

SCOPUS (2008-2023)SCIE-ISI




Cơ quản chủ quản:  MDPI , MDPI AG

Lĩnh vực:
Condensed Matter PhysicsMaterials Science (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Zinc Oxide—From Synthesis to Application: A Review
Tập 7 Số 4 - Trang 2833-2881
Agnieszka Kołodziejczak‐Radzimska, Teofil Jesionowski

Zinc oxide can be called a multifunctional material thanks to its unique physical and chemical properties. The first part of this paper presents the most important methods of preparation of ZnO divided into metallurgical and chemical methods. The mechanochemical process, controlled precipitation, sol-gel method, solvothermal and hydrothermal method, method using emulsion and microemulsion enviroment and other methods of obtaining zinc oxide were classified as chemical methods. In the next part of this review, the modification methods of ZnO were characterized. The modification with organic (carboxylic acid, silanes) and inroganic (metal oxides) compounds, and polymer matrices were mainly described. Finally, we present possible applications in various branches of industry: rubber, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, textile, electronic and electrotechnology, photocatalysis were introduced. This review provides useful information for specialist dealings with zinc oxide.

Vật liệu sinh học từ Alginate cho ứng dụng trong y học tái sinh Dịch bởi AI
Tập 6 Số 4 - Trang 1285-1309
Jinchen Sun, Huaping Tan

Alginate là một polyme polysaccharide tự nhiên thể hiện tính tương thích sinh học và khả năng phân huỷ sinh học xuất sắc, có nhiều ứng dụng khác nhau trong lĩnh vực y sinh học. Alginate có thể được chế biến dễ dàng thành các vật liệu giá thể ba chiều có thể áp dụng như hydrogel, vi cầu, vi nang, bọt biển, bọt xốp và sợi. Vật liệu sinh học dựa trên alginate có thể được sử dụng làm hệ thống dẫn truyền thuốc và là phương tiện mang tế bào trong kỹ thuật mô. Alginate có thể dễ dàng biến đổi thông qua các phản ứng hoá học và vật lý để thu được các dẫn xuất có cấu trúc, tính chất, chức năng và ứng dụng khác nhau. Việc điều chỉnh cấu trúc và tính chất như khả năng phân hủy sinh học, độ bền cơ học, tính chất gel hóa và ái lực tế bào có thể đạt được thông qua kết hợp với các vật liệu sinh học khác, cố định hóa các ligand cụ thể như peptide và phân tử đường, và liên kết chéo vật lý hoặc hoá học. Bài tổng quan này tập trung vào những tiến bộ gần đây trong việc sử dụng alginate và các dẫn xuất của nó trong lĩnh vực ứng dụng y học, bao gồm chữa lành vết thương, phục hồi sụn, tái tạo xương và dẫn truyền thuốc, những điều này có tiềm năng trong ứng dụng tái tạo mô.

#alginate #vật liệu sinh học #y học tái sinh #chữa lành vết thương #sửa chữa sụn #tái tạo xương #dẫn truyền thuốc #công nghệ mô.
Collagen-Based Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications
Tập 3 Số 3 - Trang 1863-1887
Rémi Parenteau‐Bareil, Robert Gauvin, François Berthod

Collagen is the most widely distributed class of proteins in the human body. The use of collagen-based biomaterials in the field of tissue engineering applications has been intensively growing over the past decades. Multiple cross-linking methods were investigated and different combinations with other biopolymers were explored in order to improve tissue function. Collagen possesses a major advantage in being biodegradable, biocompatible, easily available and highly versatile. However, since collagen is a protein, it remains difficult to sterilize without alterations to its structure. This review presents a comprehensive overview of the various applications of collagen-based biomaterials developed for tissue engineering, aimed at providing a functional material for use in regenerative medicine from the laboratory bench to the patient bedside.

