Physiological Reviews




Cơ quản chủ quản:  AMER PHYSIOLOGICAL SOC , American Physiological Society

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PhysiologyMolecular BiologyPhysiology (medical)Medicine (miscellaneous)

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e American Physiological Society (APS) is a nonprofit devoted to fostering education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological sciences. The Society was founded in 1887 with 28 members. APS now has over 10,500 members. Most members have doctoral degrees in physiology and/or medicine (or other health professions). APS is governed by an elected Council consisting of a President, President-Elect, Past President, and nine Councillors. The National headquarters of the Society is based in Rockville, Maryland. APS is a member of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), a coalition of 26 independent societies that plays an active role in lobbying for the interests of biomedical scientists.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Molecular Physiology of Freeze Tolerance in Vertebrates
Tập 97 Số 2 - Trang 623-665 - 2017
Kenneth B. Storey, Janet M. Storey
Freeze tolerance is an amazing winter survival strategy used by various amphibians and reptiles living in seasonally cold environments. These animals may spend weeks or months with up to ∼65% of their total body water frozen as extracellular ice and no physiological vital signs, and yet after thawing they return to normal life within a few hours. Two main principles of animal freeze tolerance have received much attention: the production of high concentrations of organic osmolytes (glucose, glycerol, urea among amphibians) that protect the intracellular environment, and the control of ice within the body (the first putative ice-binding protein in a frog was recently identified), but many other strategies of biochemical adaptation also contribute to freezing survival. Discussed herein are recent advances in our understanding of amphibian and reptile freeze tolerance with a focus on cell preservation strategies (chaperones, antioxidants, damage defense mechanisms), membrane transporters for water and cryoprotectants, energy metabolism, gene/protein adaptations, and the regulatory control of freeze-responsive hypometabolism at multiple levels (epigenetic regulation of DNA, microRNA action, cell signaling and transcription factor regulation, cell cycle control, and anti-apoptosis). All are providing a much more complete picture of life in the frozen state.
Transduction in invertebrate photoreceptors: role of pigment bistability.
Tập 63 Số 2 - Trang 668-772 - 1983
Peter Hillman, Shaul Hochstein, Baruch Minke
Nervous Control of Micturition
Tập 45 Số 3 - Trang 425-494 - 1965
Masaru Kuru
Postischemic Revascularization: From Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications
Tập 93 Số 4 - Trang 1743-1802 - 2013
Jean‐Sébastien Silvestre, David M. Smadja, Bernard Lévy
After the onset of ischemia, cardiac or skeletal muscle undergoes a continuum of molecular, cellular, and extracellular responses that determine the function and the remodeling of the ischemic tissue. Hypoxia-related pathways, immunoinflammatory balance, circulating or local vascular progenitor cells, as well as changes in hemodynamical forces within vascular wall trigger all the processes regulating vascular homeostasis, including vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, and collateral growth, which act in concert to establish a functional vascular network in ischemic zones. In patients with ischemic diseases, most of the cellular (mainly those involving bone marrow-derived cells and local stem/progenitor cells) and molecular mechanisms involved in the activation of vessel growth and vascular remodeling are markedly impaired by the deleterious microenvironment characterized by fibrosis, inflammation, hypoperfusion, and inhibition of endogenous angiogenic and regenerative programs. Furthermore, cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, and aging, constitute a deleterious macroenvironment that participates to the abrogation of postischemic revascularization and tissue regeneration observed in these patient populations. Thus stimulation of vessel growth and/or remodeling has emerged as a new therapeutic option in patients with ischemic diseases. Many strategies of therapeutic revascularization, based on the administration of growth factors or stem/progenitor cells from diverse sources, have been proposed and are currently tested in patients with peripheral arterial disease or cardiac diseases. This review provides an overview from our current knowledge regarding molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in postischemic revascularization, as well as advances in the clinical application of such strategies of therapeutic revascularization.
