Journal of Cell Biology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS , Rockefeller University Press

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Medicine (miscellaneous)Cell Biology

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Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) is a broad journal that publishes original findings on all aspects of cell biology. We consider papers reporting new cellular or molecular advances in any areas of basic cell biology as well as papers that describe applied cell biology in a variety of systems including, but not limited to, immunology, neurobiology, metabolism, virology, developmental biology, and plant biology. We welcome all submissions that describe new findings of significant interest to cell biologists, regardless of the experimental approach.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Muscle cell attachment in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Tập 114 Số 3 - Trang 465-479 - 1991
Ross S. Francis, R Waterston
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the body wall muscles exert their force on the cuticle to generate locomotion. Interposed between the muscle cells and the cuticle are a basement membrane and a thin hypodermal cell. The latter contains bundles of filaments attached to dense plaques in the hypodermal cell membranes, which together we have called a fibrous organelle. In an effort to define the chain of molecules that anchor the muscle cells to the cuticle we have isolated five mAbs using preparations enriched in these components. Two antibodies define a 200-kD muscle antigen likely to be part of the basement membrane at the muscle/hypodermal interface. Three other antibodies probably identify elements of the fibrous organelles in the adjacent hypodermis. The mAb IFA, which reacts with mammalian intermediate filaments, also recognizes these structures. We suggest that the components recognized by these antibodies are likely to be involved in the transmission of tension from the muscle cell to the cuticle.
Caspase-2 Is Localized at the Golgi Complex and Cleaves Golgin-160 during Apoptosis
Tập 149 Số 3 - Trang 603-612 - 2000
Marie Mancini, Carolyn E. Machamer, Sophie Roy, Donald W. Nicholson, Nancy A. Thornberry, Livia Casciola‐Rosen, Antony Rosen
Caspases are an extended family of cysteine proteases that play critical roles in apoptosis. Animals deficient in caspases-2 or -3, which share very similar tetrapeptide cleavage specificities, exhibit very different phenotypes, suggesting that the unique features of individual caspases may account for distinct regulation and specialized functions. Recent studies demonstrate that unique apoptotic stimuli are transduced by distinct proteolytic pathways, with multiple components of the proteolytic machinery clustering at distinct subcellular sites. We demonstrate here that, in addition to its nuclear distribution, caspase-2 is localized to the Golgi complex, where it cleaves golgin-160 at a unique site not susceptible to cleavage by other caspases with very similar tetrapeptide specificities. Early cleavage at this site precedes cleavage at distal sites by other caspases. Prevention of cleavage at the unique caspase-2 site delays disintegration of the Golgi complex after delivery of a pro-apoptotic signal. We propose that the Golgi complex, like mitochondria, senses and integrates unique local conditions, and transduces pro-apoptotic signals through local caspases, which regulate local effectors.
Caspase-2 activation in the absence of PIDDosome formation
Tập 185 Số 2 - Trang 291-303 - 2009
Claudia Manzl, Gerhard Krumschnabel, Florian Bock, Bénédicte Sohm, Verena Labi, Florian Baumgartner, Emmanuelle Logette, Jürg Tschopp, Andreas Villunger
PIDD (p53-induced protein with a death domain [DD]), together with the bipartite adapter protein RAIDD (receptor-interacting protein-associated ICH-1/CED-3 homologous protein with a DD), is implicated in the activation of pro–caspase-2 in a high molecular weight complex called the PIDDosome during apoptosis induction after DNA damage. To investigate the role of PIDD in cell death initiation, we generated PIDD-deficient mice. Processing of caspase-2 is readily detected in the absence of PIDDosome formation in primary lymphocytes. Although caspase-2 processing is delayed in simian virus 40–immortalized pidd−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts, it still depends on loss of mitochondrial integrity and effector caspase activation. Consistently, apoptosis occurs normally in all cell types analyzed, suggesting alternative biological roles for caspase-2 after DNA damage. Because loss of either PIDD or its adapter molecule RAIDD did not affect subcellular localization, nuclear translocation, or caspase-2 activation in high molecular weight complexes, we suggest that at least one alternative PIDDosome-independent mechanism of caspase-2 activation exists in mammals in response to DNA damage.
Identification of ZO-1: a high molecular weight polypeptide associated with the tight junction (zonula occludens) in a variety of epithelia.
