Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

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Characterization of Indium Tin Oxide and Reactive Ion Etched Indium Tin Oxide Surfaces
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 29 Số 10R - Trang 2243 - 1990
Yue Kuo

ITO films, both before and after annealing, were characterized with various methods. The changes in film characteristics are discussed. RIE etching mechanisms for the unannealed ITO films in three reactive gases (CF2Cl2, CF3Cl, and CF4) and two diluent gases (N2 and Ar) were delineated by analyzing and comparing the surface ESCA data with the process results. For undiluted gases, indium is the major component left on the surface, and each gas has its own etch preference for different components. The addition of a diluent into the plasma may change the surface composition as well as the etching mechanisms. To increase the whole film etch rate, each component has to be etched off effectively.

Electrical Properties of Focused-Ion-Beam Boron-Implanted Silicon
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 22 Số 11A - Trang L698 - 1983
M. Tamura, S. Shukuri, S. Tachi, Tohru Ishitani, Hiroshi Tamura

Electrical properties of 16 keV, focused-ion-beam (FIB) (beam diameter: 1 µm, current density: 50 mA/cm2) boron-implanted silicon layers have been investigated as a function of beam scan speed and ion dose, and compared with those obtained by conventional implantation (current density: 0.4 µA/cm2). High electrical activation of the FIB implanted layers is obtained by annealing below 800°C as a result of the increase in amorphous zones created in the implanted layers. Amorphous zone overlapping is assumed to occur at FIB implantation doses of 3–4×1015 ions/cm2 from the results of electrical activation and the carrier profile of implanted regions annealed at low temperature, if beam scan speed is lowered to about 10-2 cm/s.

Etch Configuration and the Sign of Z Axis of Lead Molybdate Single Csystals
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 11 Số 5 - Trang 772-773 - 1972
T. Namikata, Shinji Esashi
Growth of SiO2 Needles Induced by Positive Corona Discharging
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 26 Số 7A - Trang L1138 - 1987
Keiichi Nashimoto

Growth of needles induced by positive discharging in air containing a small amount of dimethyl-poly-siloxane (DMPS) vapor was examined. After discharging for 30 to 120 minutes in pure air containing DMPS vapor, amorphous SiO2 needles and a thin film had grown on tungsten wire anode. The needles had a hollow tube running parallel to the axis of each needle. In contrast, needles grown in just pure air contain tungsten. The growth of needles caused by plasma oxidation of DMPS and by sputtering of the tungsten wire anode owing to negative ion impinging is discussed.

Motion of Surface Atoms on Small Gold Particles Revealed by HREM with Real-Time VTR System
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 24 Số 2A - Trang L125 - 1985
Sumio Iijima, Toshinari Ichihashi

A new method of high resolution electron microscopy utilizing a real time VTR-TV monitor system has been developed for the study of small metal particles less than 100 Å in size. The study for the first time revealed the real time motion of the surface atoms on a 100 Å gold cluster. The particle is a cuboctahedron and its {111} and {100} type surface are viewed as their edge-on projections along the <110 > direction. The surface atomic steps are formed on the {100} type surfaces but not on the {111} surfaces. The steps frequently change their positions within less than one tenth of a second. This motion is direct evidence of the random walk of the surface atoms on metal surfaces.

Precise Measurement of External Quantum Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 43 Số 11A - Trang 7733-7736
Isao Tanaka, Shizuo Tokito
Analysis of the Exciton Luminescence of Silicon for Characterization of the Content of Impurities
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 19 Số 3 - Trang 501-511 - 1980
Hiroshi Nakayama, Taneo Nishino, Yoshihiro Hamakawa
Distribution Coefficient of Rare-Earth Active Ions in Calcium Niobium Gallium Garnet
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 34 Số 9R - Trang 4894 - 1995
Kiyoshi Shimamura, Kazumasa Sugiyama, Satoshi Uda, Tsuguo Fukuda Tsuguo Fukuda

Distribution coefficients of Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ in calcium niobium gallium garnet (CNGG) single crystals have been investigated. The values of the equilibrium distribution coefficient, k 0, of Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ in CNGG single crystals have been determined to be 0.55, 1.09 and 1.14, respectively. It is shown that the distribution coefficients of Nd3+ in CNGG single crystals are larger than those in other garnet crystals such as Y3Al5O12 and Gd3Ga5O12. The variation of the k 0 values is discussed in relation to the ionic radii of each of the cations.

Improvement of the Electrical Properties of Cu-Poor CuInS2 Thin Films by Sodium Incorporation
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 37 Số 11B - Trang L1370 - 1998
Takayuki Watanabe, Hidenobu Nakazawa, Masahiro Matsui

We investigated the effects of intentional sodium incorporation on the electrical conductivity of Cu-poor CuInS2 thin films. CuInS2 films were fabricated by sulfurization of In–S/Cu/Na2S/In precursors. Sodium incorporation resulted in a remarkable increase in the lateral conductivity and the cell efficiency of CuInS2-based solar cells. Photoluminescence measurements revealed that the enhancements were attributed to the annihilation of donor states, most likely In interstitials, by sodium incorporation.

Application of Proton Induced X-Rays for Chemical Analysis
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Tập 17 Số S2 - Trang 377 - 1978
Ren Chiba, Yoshikazu Hashimoto, Hiroshi Kutsuna, Yo Osada
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