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As the global severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic expands, genomic epidemiology and whole genome sequencing are being used to investigate its transmission and evolution. Against the backdrop of the global emergence of “variants of concern” (VOCs) during December 2020 and an upsurge in a state in the western part of India since January 2021, whole genome sequencing and analysis of spike protein mutations using sequence and structural approaches were undertaken to identify possible new variants and gauge the fitness of the current circulating strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that newly identified lineages B.1.617.1 and B.1.617.2 were predominantly circulating. The signature mutations possessed by these strains were L452R, T478K, E484Q, D614G and P681R in the spike protein, including within the receptor-binding domain (RBD). Of these, the mutations at residue positions 452, 484 and 681 have been reported in other globally circulating lineages. The structural analysis of RBD mutations L452R, T478K and E484Q revealed that these may possibly result in increased ACE2 binding while P681R in the furin cleavage site could increase the rate of S1-S2 cleavage, resulting in better transmissibility. The two RBD mutations, L452R and E484Q, indicated decreased binding to select monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and may affect their neutralization potential. Further in vitro/in vivo studies would help confirm the phenotypic changes of the mutant strains. Overall, the study revealed that the newly emerged variants were responsible for the second wave of COVID-19 in Maharashtra. Lineage B.1.617.2 has been designated as a VOC delta and B.1.617.1 as a variant of interest kappa, and they are being widely reported in the rest of the country as well as globally. Continuous monitoring of these and emerging variants in India is essential.
The genus Aeromonas belongs to the Aeromonadaceae family and comprises a group of Gram-negative bacteria widely distributed in aquatic environments, with some species able to cause disease in humans, fish, and other aquatic animals. However, bacteria of this genus are isolated from many other habitats, environments, and food products. The taxonomy of this genus is complex when phenotypic identification methods are used because such methods might not correctly identify all the species. On the other hand, molecular methods have proven very reliable, such as using the sequences of concatenated housekeeping genes like gyrB and rpoD or comparing the genomes with the type strains using a genomic index, such as the average nucleotide identity (ANI) or in silico DNA–DNA hybridization (isDDH). So far, 36 species have been described in the genus Aeromonas of which at least 19 are considered emerging pathogens to humans, causing a broad spectrum of infections. Having said that, when classifying 1852 strains that have been reported in various recent clinical cases, 95.4% were identified as only four species: Aeromonas caviae (37.26%), Aeromonas dhakensis (23.49%), Aeromonas veronii (21.54%), and Aeromonas hydrophila (13.07%). Since aeromonads were first associated with human disease, gastroenteritis, bacteremia, and wound infections have dominated. The literature shows that the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas is considered multifactorial and the presence of several virulence factors allows these bacteria to adhere, invade, and destroy the host cells, overcoming the immune host response. Based on current information about the ecology, epidemiology, and pathogenicity of the genus Aeromonas, we should assume that the infections these bacteria produce will remain a great health problem in the future. The ubiquitous distribution of these bacteria and the increasing elderly population, to whom these bacteria are an opportunistic pathogen, will facilitate this problem. In addition, using data from outbreak studies, it has been recognized that in cases of diarrhea, the infective dose of Aeromonas is relatively low. These poorly known bacteria should therefore be considered similarly as enteropathogens like Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Akkermansia muciniphila is a mucin-degrading bacterium of the phylum Verrucomicrobia. Its abundance in the human intestinal tract is inversely correlated to several disease states. A. muciniphila resides in the mucus layer of the large intestine, where it is involved in maintaining intestinal integrity. We explore the presence of Akkermansia-like spp. based on its 16S rRNA sequence and metagenomic signatures in the human body so as to understand its colonization pattern in time and space. A. muciniphila signatures were detected in colonic samples as early as a few weeks after birth and likely could be maintained throughout life. The sites where Akkermansia-like sequences (including Verrucomicrobia phylum and/or Akkermansia spp. sequences found in the literature) were detected apart from the colon included human milk, the oral cavity, the pancreas, the biliary system, the small intestine, and the appendix. The function of Akkermansia-like spp. in these sites may differ from that in the mucosal layer of the colon. A. muciniphila present in the appendix or in human milk could play a role in the re-colonization of the colon or breast-fed infants, respectively. In conclusion, even though A. muciniphila is most abundantly present in the colon, the presence of Akkermansia-like spp. along the digestive tract indicates that this bacterium might have more functions than those currently known.