Bioactive Glass and Glass-Ceramic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
Tập 3 Số 7 - Trang 3867-3910
L.‐C. Gerhardt, Aldo R. Boccaccını

Traditionally, bioactive glasses have been used to fill and restore bone defects. More recently, this category of biomaterials has become an emerging research field for bone tissue engineering applications. Here, we review and discuss current knowledge on porous bone tissue engineering scaffolds on the basis of melt-derived bioactive silicate glass compositions and relevant composite structures. Starting with an excerpt on the history of bioactive glasses, as well as on fundamental requirements for bone tissue engineering scaffolds, a detailed overview on recent developments of bioactive glass and glass-ceramic scaffolds will be given, including a summary of common fabrication methods and a discussion on the microstructural-mechanical properties of scaffolds in relation to human bone (structure-property and structure-function relationship). In addition, ion release effects of bioactive glasses concerning osteogenic and angiogenic responses are addressed. Finally, areas of future research are highlighted in this review.

Persistent Luminescence in Eu2+-Doped Compounds: A Review
Tập 3 Số 4 - Trang 2536-2566
Koen Van den Eeckhout, Philippe F. Smet, Dirk Poelman

In 1996, Matsuzawa et al. reported on the extremely long-lasting afterglow of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ codoped with Dy3+ ions, which was more than 10-times brighter than the previously widely used ZnS:Cu,Co. Since then, research for stable and efficient persistent phosphors has continuously gained popularity. However, even today - almost 15 years after the discovery of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ - the number of persistent luminescent materials is still relatively low. Furthermore, the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still unclear. Although most authors agree on the general features, such as the existence of long-lived trap levels, many details are still shrouded in mystery. In this review, we present an overview of the important classes of known persistent luminescent materials based on Eu2+-emission and how they were prepared, and we take a closer look at the models and mechanisms that have been suggested to explain bright afterglow in various compounds.

New Developments of Ti-Based Alloys for Biomedical Applications
Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 1709-1800
Yuhua Li, Chao Yang, Haidong Zhao, Shengguan Qu, Xiaoqiang Li, Yuanyuan Li

Ti-based alloys are finding ever-increasing applications in biomaterials due to their excellent mechanical, physical and biological performance. Nowdays, low modulus β-type Ti-based alloys are still being developed. Meanwhile, porous Ti-based alloys are being developed as an alternative orthopedic implant material, as they can provide good biological fixation through bone tissue ingrowth into the porous network. This paper focuses on recent developments of biomedical Ti-based alloys. It can be divided into four main sections. The first section focuses on the fundamental requirements titanium biomaterial should fulfill and its market and application prospects. This section is followed by discussing basic phases, alloying elements and mechanical properties of low modulus β-type Ti-based alloys. Thermal treatment, grain size, texture and properties in Ti-based alloys and their limitations are dicussed in the third section. Finally, the fourth section reviews the influence of microstructural configurations on mechanical properties of porous Ti-based alloys and all known methods for fabricating porous Ti-based alloys. This section also reviews prospects and challenges of porous Ti-based alloys, emphasizing their current status, future opportunities and obstacles for expanded applications. Overall, efforts have been made to reveal the latest scenario of bulk and porous Ti-based materials for biomedical applications.

Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics: A Review of Their History, Structure, Properties, Coating Technologies and Biomedical Applications
Tập 10 Số 4 - Trang 334
Noam Eliaz, Noah Metoki

Calcium phosphate (CaP) bioceramics are widely used in the field of bone regeneration, both in orthopedics and in dentistry, due to their good biocompatibility, osseointegration and osteoconduction. The aim of this article is to review the history, structure, properties and clinical applications of these materials, whether they are in the form of bone cements, paste, scaffolds, or coatings. Major analytical techniques for characterization of CaPs, in vitro and in vivo tests, and the requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and international standards from CaP coatings on orthopedic and dental endosseous implants, are also summarized, along with the possible effect of sterilization on these materials. CaP coating technologies are summarized, with a focus on electrochemical processes. Theories on the formation of transient precursor phases in biomineralization, the dissolution and reprecipitation as bone of CaPs are discussed. A wide variety of CaPs are presented, from the individual phases to nano-CaP, biphasic and triphasic CaP formulations, composite CaP coatings and cements, functionally graded materials (FGMs), and antibacterial CaPs. We conclude by foreseeing the future of CaPs.

