MRS Bulletin




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Heidelberg , Springer International Publishing AG

Lĩnh vực:
Materials Science (miscellaneous)Physical and Theoretical ChemistryCondensed Matter Physics

Phân tích ảnh hưởng

Thông tin về tạp chí


Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Research Resources
Tập 16 - Trang 12-12 - 2013
2015 MRS Member Benefits and Society Activities
Tập 40 Số 2 - Trang 171-183 - 2015
Three-Dimensional Microstructural Characterization Using Focused Ion Beam Tomography
Tập 32 Số 5 - Trang 408-416 - 2007
Michael D. Uchic, Lorenz Holzer, Beverley J. Inkson, E. Principe, Paul Munroe
AbstractThis article reviews recent developments and applications of focused ion beam (FIB) microscopes for three-dimensional (3D) materials characterization at the microscale through destructive serial sectioning experiments. Precise ion milling—in combination with electron-optic—based imaging and surface analysis methods—can be used to iteratively section through metals, ceramics, polymers, and electronic or biological materials to reveal the true size, shape, and distribution of microstructural features. Importantly, FIB tomographic experiments cover a critical size-scale gap that cannot be obtained with other instrumentation. The experiments encompass material volumes that are typically larger than 1000 μm3, with voxel dimensions approaching tens of nanometers, and can contain structural, chemical, and crystallographic information. This article describes the current state of the art of this experimental methodology and provides examples of specific applications to 3D materials characterization.
Interfacial materials with special wettability
Tập 38 - Trang 366-371 - 2013
Tak-Sing Wong, Taolei Sun, Lin Feng, Joanna Aizenberg
Various life forms in nature display a high level of adaptability to their environments through the use of sophisticated material interfaces. This is exemplified by numerous biological systems, such as the self-cleaning of lotus leaves, the water-walking abilities of water striders and spiders, the ultra-slipperiness of pitcher plants, the directional liquid adhesion of butterfly wings, and the water collection capabilities of beetles, spider webs, and cacti. The versatile interactions of these natural surfaces with fluids, or special wettability, are enabled by their unique micro/nanoscale surface structures and intrinsic material properties. Many of these biological designs and principles have inspired new classes of functional interfacial materials, which have remarkable potential to solve some of the engineering challenges for industrial and biomedical applications. In this article, we provide a snapshot of the state of the art of biologically inspired materials with special wettability, and discuss some promising future directions for the field.
Famous last words
Tập 39 - Trang 303-304 - 2014
Tim Palucka
Ion motion and electrochemistry in nanostructures
Tập 36 - Trang 914-920 - 2011
Douglas Natelson, Massimiliano Di Ventra
Ionic motion and electrochemistry in bulk materials and at their surfaces have long been studied for their relevance in several areas of science and technology, ranging from ionic conductors to batteries to fuel cells. The ability to engineer materials at the nanometer scale, however, has made these concepts even more relevant. This is due to the large surface-tovolume ratios typical of nanostructures. This implies, for instance, that chemical reactivity and defect motion at surfaces or interfaces are enhanced or may be fundamentally different compared to their bulk counterparts. In addition, nominally modest voltages or differences in chemical potential when applied across nanoscale distances can produce large electric fields and diffusive forces. While all of this may complicate the interpretation of experimental results, it also presents us with new opportunities for materials engineering. In this article, we will briefly review the current research status of several systems where ionic motion and electrochemical effects are of particular importance. These include resistive switching systems, oxide heterostructures, ferroelectric materials, and ionic liquids. We will report on experimental results and also emphasize open questions regarding their interpretation. We will conclude by discussing future research directions in the field.
Book Reviews
Tập 45 - Trang 1059-1060 - 2020
James H. Edgar, Jyothirmayee Aravind S.S., Walid M. Daoush
Optically and Chemically Encoded Nanoparticle Materials for DNA and Protein Detection
Tập 30 - Trang 376-380 - 2011
C. Shad Thaxton, Nathaniel L. Rosi, Chad A. Mirkin
Nanoscale materials are beginning to have an impact in the field of molecular diagnostics. In particular, gold nanoparticles surface-functionalized with DNA have garnered much recent interest. Due to the unusual optical and catalytic properties of gold nanoparticle labels, several distinct advantages for assay readout have been realized. This review focuses on the progress made in our group over the past seven years in the development of particle surface chemistry and ultrasensitive protein and nucleic acid assays based upon DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles. For DNA targets, experiments demonstrate that assays based upon gold nanoparticle labels have enhanced target specificity and in certain cases the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), without the need for target amplification. For protein targets, similar experiments demonstrate that assays based upon gold nanoparticles are up to one million times more sensitive than conventional protein detection methods. Recent data using human samples demonstrate the utility of such assays.