Reviews of Geophysics

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Hydraulic Fracturing‐Induced Seismicity
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 58 Số 3 - 2020
Ryan Schultz, Robert J. Skoumal, M. R. Brudzinski, Dave Eaton, Brian Baptie, William L. Ellsworth

Hydraulic fracturing (HF) is a technique that is used for extracting petroleum resources from impermeable host rocks. In this process, fluid injected under high pressure causes fractures to propagate. This technique has been transformative for the hydrocarbon industry, unlocking otherwise stranded resources; however, environmental concerns make HF controversial. One concern is HF‐induced seismicity, since fluids driven under high pressure also have the potential to reactivate faults. Controversy has inevitably followed these HF‐induced earthquakes, with economic and human losses from ground shaking at one extreme and moratoriums on resource development at the other. Here, we review the state of knowledge of this category of induced seismicity. We first cover essential background information on HF along with an overview of published induced earthquake cases to date. Expanding on this, we synthesize the common themes and interpret the origin of these commonalities, which include recurrent earthquake swarms, proximity to well bore, rapid response to stimulation, and a paucity of reported cases. Next, we discuss the unanswered questions that naturally arise from these commonalities, leading to potential research themes: consistent recognition of cases, proposed triggering mechanisms, geologically susceptible conditions, identification of operational controls, effective mitigation efforts, and science‐informed regulatory management. HF‐induced seismicity provides a unique opportunity to better understand and manage earthquake rupture processes; overall, understanding HF‐induced earthquakes is important in order to avoid extreme reactions in either direction.

Early chemical history of the solar system
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 71-101 - 1974
Lawrence Grossman, J. W. Larimer

The extreme antiquity and lack of evidence for significant chemical processing of the chondritic meteorites since they were formed suggest the possibility that their chemistry and mineralogy may have been established during the condensation of the solar system. By using equilibrium thermodynamics, the sequence of condensation of mineral phases from a cooling nebula of solar composition has been calculated. Applying the predictions of these theoretical models suggests that (1) the chemistry and mineralogy of Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions in C2 and C3 chondrites were established during condensation at temperatures >1300°K; (2) fractionation of such inclusions is necessary to account for the refractory element depletions of ordinary and enstatite chondrites relative to the carbonaceous chondrites; (3) the metal‐silicate fractionation in ordinary chondrites took place in the nebula at T < 1000°K and Ptot ∼ 10−5 atm; (4) the volatile element depletion of C2 and C3 chondrites relative to C1 chondrites took place during chondrule formation; (5) the most volatile elements are depleted in ordinary chondrites because they accreted before these elements were totally condensed; and (6) many chemical features of planetary rare gases and organic material in carbonaceous chondrites could have been established during condensation. Chemical fractionation during condensation may also be responsible for the heterogeneous accumulation of the earth, the refractory element enrichment of the moon, and the varying Fe/Si ratios of the terrestrial planets.

Entrainment of bed material by Earth‐surface mass flows: Review and reformulation of depth‐integrated theory
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 53 Số 1 - Trang 27-58 - 2015
Richard M. Iverson, Chaojun Ouyang

Earth‐surface mass flows such as debris flows, rock avalanches, and dam‐break floods can grow greatly in size and destructive potential by entraining bed material they encounter. Increasing use of depth‐integrated mass and momentum conservation equations to model these erosive flows motivates a review of the underlying theory. Our review indicates that many existing models apply depth‐integrated conservation principles incorrectly, leading to spurious inferences about the role of mass and momentum exchanges at flow‐bed boundaries. Model discrepancies can be rectified by analyzing conservation of mass and momentum in a two‐layer system consisting of a moving upper layer and static lower layer. Our analysis shows that erosion or deposition rates at the interface between layers must, in general, satisfy three jump conditions. These conditions impose constraints on valid erosion formulas, and they help determine the correct forms of depth‐integrated conservation equations. Two of the three jump conditions are closely analogous to Rankine‐Hugoniot conditions that describe the behavior of shocks in compressible gasses, and the third jump condition describes shear traction discontinuities that necessarily exist across eroding boundaries. Grain‐fluid mixtures commonly behave as compressible materials as they undergo entrainment, because changes in bulk density occur as the mixtures mobilize and merge with an overriding flow. If no bulk density change occurs, then only the shear traction jump condition applies. Even for this special case, however, accurate formulation of depth‐integrated momentum equations requires a clear distinction between boundary shear tractions that exist in the presence or absence of bed erosion.

