A Comparative Analysis of Multilateral Environmental NegotiationsGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 6 - Trang 437-461 - 1997
Pamela Chasek
Global environmental problems pose important diplomatic and legal challenges to the international community. The nature of these problems requires an unprecedented degree of international cooperation that is achieved through multilateral negotiation, which is often shaped by scientific uncertainty, the complexity of the issues, and the wide range of actors and interests. One way of analyzing and explaining this complicated process is through the use of comparative analysis. By breaking down the negotiating process into a series of phases and turning points, it becomes easier to analyze the roles of different actors, the management of issues, the formation of groups and coalitions, and the art of consensus building. This article uses comparative analysis to characterize, develop, and specify a model of the multilateral environmental negotiation process. The model is elaborated upon inductively through a comparative analysis of eleven cases of multilateral environmental negotiations. Statistical techniques are used to determine whether there is any relationship among attributes of the process (within the phases or at the turning points) and between these characteristics and outcomes.
Sự thao túng chiến lược trong các ủy ban sử dụng quy tắc đa số: Các khái niệm thay thế và tính toán tần suất Dịch bởi AI Group Decision and Negotiation - Tập 6 - Trang 119-138 - 1997
Dominique Lepelley, Boniface Mbih
Bài báo này đề xuất một đánh giá về quy tắc đa số dựa trên mức độ có thể bị thao túng bởi các cá nhân. Chúng tôi phân tích việc bỏ phiếu chiến lược không chỉ với tham chiếu đến khái niệm cân bằng Nash thông thường mà còn đến một số điểm yếu của khái niệm này, tùy thuộc vào các giả định về cách mà các tác nhân cá nhân lựa chọn chiến lược của họ. Chúng tôi cung cấp hai loại kết quả cho mỗi khái niệm cân bằng: Thứ nhất, chúng tôi đưa ra các điều kiện cần và đủ để một hồ sơ trở thành cân bằng khi quy tắc đa số được sử dụng; và thứ hai, chúng tôi trình bày các công thức cho tần suất chính xác của các tình huống không ổn định trong trường hợp ba lựa chọn.
#quy tắc đa số #thao túng chiến lược #cân bằng Nash #bỏ phiếu chiến lược
Organisational Change through Collaborative Learning in a Network FormGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 9 - Trang 129-147 - 2000
Sajda Qureshi
In view of the changing nature of organisations, their structures and processes, managing organisational change is seen to be an ongoing challenge. In this paper, organisational learning is considered to be a potent force that drives organisational change. The use of an electronic group communication system supporting a distributed work process is explored in a network form of organisation. Following an analysis of the patterns of behaviour that occur within an evolving electronic social space, this paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for managing change through learning in a network form of organisation.
EditorialGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 31 - Trang 1-5 - 2022
Gert-Jan de Vreede, Mareike Schoop
Mối Quan Hệ Giữa Những Người Đàm Phán: Đo Lường Cấu Trúc và Minh Chứng Về Tác Động Của Chúng Đến Quy Trình và Kết Quả Đàm Phán Dịch bởi AI Group Decision and Negotiation - Tập 7 - Trang 465-489 - 1998
Leonard Greenhalgh, Deborah I. Chapman
Nghiên cứu về việc đàm phán đang thu hút sự chú ý ngày càng nhiều vào mối quan hệ giữa các bên tham gia đàm phán. Nghiên cứu này mô tả sự phát triển của một chỉ số đa chiều để đo lường sức mạnh của các khía cạnh khác nhau của mối quan hệ. Kết quả từ một nghiên cứu trong phòng thí nghiệm sử dụng công cụ này cho thấy rằng các mối quan hệ gắn kết khuyến khích việc chia sẻ thông tin và không khuyến khích việc sử dụng các chiến thuật cưỡng chế, cả hai đều có ảnh hưởng trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp đến việc đạt được các kết quả tích cực, cảm xúc tiêu cực và mối quan hệ đang diễn ra của các nhà đàm phán.
