Telomere shortening and telomere position effect in mild ring 17 syndromeSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 1-9 - 2014
Cecilia Surace, Francesco Berardinelli, Andrea Masotti, Maria Cristina Roberti, Letizia Da Sacco, Gemma D’Elia, Pietro Sirleto, Maria Cristina Digilio, Raffaella Cusmai, Simona Grotta, Stefano Petrocchi, May El Hachem, Elisa Pisaneschi, Laura Ciocca, Serena Russo, Francesca Romana Lepri, Antonella Sgura, Adriano Angioni
Ring chromosome 17 syndrome is a rare disease that arises from the breakage and reunion of the short and long arms of chromosome 17. Usually this abnormality results in deletion of genetic material, which explains the clinical features of the syndrome. Moreover, similar phenotypic features have been observed in cases with complete or partial loss of the telomeric repeats and conservation of the euchromatic regions. We studied two different cases of ring 17 syndrome, firstly, to clarify, by analyzing gene expression analysis using real-time qPCR, the role of the telomere absence in relationship with the clinical symptoms, and secondly, to look for a new model of the mechanism of ring chromosome transmission in a rare case of familial mosaicism, through cytomolecular and quantitative fluorescence in-situ hybridization (Q-FISH) investigations. The results for the first case showed that the expression levels of genes selected, which were located close to the p and q ends of chromosome 17, were significantly downregulated in comparison with controls. Moreover, for the second case, we demonstrated that the telomeres were conserved, but were significantly shorter than those of age-matched controls; data from segregation analysis showed that the ring chromosome was transmitted only to the affected subjects of the family. Subtelomeric gene regulation is responsible for the phenotypic aspects of ring 17 syndrome; telomere shortening influences the phenotypic spectrum of this disease and strongly contributes to the familial transmission of the mosaic ring. Together, these results provide new insights into the genotype-phenotype relationships in mild ring 17 syndrome.
Sự tri-methyl hóa ATF7IP bởi G9a/GLP thu hút protein chromodomain MPP8 Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 1-16 - 2018
Takeshi Tsusaka, Masaki Kikuchi, Tadahiro Shimazu, Takehiro Suzuki, Yoshihiro Sohtome, Mai Akakabe, Mikiko Sodeoka, Naoshi Dohmae, Takashi Umehara, Yoichi Shinkai
G9a và enzyme liên quan GLP ban đầu được xác định là các histone lysine methyltransferases và sau đó được chỉ ra rằng cũng methyl hóa một số protein phi-histone khác. Ở đây, chúng tôi đã thực hiện một sàng lọc toàn diện để xác định các cơ chất của chúng trong tế bào gốc phôi chuột (mESCs). Chúng tôi đã xác định 59 protein, bao gồm histones và các cơ chất đã biết khác. Một trong những cơ chất được xác định, protein tương tác với yếu tố phiên mã kích hoạt 7 (ATF7IP), bị tri-methyl hóa tại địa điểm lysine 9 trên histone H3 (H3K9)-giống như bởi phức hợp G9a/GLP, mặc dù phức hợp này chủ yếu tạo ra hiện tượng di-methyl hóa tại H3K9 và lysine 126 của DNA ligase 1 (LIG1) trong các tế bào. Miền xúc tác của G9a cho thấy có ái lực cao hơn với lysine di-methyl hóa trên ATF7IP so với LIG1, điều này có thể tạo ra các mức độ methyl hóa khác nhau của các cơ chất khác nhau trong tế bào. Hơn nữa, chúng tôi phát hiện rằng protein phospho M-phase 8 (MPP8), được biết đến như một protein liên kết với H3K9me3, nhận diện ATF7IP đã methyl hóa thông qua miền chromodomain của nó. MPP8 cũng là một thành phần đã biết của phức hợp trung tâm làm lặng tiếng ở người giúp làm lặng tiếng gen chuyển giao thông qua việc tuyển dụng SETDB1, một đối tác liên kết của ATF7IP. Mặc dù sự tương tác giữa ATF7IP và SETDB1 không phụ thuộc vào sự methyl hóa của ATF7IP, nhưng chúng tôi phát hiện rằng việc khởi động quá trình làm lặng tiếng virus báo cáo do SETDB1/MPP8 trung gian bị trì hoãn ở các tế bào mESC chỉ biểu hiện một đột biến ATF7IP không thể methyl hóa. Những phát hiện của chúng tôi cung cấp những hiểu biết mới về vai trò của sự methyl hóa lysine trong các cơ chất phi-histone mà phức hợp G9a/GLP nhắm đến và gợi ý một chức năng tiềm năng của sự methyl hóa ATF7IP trong việc làm lặng tiếng gen chuyển giao do SETDB1/MPP8 trung gian.