Adrenal steroid receptors and actions in the nervous system
Tập 66 Số 4 - Trang 1121-1188 - 1986
B S McEwen, E. R. de Kloet, William Rostène
Role of synthesis of nucleic acids and protein in adaptation to the external environment
Tập 55 Số 1 - Trang 79-123 - 1975
Ф. З. Меерсон
The Multifunctional Fish Gill: Dominant Site of Gas Exchange, Osmoregulation, Acid-Base Regulation, and Excretion of Nitrogenous Waste
Tập 85 Số 1 - Trang 97-177 - 2005
David H. Evans, Peter M. Piermarini, Keith Choe
The fish gill is a multipurpose organ that, in addition to providing for aquatic gas exchange, plays dominant roles in osmotic and ionic regulation, acid-base regulation, and excretion of nitrogenous wastes. Thus, despite the fact that all fish groups have functional kidneys, the gill epithelium is the site of many processes that are mediated by renal epithelia in terrestrial vertebrates. Indeed, many of the pathways that mediate these processes in mammalian renal epithelial are expressed in the gill, and many of the extrinsic and intrinsic modulators of these processes are also found in fish endocrine tissues and the gill itself. The basic patterns of gill physiology were outlined over a half century ago, but modern immunological and molecular techniques are bringing new insights into this complicated system. Nevertheless, substantial questions about the evolution of these mechanisms and control remain.
AMPK in Health and Disease
Tập 89 Số 3 - Trang 1025-1078 - 2009
Gregory R. Steinberg, Bruce E. Kemp
The function and survival of all organisms is dependent on the dynamic control of energy metabolism, when energy demand is matched to energy supply. The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) αβγ heterotrimer has emerged as an important integrator of signals that control energy balance through the regulation of multiple biochemical pathways in all eukaryotes. In this review, we begin with the discovery of the AMPK family and discuss the recent structural studies that have revealed the molecular basis for AMP binding to the enzyme's γ subunit. AMPK's regulation involves autoinhibitory features and phosphorylation of both the catalytic α subunit and the β-targeting subunit. We review the role of AMPK at the cellular level through examination of its many substrates and discuss how it controls cellular energy balance. We look at how AMPK integrates stress responses such as exercise as well as nutrient and hormonal signals to control food intake, energy expenditure, and substrate utilization at the whole body level. Lastly, we review the possible role of AMPK in multiple common diseases and the role of the new age of drugs targeting AMPK signaling.
Control of hepatic glycogenolysis.
Tập 60 Số 1 - Trang 1-50 - 1980
D.A. Hems, P D Whitton
Molecular Mechanism of Pancreatic and Salivary Gland Fluid and HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup>Secretion
Tập 92 Số 1 - Trang 39-74 - 2012
Min Goo Lee, Ehud Ohana, Hyun Woo Park, Dongki Yang, Shmuel Muallem
Fluid and HCO3secretion is a vital function of all epithelia and is required for the survival of the tissue. Aberrant fluid and HCO3secretion is associated with many epithelial diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis, Sjögren's syndrome, and other epithelial inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Significant progress has been made over the last 20 years in our understanding of epithelial fluid and HCO3secretion, in particular by secretory glands. Fluid and HCO3secretion by secretory glands is a two-step process. Acinar cells secrete isotonic fluid in which the major salt is NaCl. Subsequently, the duct modifies the volume and electrolyte composition of the fluid to absorb the Cland secrete HCO3. The relative volume secreted by acinar and duct cells and modification of electrolyte composition of the secreted fluids varies among secretory glands to meet their physiological functions. In the pancreas, acinar cells secrete a small amount of NaCl-rich fluid, while the duct absorbs the Cland secretes HCO3and the bulk of the fluid in the pancreatic juice. Fluid secretion appears to be driven by active HCO3secretion. In the salivary glands, acinar cells secrete the bulk of the fluid in the saliva that is driven by active Clsecretion and contains high concentrations of Na+and Cl. The salivary glands duct absorbs both the Na+and Cland secretes K+and HCO3. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanism of fluid and HCO3secretion by the pancreas and salivary glands, to highlight the similarities of the fundamental mechanisms of acinar and duct cell functions, and to point out the differences to meet gland-specific secretions.