#mối quan hệ giữa các nhà đàm phán #chỉ số đa chiều #chia sẻ thông tin #chiến thuật cưỡng chế #kết quả đàm phán
Allocation of Disputable Zones in the Arctic RegionGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 28 - Trang 11-42 - 2018
Fuad Aleskerov, Sergey Shvydun
As a result of the climate change the situation in Arctic area leads to several important consequences. On the one hand, fossil fuels can be exploited much easier than before. On the other hand, their excavation leads to serious potential threats to fishing by changing natural habitats which in turn creates serious damage to the countries’ economies. Another set of problems arises due to the extension of navigable season for shipping routes. Thus, there are already discussions on how should resources be allocated among countries. In Aleskerov and Victorova (An analysis of potential conflict zones in the Arctic Region, HSE Publishing House, Moscow, 2015) a model was presented analyzing preferences of the countries interested in natural resources and revealing potential conflicts among them. We present several areas allocation models based on different preferences over resources among interested countries. As a result, we constructed several allocations where areas are assigned to countries with respect to the distance or the total interest, or according to the procedure which is counterpart of the Adjusted Winner procedure. We consider this work as an attempt to help decision-making authorities in their complex work on adjusting preferences and conducting negotiations in the Arctic zone. We would like to emphasize that these models can be easily extended to larger number of parameters, to the case when some areas for some reasons should be excluded from consideration, to the case with ‘weighted’ preferences with respect to some parameters. And we strongly believe that such models and evaluations based on them can be helpful for the process of corresponding decision making.
Nash-2 Equilibrium: Selective Farsightedness Under Uncertain ResponseGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 28 - Trang 275-304 - 2018
Marina Sandomirskaia
This paper provides an extended analysis of an equilibrium concept for non-cooperative games with boundedly rational players: Nash-2 equilibrium. Players think one step ahead and account for all profitable responses of player-specific subsets of opponents because of both the cognitive limitations on predicting everyone’s reaction and the inability to make deeper and certain predictions. They cautiously reject improvements that might lead to worse profits after some reasonable response. For n-person games we introduce the notion of a reflection network consisting of direct competitors to express the idea of selective farsightedness. For almost every 2-person game with a complete reflection network, we prove the existence of a Nash-2 equilibrium. Nash-2 equilibrium sets are obtained in models of price and quantity competition, and in Tullock’s rent-seeking model with two players. It is shown that such farsighted behavior may provide strategic support for tacit collusion. The analyses of n-person Prisoner’s dilemma and oligopoly models with a star reflection structure demonstrate some possibilities of strategic collusion and a large variety of potentially stable outcomes.
Two-party Bargaining Processes Based on Subjective Expectations: A Model and a Simulation StudyGroup Decision and Negotiation - Tập 31 Số 4 - Trang 843-869 - 2022
Lucas D. Dias, Rudolf Vetschera
AbstractThis work presents a model for a two-party bargaining process in which multiple offers are exchanged as the negotiation goes on, under a risk of breakdown. Typical game theoretical analyses of such settings assume the breakdown risk is known and the parties are able to calculate an initial offer that is immediately accepted by the other party, ending the negotiation. Aiming to develop a model that is closer to real-life situations, in which parties do exchange many offers in a bargaining process, we consider the parties are unable to compute the far-reaching consequences of their offers, and are guided by their subjective expectations of the outcome of the negotiation. This introduces a new perspective to the analysis of two-party bargaining processes: the confidence of the bargainers in terms of what they hope to achieve by bargaining with each other. The resulting model can be seen as an extension of the Zeuthen-Hicks bargaining model. We show analytically that under the assumption of concave utilities of both parties, the bargaining process converges to the nonsymmetric Nash bargaining solution, where the asymmetry is caused by differences in expectations. This result provides a new interpretation of the parameters of the nonsymmetric Nash bargaining solution, linking them to behavior in the bargaining process. As an additional contribution, we perform a simulation study to examine the role of confidence and to analyze the outcomes for non-concave utility functions.