#G9a #GLP #ATF7IP #methyl hóa lysine #tế bào gốc phôi chuột #SETDB1 #MPP8 #làm lặng tiếng gen
RNA:DNA hybrids in the human genome have distinctive nucleotide characteristics, chromatin composition, and transcriptional relationshipsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-19 - 2015
Julie Nadel, Rodoniki Athanasiadou, Christophe Lemetre, N. Ari Wijetunga, Pilib Ó Broin, Hanae Sato, Zhengdong Zhang, Jeffrey Jeddeloh, Cristina Montagna, Aaron Golden, Cathal Seoighe, John M. Greally
RNA:DNA hybrids represent a non-canonical nucleic acid structure that has been associated with a range of human diseases and potential transcriptional regulatory functions. Mapping of RNA:DNA hybrids in human cells reveals them to have a number of characteristics that give insights into their functions. We find RNA:DNA hybrids to occupy millions of base pairs in the human genome. A directional sequencing approach shows the RNA component of the RNA:DNA hybrid to be purine-rich, indicating a thermodynamic contribution to their in vivo stability. The RNA:DNA hybrids are enriched at loci with decreased DNA methylation and increased DNase hypersensitivity, and within larger domains with characteristics of heterochromatin formation, indicating potential transcriptional regulatory properties. Mass spectrometry studies of chromatin at RNA:DNA hybrids shows the presence of the ILF2 and ILF3 transcription factors, supporting a model of certain transcription factors binding preferentially to the RNA:DNA conformation. Overall, there is little to indicate a dependence for RNA:DNA hybrids forming co-transcriptionally, with results from the ribosomal DNA repeat unit instead supporting the intriguing model of RNA generating these structures in
trans. The results of the study indicate heterogeneous functions of these genomic elements and new insights into their formation and stability in vivo.
A novel methyl-binding domain protein enrichment method for identifying genome-wide tissue-specific DNA methylation from nanogram DNA samplesSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 Số 1 - 2013
Verity F. Oliver, Jun Wan, Saurabh Agarwal, Donald J. Zack, Jiang Qian, Shannath L. Merbs
Growing evidence suggests that DNA methylation plays a role in tissue-specific differentiation. Current approaches to methylome analysis using enrichment with the methyl-binding domain protein (MBD) are restricted to large (≥1 μg) DNA samples, limiting the analysis of small tissue samples. Here we present a technique that enables characterization of genome-wide tissue-specific methylation patterns from nanogram quantities of DNA.
We have developed a methodology utilizing MBD2b/MBD3L1 enrichment for methylated DNA, kinase pre-treated ligation-mediated PCR amplification (MeKL) and hybridization to the comprehensive high-throughput array for relative methylation (CHARM) customized tiling arrays, which we termed MeKL-chip. Kinase modification in combination with the addition of PEG has increased ligation-mediated PCR amplification over 20-fold, enabling >400-fold amplification of starting DNA. We have shown that MeKL-chip can be applied to as little as 20 ng of DNA, enabling comprehensive analysis of small DNA samples. Applying MeKL-chip to the mouse retina (a limited tissue source) and brain, 2,498 tissue-specific differentially methylated regions (T-DMRs) were characterized. The top five T-DMRs (Rgs20, Hes2, Nfic, Cckbr and Six3os1) were validated by pyrosequencing.
MeKL-chip enables genome-wide methylation analysis of nanogram quantities of DNA with a wide range of observed-to-expected CpG ratios due to the binding properties of the MBD2b/MBD3L1 protein complex. This methodology enabled the first analysis of genome-wide methylation in the mouse retina, characterizing novel T-DMRs.
How is epigenetic information maintained through DNA replication?Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 1-7 - 2013
Varija N Budhavarapu, Myrriah Chavez, Jessica K Tyler
DNA replication is a highly conserved process that accurately copies the genetic information from one generation to the next. The processes of chromatin disassembly and reassembly during DNA replication also have to be precisely regulated to ensure that the genetic material is compactly packaged to fit into the nucleus while also maintaining the epigenetic information that is carried by the histone proteins bound to the DNA, through cell divisions. Half of the histones that are deposited during replication are from the parental chromatin and carry the parental epigenetic information, while the other half of the histones are newly-synthesized. It has been of growing interest to understand how the parental pattern of epigenetic marks is re-established on the newly-synthesized histones, in a DNA sequence-specific manner, in order to maintain the epigenetic information through cell divisions. In this review we will discuss how histone chaperone proteins precisely coordinate the chromatin assembly process during DNA replication. We also discuss the recent evidence that histone-modifying enzymes, rather than the parental histones, are themselves epigenetic factors that remain associated with the DNA through replication to re-establish the epigenetic information on the newly-assembled chromatin.
