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Business and International ManagementMarketingEconomics and Econometrics

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Marketers’ use of alternative front-of-package nutrition symbols: An examination of effects on product evaluations
Tập 46 Số 3 - Trang 453-476 - 2018
Christopher L. Newman, Scot Burton, J. Craig Andrews, Richard G. Netemeyer, Jeremy Kees
Technology readiness: a meta-analysis of conceptualizations of the construct and its impact on technology usage
Tập 48 - Trang 649-669 - 2019
Markus Blut, Cheng Wang
The technology readiness (TR) index aims to better understand people’s propensity to embrace and use cutting-edge technologies. The initial TR construct considers four dimensions—innovativeness, optimism, insecurity, and discomfort—that collectively explain technology usage. The present meta-analysis advances understanding of TR by reexamining its dimensionality, and investigating mediating mechanisms and moderating influences in the TR–technology usage relationship. Using data from 193 independent samples extracted from 163 articles reported by 69,263 individuals, we find that TR is best conceptualized as a two-dimensional construct differentiating between motivators (innovativeness, optimism) and inhibitors (insecurity, discomfort). We observe strong indirect effects of these dimensions on technology usage through mediators proposed by the quality–value–satisfaction chain and technology acceptance model. The results suggest stronger relationships for motivators than for inhibitors, but also that these TR dimensions exert influence through different mediators. Further, the moderator results suggest that the strength of TR–technology usage relationships depends on the technology type (hedonic/utilitarian), examined firm characteristics (voluntary/mandatory use; firm support), and country context (gross domestic product; human development). Finally, customer age, education, and experience are related to TR. These findings enhance managers’ understanding of how TR influences technology usage.
Customer Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence
Tập 29 Số 1 - Trang 16-35 - 2001
David M. Szymanski, David H. Henard
The Synergistic Effect of Market Orientation and Learning Orientation on Organizational Performance
Tập 27 Số 4 - Trang 411-427 - 1999
William E. Baker, James M. Sinkula
Understanding and managing customer relational benefits in services: a meta-analysis
Tập 48 - Trang 565-583 - 2019
Dwayne D. Gremler, Yves Van Vaerenbergh, Elisabeth C. Brüggen, Kevin P. Gwinner
Recent meta-analyses provide clear insights into how service firms can benefit from relationship marketing, whereas investigations of customers’ relational benefits (1) are unclear about the absolute and relative strengths by which different relational benefit dimensions induce different customer responses and (2) have not simultaneously examined the various mediating processes (including perceived value, relationship quality, and switching costs) through which relational benefits reportedly affect customer loyalty. To consolidate extant research on the benefits of relationship marketing for customers, this meta-analysis integrates 1242 effect sizes drawn from 235 independent samples across 224 papers disseminated in the past two decades. The results reveal that all three relational benefits affect loyalty, though confidence benefits and social benefits have the strongest effects. Among the three identified mediation paths through which relational benefits influence customer loyalty, the sequential path through perceived value and relationship quality is the strongest. From a service research perspective, this study provides novel empirical generalizations; managerially, the findings suggest that a primary goal for service managers should be strengthening confidence and social benefits.
Marketing survey research best practices: evidence and recommendations from a review of JAMS articles
Tập 46 - Trang 92-108 - 2017
John Hulland, Hans Baumgartner, Keith Marion Smith
Survey research methodology is widely used in marketing, and it is important for both the field and individual researchers to follow stringent guidelines to ensure that meaningful insights are attained. To assess the extent to which marketing researchers are utilizing best practices in designing, administering, and analyzing surveys, we review the prevalence of published empirical survey work during the 2006–2015 period in three top marketing journals—Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Marketing (JM), and Journal of Marketing Research (JMR)—and then conduct an in-depth analysis of 202 survey-based studies published in JAMS. We focus on key issues in two broad areas of survey research (issues related to the choice of the object of measurement and selection of raters, and issues related to the measurement of the constructs of interest), and we describe conceptual considerations related to each specific issue, review how marketing researchers have attended to these issues in their published work, and identify appropriate best practices.
Analysis of risk and risk-reduction strategies—A multiple product case
Tập 3 Số 2 - Trang 148-160 - 1975
Brown, Thomas L., Gentry, James W.
This study investigated both the amount of risk that consumers face in a new car purchase situation and the different types of strategies that they use to reduce that risk. The findings revealed that owners of different makes of cars perceive varying amounts of risk to be associated with the purchase of a new car. However, no significant differences in the overall amounts of risk associated with the different purchase situations were found. Also it was found that different strategies for reducing the risk were utilized by the different car ownership groups.
Introduction to the special issue on marketing theory
Tập 20 - Trang 105-106 - 1992
Shelby D. Hunt
Intermarket shopping behavior and the small community: Problems and prospects of a widespread phenomenon
Tập 11 Số 1-2 - Trang 1-14 - 1983
A. Coskun Samli, Glen Riecken, Uğur Yavaş
Quality uncertainty, brand reliance, and dissipative advertising
Tập 19 - Trang 115-121 - 1991
Cynthia Fraser Hite, Robert E. Hite, Tamra Minor
Consumers may have learned to generalize from usage experiences that nationally advertised, name-brand items tend to be higher in quality than unadvertised brands. Such generalization may have prompted the substitution of brand-name evaluations for search in quality assessments of nondurable experience goods. This paper offers theoretical arguments which suggest that if some consumers do not search, all firms in nondurable, experience goods markets can increase their profits if some substitute dissipative advertising (i.e., advertising which ignores information about product performance characteristics) of brand names for product quality enhancements. Undersearching by consumers invites firms to downgrade value in nondurable, experience goods markets. In support of the hypothesized substitution by consumers of brand-name evaluations for search in nondurable, experience goods markets, this paper reports results of a field experiment in which the influences on quality assessments of brand name and product composition were studied in two categories where dissipative advertising is heavily relied upon. Results suggest that branding is relied upon more heavily than search to assess quality, even when brand cues are inconsistent with actual quality levels and search is costless, suggesting that dissipative advertising can be extremely effective.