The physics of debris flows
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 35 Số 3 - Trang 245-296 - 1997
Richard M. Iverson

Recent advances in theory and experimentation motivate a thorough reassessment of the physics of debris flows. Analyses of flows of dry, granular solids and solid‐fluid mixtures provide a foundation for a comprehensive debris flow theory, and experiments provide data that reveal the strengths and limitations of theoretical models. Both debris flow materials and dry granular materials can sustain shear stresses while remaining static; both can deform in a slow, tranquil mode characterized by enduring, frictional grain contacts; and both can flow in a more rapid, agitated mode characterized by brief, inelastic grain collisions. In debris flows, however, pore fluid that is highly viscous and nearly incompressible, composed of water with suspended silt and clay, can strongly mediate intergranular friction and collisions. Grain friction, grain collisions, and viscous fluid flow may transfer significant momentum simultaneously. Both the vibrational kinetic energy of solid grains (measured by a quantity termed the granular temperature) and the pressure of the intervening pore fluid facilitate motion of grains past one another, thereby enhancing debris flow mobility. Granular temperature arises from conversion of flow translational energy to grain vibrational energy, a process that depends on shear rates, grain properties, boundary conditions, and the ambient fluid viscosity and pressure. Pore fluid pressures that exceed static equilibrium pressures result from local or global debris contraction. Like larger, natural debris flows, experimental debris flows of ∼10 m³ of poorly sorted, water‐saturated sediment invariably move as an unsteady surge or series of surges. Measurements at the base of experimental flows show that coarse‐grained surge fronts have little or no pore fluid pressure. In contrast, finer‐grained, thoroughly saturated debris behind surge fronts is nearly liquefied by high pore pressure, which persists owing to the great compressibility and moderate permeability of the debris. Realistic models of debris flows therefore require equations that simulate inertial motion of surges in which high‐resistance fronts dominated by solid forces impede the motion of low‐resistance tails more strongly influenced by fluid forces. Furthermore, because debris flows characteristically originate as nearly rigid sediment masses, transform at least partly to liquefied flows, and then transform again to nearly rigid deposits, acceptable models must simulate an evolution of material behavior without invoking preternatural changes in material properties. A simple model that satisfies most of these criteria uses depth‐averaged equations of motion patterned after those of the Savage‐Hutter theory for gravity‐driven flow of dry granular masses but generalized to include the effects of viscous pore fluid with varying pressure. These equations can describe a spectrum of debris flow behaviors intermediate between those of wet rock avalanches and sediment‐laden water floods. With appropriate pore pressure distributions the equations yield numerical solutions that successfully predict unsteady, nonuniform motion of experimental debris flows.

Permeability of the continental crust: Implications of geothermal data and metamorphic systems
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 37 Số 1 - Trang 127-150 - 1999
C. E. Manning, S. E. Ingebritsen

In the upper crust, where hydraulic gradients are typically <1 MPa km−1, advective heat transport is often effective for permeabilities k ≥ 10−16 m² and advective mass (solute) transport for k ≥ 10−20 m². Regional‐scale analyses of coupled groundwater flow and heat transport in the upper crust typically infer permeabilities in the range of 10−17 to 10−14 m², so that heat advection is sometimes significant and solute advection should nearly always be significant. Analyses of metamorphic systems suggest that a geochemically significant level of permeability can exist to the base of the crust. In active metamorphic systems in the mid to lower crust, where vertical hydraulic gradients are likely >10 MPa km−1, the mean permeabilities required to accommodate the estimated metamorphic fluid fluxes decrease from ∼10−16 m² to ∼10−18 m² between 5‐ and 12‐km depth. Below ∼12 km, which broadly corresponds to the brittle‐plastic transition, mean k is effectively independent of depth at ∼10−18.5±1 m² Consideration of the permeability values inferred from thermal modeling and metamorphic fluxes suggests a quasi‐exponential decay of permeability with depth of log k ≈ −3.2 log z ‐ 14, where k is in meters squared and z is in kilometers. At mid to lower crustal depths this curve lies just below the threshold value for significant advection of heat. Such conditions may represent an optimum for metamorphism, allowing the maximum transport of fluid and solute mass that is possible without advective cooling.

Phát triển mô hình đóng cửa độ hỗn loạn cho các vấn đề dòng chảy địa vật lý Dịch bởi AI
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 20 Số 4 - Trang 851-875 - 1982
George L. Mellor, Tetsuji Yamada

Các ứng dụng của giả thuyết đóng cửa độ hỗn loạn bậc hai đối với các vấn đề dòng chảy địa vật lý đã phát triển nhanh chóng kể từ năm 1973, khi mà khả năng dự đoán thực sự trong việc giải quyết các ảnh hưởng của sự phân tầng đã được chứng minh. Mục đích ở đây là tổng hợp và tổ chức các tài liệu đã xuất hiện trong một số bài báo và thêm các tài liệu hữu ích mới để một mô tả đầy đủ (và cải tiến) về một mô hình độ hỗn loạn từ khái niệm đến ứng dụng được cô đọng trong một bài báo duy nhất. Hy vọng rằng điều này sẽ là một tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích cho người sử dụng mô hình để ứng dụng cho các tầng biên khí quyển hoặc đại dương.