Nowadays cancer is the second main cause of death in the world. The most known bacterial carcinogen is Helicobacter pylori. Pathogens that can have an impact on cancer development in the gastrointestinal tract are also found in the oral cavity. Some specific species have been identified that correlate strongly with oral cancer, such as Streptococcus sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., Prevotella sp., Fusobacterium sp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Capnocytophaga gingivalis. Many works have also shown that the oral periopathogens Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis play an important role in the development of colorectal and pancreatic cancer. Three mechanisms of action have been suggested in regard to the role of oral microbiota in the pathogenesis of cancer. The first is bacterial stimulation of chronic inflammation. Inflammatory mediators produced in this process cause or facilitate cell proliferation, mutagenesis, oncogene activation, and angiogenesis. The second mechanism attributed to bacteria that may influence the pathogenesis of cancers by affecting cell proliferation is the activation of NF-κB and inhibition of cellular apoptosis. In the third mechanism, bacteria produce some substances that act in a carcinogenic manner. This review presents potentially oncogenic oral bacteria and possible mechanisms of their action on the carcinogenesis of human cells.
Food spoilage is a major issue for the food industry, leading to food waste, substantial economic losses for manufacturers and consumers, and a negative impact on brand names. Among causes, fungal contamination can be encountered at various stages of the food chain (e.g., post-harvest, during processing or storage). Fungal development leads to food sensory defects varying from visual deterioration to noticeable odor, flavor, or texture changes but can also have negative health impacts via mycotoxin production by some molds. In order to avoid microbial spoilage and thus extend product shelf life, different treatments—including fungicides and chemical preservatives—are used. In parallel, public authorities encourage the food industry to limit the use of these chemical compounds and develop natural methods for food preservation. This is accompanied by a strong societal demand for ‘clean label’ food products, as consumers are looking for more natural, less severely processed and safer products. In this context, microbial agents corresponding to bioprotective cultures, fermentates, culture-free supernatant or purified molecules, exhibiting antifungal activities represent a growing interest as an alternative to chemical preservation. This review presents the main fungal spoilers encountered in food products, the antifungal microorganisms tested for food bioprotection, and their mechanisms of action. A focus is made in particular on the recent in situ studies and the constraints associated with the use of antifungal microbial agents for food biopreservation.
Colistin has been extensively used since the middle of the last century in animals, particularly in swine, for the control of enteric infections. Colistin is presently considered the last line of defense against human infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms such as carbapenemase-producer Enterobacterales, Acinetobacter baumanni, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Transferable bacterial resistance like mcr-genes was reported in isolates from both humans and animals. Researchers actively seek strategies to reduce colistin resistance. The definition of guidelines for colistin therapy in veterinary and human medicine is thus crucial. The ban of colistin use in swine as a growth promoter and for prophylactic purposes, and the implementation of sustainable measures in farm animals for the prevention of infections, would help to avoid resistance and should be encouraged. Colistin resistance in the human–animal–environment interface stresses the relevance of the One Health approach to achieve its effective control. Such measures should be addressed in a cooperative way, with efforts from multiple disciplines and with consensus among doctors, veterinary surgeons, and environment professionals. A revision of the mechanism of colistin action, resistance, animal and human use, as well as colistin susceptibility evaluation is debated here.
This research effort aimed at isolating and phenotypically characterizing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates from a spontaneous rye sourdough manufactured following traditional protocols, as well as at evaluating their antimicrobial and antifungal properties as key features for future industrial applications. Thirteen LAB strains of potential industrial interest were isolated and identified to species-level via PCR. Most of the sourdough isolates showed versatile carbohydrate metabolisms. The Leuconostoc mesenteroides No. 242 and Lactobacillus brevis No. 173 demonstrated to be gas producers; thus, revealing their heterofermenter or facultative homofermenter features. Viable counts higher than 7.0 log10 (CFU/mL) were observed for Lactobacillus paracasei No. 244, Lactobacillus casei No. 210, L. brevis No. 173, Lactobacillus farraginis No. 206, Pediococcus pentosaceus No. 183, Lactobacillus uvarum No. 245 and Lactobacillus plantarum No. 135 strains, after exposure at pH 2.5 for 2 h. Moreover, L. plantarum No. 122, L. casei No. 210, Lactobacillus curvatus No. 51, L. paracasei No. 244, and L. coryniformins No. 71 showed growth inhibition properties against all the tested fifteen pathogenic strains. Finally, all LAB isolates showed antifungal activities against Aspergillus nidulans, Penicillium funiculosum, and Fusarium poae. These results unveiled the exceptionality of spontaneous sourdough as a source of LAB with effective potential to be considered in the design of novel commercial microbial single/mixed starter cultures, intended for application in a wide range of agri-food industries, where the antimicrobial and antifungal properties are often sought and necessary. In addition, metabolites therefrom may also be considered as important functional and bioactive compounds with high potential to be employed in food and feed, as well as cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.
