Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1983-2023)



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  SAGE Publications Ltd

Lĩnh vực:
Mechanical Engineering

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Classical Nucleation Theory and Its Application to Condensing Steam Flow Calculations
Tập 219 Số 12 - Trang 1315-1333 - 2005
F. Bakhtar, John Young, Alexander J. White, Duncan Alexander Simpson

The paper discusses the classical theory of the homogeneous nucleation of water droplets from supersaturated vapour and its application in predicting condensation in steam nozzles. The first part consists of a review of classical nucleation theory, focusing on the many modifications made to the original Becker-Döring theory and providing some new insights into recent developments. It is concluded that the predictive accuracy required for engineering calculations is not yet attainable with a theory derived from first principles. The areas that require most attention relate to the properties of small molecular clusters and the energy transfer processes in the non-isothermal theory. Experiments in converging-diverging nozzles provide the best means for validation at the very high nucleation rates of interest, but measurements of pressure distribution and the Sauter mean droplet radius are insufficient to provide independent checks on the separate theories of nucleation and droplet growth. Nevertheless, a judicious choice for the nucleation rate equation, in combination with a standard droplet growth model and a suitable equation of state for steam, can provide accurate predictions over a wide range of conditions. The exception is at very low pressures where there is evidence that the droplet growth rate in the nucleation zone is underestimated.

A Review of exoskeleton-type systems and their key technologies
Tập 222 Số 8 - Trang 1599-1612 - 2008
Chih‐Jen Yang, JF Zhang, Ye Chen, YM Dong, Y Zhang

The exoskeleton-type system is a brand new type of man—machine intelligent system. It fully combines human intelligence and machine power so that machine intelligence and human operator's power are both enhanced. Therefore, it achieves a high-level performance that neither could separately. This paper describes the basic exoskeleton concepts from biological system to man—machine intelligent systems. It is followed by an overview of the development history of exoskeleton-type systems and their two main applications in teleoperation and human power augmentation. Besides the key technologies in exoskeleton-type systems, the research is presented from several viewpoints of the biomechanical design, system structure modelling, cooperation and function allocation, control strategy, and safety evaluation.

A theoretical model for the contact of elastoplastic bodies
Tập 216 Số 4 - Trang 421-431 - 2001
Long-yuan Li, Chuan‐Yu Wu, Colin Thornton

The paper presents a theoretical model for the normal contact of a rigid sphere with an elastic-perfectly plastic half-space or an elastic-perfectly plastic sphere with a rigid wall. Formulae describing the force-displacement relationship for static contact problems and the coefficient of restitution for dynamic impact problems are derived. The present model can be considered as a modification of Johnson's model by using a more detailed pressure distribution function which is based on finite element analysis (PEA) results and considering the variation in the curvature of the contact surface during the contact interaction. In order to verify the theoretical model, finite element analyses are also conducted, and results are compared with those predicted by the model for both contact force-displacement relations and restitution coefficients. Good agreements between the model predictions and the FEA results are found.

A review on assembly sequence generation and its automation
Tập 230 Số 5 - Trang 824-838 - 2016
M. V. A. Raju Bahubalendruni, Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal

Sequence of feasible mechanical assembly operations plays significant role in overall cost optimisation process for manufacturing industry and thus great importance is given to assembly sequence generation from past four decades. Though achieving at least one feasible sequence is focused in the earlier stages of research, the introduction of soft computing techniques attracted the industrial engineers towards cost-effective, optimised assembly sequences to attain economical manufacturing process. The integration of assembly sequence generation methods with computer aided design environment ensures more correctness and flexibility to automate the process. In this paper, a detailed review on various methods, their applications and limitations is presented and well discussed.

Prediction of machining performance using RSM and ANN models in hard turning of martensitic stainless steel AISI 420
Tập 233 Số 13 - Trang 4439-4462 - 2019
Abderrahmen Zerti, Mohamed Athmane Yallese, Oussama Zerti, Mourad Nouioua, Riad Khettabi

The purpose of this experimental work is to study the impact of the machining parameters ( Vc, ap, and f) on the surface roughness criteria ( Ra, Rz, and Rt) as well as on the cutting force components ( Fx, Fy, and Fz), during dry turning of martensitic stainless steel (AISI 420) treated at 59 hardness Rockwell cone. The machining tests were carried out using the coated mixed ceramic cutting-insert (CC6050) according to the Taguchi design (L25). Analysis of the variance (ANOVA) as well as Pareto graphs made it possible to quantify the contributions of ( Vc, ap, and f) on the output parameters. The response surface methodology and the artificial neural networks approach were used for output modeling. Finally, the optimization of the machining parameters was performed using desirability function (DF) minimizing the surface roughness and the cutting forces simultaneously. The results indicated that the roughness is strongly affected by the feed rate ( f) with contributions of (80.71%, 80.26%, and 81.80%) for ( Ra, Rz, and Rt) respectively, and that the depth of cut ( ap) is the factor having the major influence on the cutting forces ( Fx = 53.76%, Fy = 50.79%, and Fz = 65.31%). Furthermore, artificial neural network and response surface methodology models correlate very well with experimental data. However, artificial neural network models show better accuracy. The optimum machining setting for multi-objective optimization is Vc = 80 m/min, f = 0.08 mm/rev and ap = 0.141 mm.