Distribution of stresses in the descending lithosphere from a global survey of focal‐mechanism solutions of mantle earthquakes
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 9 Số 1 - Trang 103-174 - 1971
Bryan L. Isacks, Péter Molnár

A region‐by‐region analysis of 204 reliable focal‐mechanism solutions for deep and intermediate‐depth earthquakes strongly supports the idea that portions of the lithosphere that descend into the mantle are slablike stress guides that align the earthquake‐generating stresses parallel to the inclined seismic zones. At intermediate depths extensional stresses parallel to the dip of the zone are predominant in zones characterized either by gaps in the seismicity as a function of depth or by an absence of deep earthquakes. Compressional stresses parallel to the dip of the zone are prevalent everywhere the zone exists below about 300 km. These results indicate that the lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere under its own weight but encounters resistance to its downward motion below about 300 km. Additional results indicate contortions and disruptions of the descending slabs; however, stresses attributable to simple bending of the plates do not seem to be important in the generation of subcrustal earthquakes. This summary, intended to be comprehensive, includes nearly all solutions obtainable from the World‐Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) for the period 1962 through part of 1968 plus a selection of reliable solutions of pre‐1962 events, and it includes data from nearly every region in the world where earthquakes occur in the mantle. The double‐couple or shear dislocation model of the source mechanism is adequate for all the data.

Opportunities for hydrologic research in the Congo Basin
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 54 Số 2 - Trang 378-409 - 2016
Douglas Alsdorf, R. Edward Beighley, Alain Laraque, Hyongki Lee, Raphaël M. Tshimanga, Fiachra O’Loughlin, Gil Mahé, Bienvenu Jean Dinga, Guy Moukandi, Robert G. M. Spencer
A Review of the Role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and Associated Climate Impacts
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 57 Số 2 - Trang 316-375 - 2019
Rong Zhang, Rowan Sutton, Gökhan Danabasoglu, Young‐Oh Kwon, Robert Marsh, Stephen Yeager, Daniel E. Amrhein, Christopher M. Little

By synthesizing recent studies employing a wide range of approaches (modern observations, paleo reconstructions, and climate model simulations), this paper provides a comprehensive review of the linkage between multidecadal Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) variability and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) and associated climate impacts. There is strong observational and modeling evidence that multidecadal AMOC variability is a crucial driver of the observed AMV and associated climate impacts and an important source of enhanced decadal predictability and prediction skill. The AMOC‐AMV linkage is consistent with observed key elements of AMV. Furthermore, this synthesis also points to a leading role of the AMOC in a range of AMV‐related climate phenomena having enormous societal and economic implications, for example, Intertropical Convergence Zone shifts; Sahel and Indian monsoons; Atlantic hurricanes; El Niño–Southern Oscillation; Pacific Decadal Variability; North Atlantic Oscillation; climate over Europe, North America, and Asia; Arctic sea ice and surface air temperature; and hemispheric‐scale surface temperature. Paleoclimate evidence indicates that a similar linkage between multidecadal AMOC variability and AMV and many associated climate impacts may also have existed in the preindustrial era, that AMV has enhanced multidecadal power significantly above a red noise background, and that AMV is not primarily driven by external forcing. The role of the AMOC in AMV and associated climate impacts has been underestimated in most state‐of‐the‐art climate models, posing significant challenges but also great opportunities for substantial future improvements in understanding and predicting AMV and associated climate impacts.

Gravity wave saturation in the middle atmosphere: A review of theory and observations
Reviews of Geophysics - Tập 22 Số 3 - Trang 275-308 - 1984
David C. Fritts

This paper provides a review of recent advances in our understanding of gravity wave saturation in the middle atmosphere. A brief discussion of those studies leading to the identification of gravity wave effects and their role in middle atmosphere dynamics is presented first. This is followed by a simple development of the linear saturation theory to illustrate the principal effects. Recent extensions to the linear saturation theory, including quasi‐linear, nonlinear, and transient effects, are then described. Those studies addressing the role of gravity wave saturation in the mean circulation of the middle atmosphere are also discussed. Finally, observations of gravity wave motions, distribution, and variability and those measurements specifically addressing gravity wave saturation are reviewed.

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