Gut microbiota play an important role in maintaining intestinal health and are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. Recent studies have shown that the central nervous system (CNS) and enteric nervous system (ENS) can interact with gut microbiota to regulate nutrient metabolism. The vagal nerve system communicates between the CNS and ENS to control gastrointestinal tract functions and feeding behavior. Vagal afferent neurons also express receptors for gut peptides that are secreted from enteroendocrine cells (EECs), such as cholecystokinin (CCK), ghrelin, leptin, peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin). Gut microbiota can regulate levels of these gut peptides to influence the vagal afferent pathway and thus regulate intestinal metabolism via the microbiota-gut-brain axis. In addition, bile acids, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), and Immunoglobulin A (IgA) can also exert metabolic control through the microbiota-gut-liver axis. This review is mainly focused on the role of gut microbiota in neuroendocrine regulation of nutrient metabolism via the microbiota-gut-brain-liver axis.
Kombucha tea is a refreshing beverage that is produced from the fermentation of tea leaves. In this study, kombucha tea was prepared using 1% green tea, oolong tea, and black tea, and 10% sucrose with acetic acid bacteria and yeast. The pH values of the kombucha tea were found to be in a range of 2.70–2.94 at 15 days of fermentation. The lowest pH value of 2.70 was recorded in the kombucha prepared from black tea. The total acidity of kombucha prepared from black tea was the highest by 16.75 g/L and it was still maintained after heat treatment by boiling and after autoclaved. Six organic acids: glucuronic, gluconic, D-saccharic acid 1,4-lactone, ascorbic, acetic, and succinic acid in kombucha tea were detected by HPLC with the optimization for organic acids detection using isocratic elution buffer with C18 conventional column. The highest level of organic acid was gluconic acid. Kombucha prepared from green tea revealed the highest phenolic content and antioxidation against DPPH radicals by 1.248 and 2.642 mg gallic acid/mL kombucha, respectively. Moreover, pathogenic enteric bacteria: Escherichia coli. E. coli O157:H7. Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella Typhi, and Vibrio cholera were inhibited by kombucha and heat-denatured kombucha with diameter of the inhibition zones ranged from 15.0 ± 0.0–25.0 ± 0.0 mm. In addition, kombucha prepared from green tea and black tea demonstrated toxicity on Caco-2 colorectal cancer cells. Therefore, kombucha tea could be considered as a potential source of the antioxidation, inhibition of pathogenic enteric bacteria, and toxicity on colorectal cancer cells.
Socioeconomic inequalities in health and mortality are well established, but the biological mechanisms underlying these associations are less understood. In parallel, the gut microbiome is emerging as a potentially important determinant of human health, but little is known about its broader environmental and social determinants. We test the association between gut microbiota composition and individual- and area-level socioeconomic factors in a well-characterized twin cohort. In this study, 1672 healthy volunteers from twin registry TwinsUK had data available for at least one socioeconomic measure, existing fecal 16S rRNA microbiota data, and all considered co-variables. Associations with socioeconomic status (SES) were robust to adjustment for known health correlates of the microbiome; conversely, these health-microbiome associations partially attenuated with adjustment for SES. Twins discordant for IMD (Index of Multiple Deprivation) were shown to significantly differ by measures of compositional dissimilarity, with suggestion the greater the difference in twin pair IMD, the greater the dissimilarity of their microbiota. Future research should explore how SES might influence the composition of the gut microbiota and its potential role as a mediator of differences associated with SES.