Influence of Layer Thickness and Raster Angle on the Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed PEEK and a Comparative Mechanical Study between PEEK and ABS
Tập 8 Số 9 - Trang 5834-5846
Wenzheng Wu, Peng Geng, Guiwei Li, Di Zhao, Haibo Zhang, Ji Zhao

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a rapidly growing 3D printing technology. However, printing materials are restricted to acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or poly (lactic acid) (PLA) in most Fused deposition modeling (FDM) equipment. Here, we report on a new high-performance printing material, polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK), which could surmount these shortcomings. This paper is devoted to studying the influence of layer thickness and raster angle on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed PEEK. Samples with three different layer thicknesses (200, 300 and 400 μm) and raster angles (0°, 30° and 45°) were built using a polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) 3D printing system and their tensile, compressive and bending strengths were tested. The optimal mechanical properties of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) samples were found at a layer thickness of 300 μm and a raster angle of 0°. To evaluate the printing performance of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) samples, a comparison was made between the mechanical properties of 3D-printed polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) parts. The results suggest that the average tensile strengths of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) parts were 108% higher than those for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and compressive strengths were 114% and bending strengths were 115%. However, the modulus of elasticity for both materials was similar. These results indicate that the mechanical properties of 3D-printed polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK) are superior to 3D-printed ABS.

Biodegradable Materials for Bone Repair and Tissue Engineering Applications
Tập 8 Số 9 - Trang 5744-5794
Zeeshan Sheikh, Shariq Najeeb, Zohaib Khurshid, Vivek Verma, Haroon Rashid, Michael Glogauer

This review discusses and summarizes the recent developments and advances in the use of biodegradable materials for bone repair purposes. The choice between using degradable and non-degradable devices for orthopedic and maxillofacial applications must be carefully weighed. Traditional biodegradable devices for osteosynthesis have been successful in low or mild load bearing applications. However, continuing research and recent developments in the field of material science has resulted in development of biomaterials with improved strength and mechanical properties. For this purpose, biodegradable materials, including polymers, ceramics and magnesium alloys have attracted much attention for osteologic repair and applications. The next generation of biodegradable materials would benefit from recent knowledge gained regarding cell material interactions, with better control of interfacing between the material and the surrounding bone tissue. The next generations of biodegradable materials for bone repair and regeneration applications require better control of interfacing between the material and the surrounding bone tissue. Also, the mechanical properties and degradation/resorption profiles of these materials require further improvement to broaden their use and achieve better clinical results.

Corrosion of Metallic Biomaterials: A Review
Tập 12 Số 3 - Trang 407
Noam Eliaz

Metallic biomaterials are used in medical devices in humans more than any other family of materials. The corrosion resistance of an implant material affects its functionality and durability and is a prime factor governing biocompatibility. The fundamental paradigm of metallic biomaterials, except biodegradable metals, has been “the more corrosion resistant, the more biocompatible.” The body environment is harsh and raises several challenges with respect to corrosion control. In this invited review paper, the body environment is analysed in detail and the possible effects of the corrosion of different biomaterials on biocompatibility are discussed. Then, the kinetics of corrosion, passivity, its breakdown and regeneration in vivo are conferred. Next, the mostly used metallic biomaterials and their corrosion performance are reviewed. These biomaterials include stainless steels, cobalt-chromium alloys, titanium and its alloys, Nitinol shape memory alloy, dental amalgams, gold, metallic glasses and biodegradable metals. Then, the principles of implant failure, retrieval and failure analysis are highlighted, followed by description of the most common corrosion processes in vivo. Finally, approaches to control the corrosion of metallic biomaterials are highlighted.