Tribology of the ring—bore conjunction subject to a mixed regime of lubrication
Tập 223 Số 4 - Trang 987-998 - 2009
Prakash Chandra Mishra, Homer Rahnejat, Paul D. King

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the compression ring—bore/liner conjunction. The analysis includes ring—bore conformability and global in-plane deformation of ring fitted in situ. The analysis for fitted ring in an out-of-round bore shows very good agreement with precise measurements, using a coordinate measuring machine. The analysis also includes the lubricated conjunction under a transient regime of lubrication, taking into account combined elastohydrodynamics and asperity interactions. The transient nature of the tribological conjunction has been demonstrated, particularly the prevalent mixed/boundary regime of lubrication at the top and bottom dead centres.

The analysis is applied to a high performance motorbike engine subjected to very high impact loads and engine speeds of the order of 13 000 r/min. Furthermore, the predictions of the model show good conformance to the measurements of friction reported by other research workers.

Effects of damping, friction, gravity, and flexibility on the dynamic performance of a deployable mechanism with clearance
Tập 227 Số 8 - Trang 1791-1803 - 2013
Junlan Li, Shaoze Yan, Feng Guo, Pengfei Guo

Space deployable mechanisms have been widely employed in modern spacecraft, and the dynamic performance of such mechanisms has become increasingly important in the aerospace industry. This article focuses on the dynamic performance of a deployment mechanism with clearance considering damping, friction, gravity, and flexibility. The modeling methods of revolute joint with clearance, close cable loop, and lock mechanism of a typical deployable mechanism are provided in this article. Based on these proposed methods, the dynamics model of a space deployable mechanism with clearance is established using the multi-body program ADAMS. The effects of clearance, damping, friction, gravity, and flexibility on the dynamic performance of a deployable mechanism in the deploying and locking processes are studied using simulations. The results reveal that the deployable mechanism exhibits evidently nonlinear dynamic characteristics, thus validating the significance of clearance, damping, friction, gravity, and flexibility in system dynamic performance.

Semi-analytical treatments of conjugate heat transfer
Tập 227 Số 3 - Trang 492-503 - 2013
Mohammad Reza Hajmohammadi, S.S. Nourazar, Ali Habibi Manesh

A new algorithm is proposed based on semi-analytical methods to solve the conjugate heat transfer problems. In this respect, a problem of conjugate forced-convective flow over a heat-conducting plate is modeled and the integro-differential equation occurring in the problem is solved by two lately-proposed approaches, Adomian decomposition method and differential transform method. The solution of the governing integro-differential equation for temperature distribution of the plate is handled more easily and accurately by implementing Adomian decomposition method/differential transform method rather than other traditional methods such as perturbation method. A numerical approach is also performed via finite volume method to examine the validity of the results for temperature distribution of the plate obtained by Adomian decomposition method/differential transform method. It is shown that the expressions for the temperature distribution in the plate obtained from the two methods, Adomian decomposition method and differential transform method, are the same and show closer agreement to the results calculated from numerical work in comparison with the expression obtained by perturbation method existed in the literature.

The role of vibration and pass number on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91/SiC composite layer during friction stir processing
Tập 236 Số 5 - Trang 2312-2326 - 2022
Behrouz Bagheri, Amin Abdollahzadeh, Farzaneh Sharifi, Mahmoud Abbasi

In this study, nano-sized SiC particles are added to AZ91 magnesium alloy using friction stir processing (FSP) and friction stir vibration processing (FSVP) to produce surface nano-composite layers. FSVP is a modified method of FSP in which the specimen is vibrated during FSP. The influence of FSP and FSVP pass numbers on mechanical and microstructural behaviors of the developed surfaces is investigated. It is indicated that nano-composite layers produced by FSVP have finer microstructures compared to those produced by FSP, and nano-sized particles are distributed more homogeneously. Furthermore, mechanical properties including hardness, scratch resistance, ductility, and strength of FSV processed specimens, were higher than those related to FS processed specimens. The results show a decline in the porosity content as the FSP passes are increased. Also, the compressive strength of the FSVP-ed composites is higher than those for the FSP-ed samples. It is also noticed that an increase in the vibration frequency during the FSVP process causes a more uniform dispersion of composite particles and thus, decreases particle clustering.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Air-Pumping Phenomenon in High-Speed Spur and Helical Gears
Tập 219 Số 8 - Trang 785-800 - 2005
Yasser Diab, Fabrice Ville, Haruo Houjoh, Laurent Grémillard, Philippe Velex

An approximate hydrodynamic model of the air-lubricant pumping by spur and helical gears, which makes it possible to predict the compression-expansion process by the meshing teeth, is presented. The simulated pressure patterns correlate well with the experimental evidence obtained from a specific test rig for both spur and helical gears. Finally, it is shown that this pumping phenomenon can generate significant power losses, especially for high-speed applications.