The histone chaperone DAXX maintains the structural organization of heterochromatin domainsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 1-14 - 2015
Lindsy M. Rapkin, Kashif Ahmed, Stanimir Dulev, Ren Li, Hiroshi Kimura, Alexander M. Ishov, David P. Bazett-Jones
The death domain-associated protein (DAXX) collaborates with accessory proteins to deposit the histone variant H3.3 into mouse telomeric and pericentromeric repeat DNA. Pericentromeric repeats are the main genetic contributor to spatially discrete, compact, constitutive heterochromatic structures called chromocentres. Chromocentres are enriched in the H3K9me3 histone modification and serve as integral, functionally important components of nuclear organization. To date, the role of DAXX as an H3.3-specific histone chaperone has been investigated primarily using biochemical approaches which provide genome-wide views on cell populations and information on changes in local chromatin structures. However, the global chromatin and subnuclear reorganization events that coincide with these changes remain to be investigated. Using electron spectroscopic imagine (ESI), a specialized form of energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy that allows us to visualize chromatin domains in situ with high contrast and spatial resolution, we show that in the absence of DAXX, H3K9me3-enriched domains are structurally altered and become uncoupled from major satellite DNA. In addition, the structural integrity of nucleoli and the organization of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) are disrupted. Moreover, the absence of DAXX leads to chromatin that is more sensitive, on a global level, to micrococcal nuclease digestion. We identify a novel role of DAXX as a major regulator of subnuclear organization through the maintenance of the global heterochromatin structural landscape. As well, we show, for the first time, that the loss of a histone chaperone can have severe consequences for global nuclear organization.
Profiling of chromatin accessibility and identification of general cis-regulatory mechanisms that control two ocular lens differentiation pathwaysSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 1-23 - 2019
Yilin Zhao, Deyou Zheng, Ales Cvekl
Promoters and enhancers are cis-regulatory DNA sequences that control specificity and quantity of transcription. Both are rich on clusters of cis-acting sites that interact with sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs). At the level of chromatin, these regions display increased nuclease sensitivity, reduced nucleosome density, including nucleosome-free regions, and specific combinations of posttranslational modifications of core histone proteins. Together, “open” and “closed” chromatins represent transcriptionally active and repressed states of individual genes, respectively. Cellular differentiation is marked by changes in local chromatin structure. Lens morphogenesis, regulated by TF Pax6, includes differentiation of epithelial precursor cells into lens fibers in parallel with differentiation of epithelial precursors into the mature lens epithelium. Using ATAC-seq, we investigated dynamics of chromatin changes during mouse lens fibers and epithelium differentiation. Tissue-specific features of these processes are demonstrated via comparative studies of embryonic stem cells, forebrain, and liver chromatins. Unbiased analysis reveals cis-regulatory logic of lens differentiation through known (e.g., AP-1, Ets, Hsf4, Maf, and Pax6 sites) and novel (e.g., CTCF, Tead, and NF1) motifs. Twenty-six DNA-binding TFs, recognizing these cis-motifs, are markedly up-regulated in differentiating lens fibers. As specific examples, our ATAC-seq data uncovered both the regulatory regions and TF binding motifs in Foxe3, Prox1, and Mip loci that are consistent with previous, though incomplete, experimental data. A cross-examination of Pax6 binding with ATAC-seq data demonstrated that Pax6 bound to both open (H3K27ac and P300-enriched) and closed chromatin domains in lens and forebrain. Our study has generated the first lens chromatin accessibility maps that support a general model of stage-specific chromatin changes associated with transcriptional activities of batteries of genes required for lens fiber cell formation. Analysis of active (or open) promoters and enhancers reveals important cis-DNA motifs that establish the molecular foundation for temporally and spatially regulated gene expression in lens. Together, our data and models open new avenues for the field to conduct mechanistic studies of transcriptional control regions, reconstruction of gene regulatory networks that govern lens morphogenesis, and identification of cataract-causing mutations in noncoding sequences.