Tập 103 Số 3 - Trang 755-766 - 1986
Bruce R. Stevenson, Janet D. Siliciano, Mark S. Mooseker, Andy Ness
A tight junction-enriched membrane fraction has been used as immunogen to generate a monoclonal antiserum specific for this intercellular junction. Hybridomas were screened for their ability to both react on an immunoblot and localize to the junctional complex region on frozen sections of unfixed mouse liver. A stable hybridoma line has been isolated that secretes an antibody (R26.4C) that localizes in thin section images of isolated mouse liver plasma membranes to the points of membrane contact at the tight junction. This antibody recognizes a polypeptide of approximately 225,000 D, detectable in whole liver homogenates as well as in the tight junction-enriched membrane fraction. R26.4C localizes to the junctional complex region of a number of other epithelia, including colon, kidney, and testis, and to arterial endothelium, as assayed by immunofluorescent staining of cryostat sections of whole tissue. This antibody also stains the junctional complex region in confluent monolayers of the Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cell line. Immunoblot analysis of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells demonstrates the presence of a polypeptide similar in molecular weight to that detected in liver, suggesting that this protein is potentially a ubiquitous component of all mammalian tight junctions. The 225-kD tight junction-associated polypeptide is termed "ZO-1."
Abnormal neurofilament transport caused by targeted disruption of neuronal kinesin heavy chain KIF5A
Tập 161 Số 1 - Trang 55-66 - 2003
Chun‐hong Xia, Elizabeth A. Roberts, Lu‐Shiun Her, Xinran Liu, David Williams, Don W. Cleveland, Lawrence S.B. Goldstein
To test the hypothesis that fast anterograde molecular motor proteins power the slow axonal transport of neurofilaments (NFs), we used homologous recombination to generate mice lacking the neuronal-specific conventional kinesin heavy chain, KIF5A. Because null KIF5A mutants die immediately after birth, a synapsin-promoted Cre-recombinase transgene was used to direct inactivation of KIF5A in neurons postnatally. Three fourths of such mutant mice exhibited seizures and death at around 3 wk of age; the remaining animals survived to 3 mo or longer. In young mutant animals, fast axonal transport appeared to be intact, but NF-H, as well as NF-M and NF-L, accumulated in the cell bodies of peripheral sensory neurons accompanied by a reduction in sensory axon caliber. Older animals also developed age-dependent sensory neuron degeneration, an accumulation of NF subunits in cell bodies and a reduction in axons, loss of large caliber axons, and hind limb paralysis. These data support the hypothesis that a conventional kinesin plays a role in the microtubule-dependent slow axonal transport of at least one cargo, the NF proteins.
ZP3-dependent activation of sperm cation channels regulates acrosomal secretion during mammalian fertilization.
Tập 134 Số 3 - Trang 637-645 - 1996
Christophe Arnoult, Yang Zeng, Harvey M. Florman
The sperm acrosome reaction is a Ca(2+)-dependent secretory event required for fertilization. Adhesion to the egg's zona pellucida promotes Ca2+ influx through voltage-sensitive channels, thereby initiating secretion. We used potentiometric fluorescent probes to determine the role of sperm membrane potential in regulating Ca2+ entry. ZP3, the glycoprotein agonist of the zona pellucida, depolarizes sperm membranes by activating a pertussis toxin-insensitive mechanism with the characteristics of a poorly selective cation channel. ZP3 also activates a pertussis toxin-sensitive pathway that produces a transient rise in internal pH. The concerted effects of depolarization and alkalinization open voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. These observations suggest that mammalian sperm utilize membrane potential-dependent signal transduction mechanisms and that a depolarization pathway is an upstream transducing element coupling adhesion to secretion during fertilization.
Subunit selectivity and epitope characterization of mAbs directed against the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor.
Tập 110 Số 6 - Trang 2043-2048 - 1990
Markus Ewert, Brenda D. Shivers, Hartmut Lüddens, Jean‐Marc Fritschy, P H Seeburg
mAbs bd 17, bd 24, and bd 28 raised against bovine cerebral gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA)/benzodiazepine receptors were analyzed for their ability to detect each of 12 GABAA receptor subunits expressed in cultured mammalian cells. Results showed that mAb bd 17 recognizes epitopes on both beta 2 and beta 3 subunits while mAb bd 24 is selective for the alpha 1 subunit of human and bovine, but not of rat origin. The latter antibody reacts with the rat alpha 1 subunit carrying an engineered Leu at position four, documenting the first epitope mapping of a GABAA receptor subunit-specific mAb. In contrast to mAbs bd 17 and bd 24, mAb bd 28 reacts with all GABAA receptor subunits tested but not with a glycine receptor subunit, suggesting the presence of shared epitopes on subunits of GABA-gated chloride channels.
