the rate of 505–560 mg/l from feed consisting of pea-shell slurry (PSS, 2 % total solids) and 1 % glucose (w/v). Co-polymer production was enhanced from 65–560 mg/l on untreated PSS to 1,610–1,645 mg/l from PSS treated with defined hydrolytic bacteria and 1 % glucose. Supplementation of the PSS hydrolysate with sodium propionate enabled 5BC1 to produce co-polymer P(3HB-co-3HV) with a 3HV content up to 13 % and a concomitant 1.46-fold enhancement in PHA yield. Using the principles of ecobiotechnology, this is the first demonstration of PHA co-polymer production by defined co-cultures of Bacillus from biowaste as feed under non-axenic conditions.
Molecular typing of colonizing Streptococcus agalactiae strains by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) in a Chennai based hospital
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 48 - Trang 291-296 - 2008
D. K. Bishi, S. Verghese, R. S. Verma
Streptococcus agalactiae is reported to be an asymptomatic vaginal colonizer in Indian women, although it is considered one of the major causes of neonatal infections in many European countries. DNA based molecular typing methods are more reliable than the conventional serotyping method for identification and typing of this pathogen. In the present study, we have evaluated genetic diversity among colonizing S. agalactiae strains (n=86) by using a PCR-based genotyping method i.e. Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR). With ERIC-PCR fingerprinting at 60% similarity level in a dendrogram generated by UPGMA cluster analysis, 10 different ERIC groups were identified, which were subdivided into 62 distinct genotypes at ≥ 95% similarity level. Based on these findings, we demonstrate that ERIC-PCR is a simple, rapid, and inexpensive tool with sufficient discriminatory power and is applicable for characterization and genotyping of a large number of clinical isolates of S. agalactiae at molecular level.
Re-emergence of glanders in India — Report of Maharashtra state
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 50 - Trang 345-348 - 2010
Praveen Malik, S. K. Khurana, S. K. Dwivedi
Glanders, a notifiable highly contagious disease primarily of equids, is a disease of high zoonotic importance. Caused by gram-negative bacillus, Burkholderia mallei, the disease was restricted to certain pockets of India with sporadic cases. Recently, a major outbreak of glanders occurred in India starting from Maharashtra. Following clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory investigations on serum, nasal swab and pus swab samples, it was confirmed as glanders among equines in Pune and Panchgani areas of Maharashtra. One pus sample and three nasal swabs yielded B. mallei isolates while 23 serum samples were found positive for glanders by complement fixation test (CFT). The disease was successfully controlled in the state by following strategies for prevention of spread of the disease to other areas in accordance with Glanders and Farcy Act, 1899. Follow up of the occurrence in Maharashtra revealed negative status based on testing and physical surveillance on more than 3,500 equines thereafter. Investigations indicated that the nidus of infection may be present elsewhere in North India.
Microbes: Mini Iron Factories
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 54 - Trang 483-485 - 2014
Kumar Batuk Joshi
Microbes have flourished in extreme habitats since beginning of the Earth and have played an important role in geological processes like weathering, mineralization, diagenesis, mineral formation and destruction. Biotic mineralization is one of the most fascinating examples of how microbes have been influencing geological processes. Iron oxidizing and reducing bacteria are capable of precipitating wide varieties of iron oxides (magnetite), carbonates (siderite) and sulphides (greigite) via controlled or induced mineralization processes. Microbes have also been considered to play an important role in the history of evolution of sedimentary rocks on Earth from the formation of banded iron formations during the Archean to modern biotic bog iron and ochre deposits. Here, we discuss the role that microbes have been playing in precipitation of iron and the role and importance of interdisciplinary studies in the field of geology and biology in solving some of the major geological mysteries.
Genomic Sequence Analysis of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus Isolated from Yunnan Sericulture Region, China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC -
Yonghong Zhang, Feng Zhu, Yue Shao, Zhenguo Su, Jing Ni, Bai Xiu-juan
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