Journal of Mathematical Biology

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Modelling of drug receptor interaction with birth and death processes
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 12 - Trang 153-172 - 1981
H. S. Lam, D. G. Lampard
Stochastic modelling of drug receptor interaction at the neuromuscular junction with birth and death processes is presented. Systems with only one drug and two drugs interacting are investigated separately. The total number of receptors is assumed finite and only single receptor binding is considered. It has been possible to obtain exact analytical solutions to forward Kolmogorov equations yielding the transition probability densities and the associated probability generating functions.
Heteroclinic cycling and extinction in May–Leonard models with demographic stochasticity
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 86 - Trang 1-28 - 2023
Nicholas W. Barendregt, Peter J. Thomas
May and Leonard (SIAM J Appl Math 29:243–253, 1975) introduced a three-species Lotka–Volterra type population model that exhibits heteroclinic cycling. Rather than producing a periodic limit cycle, the trajectory takes longer and longer to complete each “cycle”, passing closer and closer to unstable fixed points in which one population dominates and the others approach zero. Aperiodic heteroclinic dynamics have subsequently been studied in ecological systems (side-blotched lizards; colicinogenic Escherichia coli), in the immune system, in neural information processing models (“winnerless competition”), and in models of neural central pattern generators. Yet as May and Leonard observed “Biologically, the behavior (produced by the model) is nonsense. Once it is conceded that the variables represent animals, and therefore cannot fall below unity, it is clear that the system will, after a few cycles, converge on some single population, extinguishing the other two.” Here, we explore different ways of introducing discrete stochastic dynamics based on May and Leonard’s ODE model, with application to ecological population dynamics, and to a neuromotor central pattern generator system. We study examples of several quantitatively distinct asymptotic behaviors, including total extinction of all species, extinction to a single species, and persistent cyclic dominance with finite mean cycle length.
Stationary gene frequency distribution in the environment fluctuating between two distinct states
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 11 - Trang 119-141 - 1981
H. Matsuda, K. Ishii
A general method is given to obtain a stationary distribution in a “stochastic” one-dimensional dynamical system in which an environmental parameter specifying the dynamical system is a stationary Markov process with only two states. By applying this method, the exact stationary gene frequency distribution is obtained for a genic selection model in the environment fluctuating between two distinct states. Several limiting stationary distributions are obtained therefrom, and one of them is shown to coincide with a stationary solution of the diffusion equation heuristically derived by us for more general cases. Discussion is given on the relationship between the diffusion equations obtained by various authors starting from discrete, non-overlapping generation models.
Random field models for fitness landscapes
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 38 - Trang 435-478 - 1999
Peter F. Stadler, Robert Happel
 In many cases fitness landscapes are obtained as particular instances of random fields by randomly assigning a large number of parameters. Models of this type are often characterized reasonably well by their covariance matrices. We characterize isotropic random fields on finite graphs in terms of their Fourier series expansions and investigate the relation between the covariance matrix of the random field model and the correlation structure of the individual landscapes constructed from this random field. Correlation measures are a good characteristic of “rugged landscapes” models as they are closely related to quantities like the number of local optima or the length of adaptive walks. Our formalism suggests to approximate landscape with known autocorrelation function by a random field model that has the same correlation structure.
The behavior of rings of coupled oscillators
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 23 Số 1 - Trang 55-74 - 1985
Bard Ermentrout
Mathematical theory for plant—herbivore systems
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 24 Số 1 - Trang 25-58 - 1986
Leah Edelstein‐Keshet
Epidemiological models for sexually transmitted diseases
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 26 - Trang 1-25 - 1988
K. Dietz, K. P. Hadeler
The classical models for sexually transmitted infections assume homogeneous mixing either between all males and females or between certain subgroups of males and females with heterogeneous contact rates. This implies that everybody is all the time at risk of acquiring an infection. These models ignore the fact that the formation of a pair of two susceptibles renders them in a sense temporarily immune to infection as long as the partners do not separate and have no contacts with other partners. The present paper takes into account the phenomenon of pair formation by introducing explicitly a pairing rate and a separation rate. The infection transmission dynamics depends on the contact rate within a pair and the duration of a partnership. It turns out that endemic equilibria can only exist if the separation rate is sufficiently large in order to ensure the necessary number of sexual partners. The classical models are recovered if one lets the separation rate tend to infinity.
A mechanism for early branching in lung morphogenesis
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 34 - Trang 77-94 - 1995
Sharon R. Lubkin, J. D. Murray
The lung is a highly branched fluid-filled structure, that develops by repeated dichotomous branching of a single bud off the foregut, of epithelium invaginating into mesenchyme. Incorporating the known stress response of developing lung tissues, we model the developing embryonic lung in fluid mechanical terms. We suggest that the repeated branching of the early embryonic lung can be understood as the natural physical consequence of the interactions of two or more plastic substances with surface tension between them. The model makes qualitative and quantitative predictions, as well as suggesting an explanation for such observed phenomena as the asymmetric second branching of the embryonic bronchi.
Convergence of a structured metapopulation model to Levins’s model
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 49 - Trang 468-500 - 2004
A.D. Barbour, A. Pugliese
We consider a structured metapopulation model describing the dynamics of a single species, whose members are located in separate patches that are linked through migration according to a mean field rule. Our main aim is to find conditions under which its equilibrium distribution is reasonably approximated by that of the unstructured model of Levins (1969). We do this by showing that the (positive) equilibrium distribution converges, as the carrying capacity of each population goes to infinity together with appropriate scalings on the other parameters, to a bimodal distribution, consisting of a point mass at 0, together with a positive part which is closely approximated by a shifted Poisson centred near the carrying capacity. Under this limiting régime, we also give simpler approximate formulae for the equilibrium distribution. We conclude by showing how to compute persistence regions in parameter space for the exact model, and then illustrate all our results with numerical examples. Our proofs are based on Stein’s method.
An SEIQR model for childhood diseases
Journal of Mathematical Biology - Tập 59 - Trang 535-561 - 2008
David J. Gerberry, Fabio A. Milner
It has been shown that the inclusion of an isolated class in the classical SIR model for childhood diseases can be responsible for self-sustained oscillations. Hence, the recurrent outbreaks of such diseases can be caused by autonomous, deterministic factors. We extend the model to include a latent class (i.e. individuals who are infected with the disease, but are not yet able to pass the disease to others) and study the resulting dynamics. The existence of Hopf bifurcations is shown for the model, as well as a homoclinic bifurcation for a perturbation to the model. For historical data on scarlet fever in England, our model agrees with the epidemiological data much more closely than the model without the latent class. For other childhood diseases, our model suggests that isolation is unlikely to be a major factor in sustained oscillations.
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