Label-fracture: a method for high resolution labeling of cell surfaces.
Tập 99 Số 3 - Trang 1156-1161 - 1984
P Pinto da Silva, Frederick W. K. Kan
We introduce here a technique, "label-fracture," that allows the observation of the distribution of a cytochemical label on a cell surface. Cell surfaces labeled with an electron-dense marker (colloidal gold) are freeze-fractured and the fracture faces are replicated by plantinum/carbon evaporation. The exoplasmic halves of the membrane, apparently stabilized by the deposition of the Pt/C replica, are washed in distilled water. The new method reveals the surface distribution of the label coincident with the Pt/C replica of the exoplasmic fracture face. Initial applications indicate high resolution (less than or equal to 15 nm) and exceedingly low background. "Label-fracture" provides extensive views of the distribution of the label on membrane surfaces while preserving cell shape and relating to the freeze-fracture morphology of exoplasmic fracture faces. The regionalization of wheat germ agglutinin receptors on the plasma membranes of boar sperm cells is illustrated. The method and the interpretation of its results are straightforward. Label-fracture is appropriate for routine use as a surface labeling technique.
Possible Involvement of Phosphorylation of Occludin in Tight Junction Formation
Tập 137 Số 6 - Trang 1393-1401 - 1997
Akira Sakakibara, Mikio Furuse, Mitinori Saitou, Yuhko Ando‐Akatsuka, Shöichiro Tsukita
Occludin is an integral membrane protein localizing at tight junctions in epithelial and endothelial cells. Occludin from confluent culture MDCK I cells resolved as several (>10) bands between 62 and 82 kD in SDS-PAGE, of which two or three bands of the lowest Mr were predominant. Among these bands, the lower predominant bands were essentially extracted with 1% NP-40, whereas the other higher Mr bands were selectively recovered in the NP-40–insoluble fraction. Alkaline phosphatase treatment converged these bands of occludin both in NP-40–soluble and -insoluble fractions into the lowest Mr band, and phosphoamino acid analyses identified phosphoserine (and phosphothreonine weakly) in the higher Mr bands of occludin. These findings indicated that phosphorylation causes an upward shift of occludin bands and that highly phosphorylated occludin resists NP-40 extraction. When cells were grown in low Ca medium, almost all occludin was NP-40 soluble. Switching from low to normal Ca medium increased the amount of NP-40–insoluble occludin within 10 min, followed by gradual upward shift of bands. This insolubilization and the band shift correlated temporally with tight junction formation detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, we found that the anti–chicken occludin mAb, Oc-3, did not recognize the predominant lower Mr bands of occludin (non- or less phosphorylated form) but was specific to the higher Mr bands (phosphorylated form) on immunoblotting. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that this mAb mainly stained the tight junction proper of intestinal epithelial cells, whereas other anti-occludin mAbs, which can recognize the predominant lower Mr bands, labeled their basolateral membranes (and the cytoplasm) as well as tight junctions. Therefore, we conclude that non- or less phosphorylated occludin is distributed on the basolateral membranes and that highly phosphorylated occludin is selectively concentrated at tight juctions as the NP-40–insoluble form. These findings suggest that the phosphorylation of occludin is a key step in tight junction assembly.
Tập 33 Số 2 - Trang 287-297 - 1967
Eva Eliasson, G. Eric Bauer, T. Hultin
The effects of temporary glutamine deficiency on the protein and nucleic acid metabolism of Chang's liver cells in suspension cultures have been studied. It was observed that cells maintained in a glutamine-free medium showed a reduced incorporation of labeled precursors into protein and RNA. At the same time, the activity of the ribosomes and the proportion of polyribosomal aggregates in cell extracts diminished. These effects were reversed when the glutamine content of the medium was restored. The restoration of a normal rate of amino acid incorporation by intact cells as well as by cell-free systems was time dependent, and took place within a few hours after glutamine addition without preceding increase in the prevailing low rate of RNA synthesis. The addition of actinomycin D at concentrations that strongly inhibited the RNA metabolism of the cells did not prevent the increase in protein synthesis or the reappearance of polyribosomal aggregates. These facts suggest that the restoration of protein synthesis in the cells after glutamine starvation was not dependent on a production of new messenger RNA. The experimental data are consistent with the hypothesis that previously synthesized messenger RNA, preserved in the cells in a stable form, was brought into action in response to the reestablishment of an adequate cellular environment.