Finance and Stochastics

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Local risk-minimization for Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard models
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 21 - Trang 551-592 - 2017
Takuji Arai, Yuto Imai, Ryoichi Suzuki
We obtain explicit representations of locally risk-minimizing strategies for call and put options in Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard models, which are Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type stochastic volatility models. Using Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes, Arai and Suzuki (Int. J. Financ. Eng. 2:1550015, 2015) obtained a formula for locally risk-minimizing strategies for Lévy markets under many additional conditions. Supposing mild conditions, we make sure that the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard models satisfy all the conditions imposed in (Arai and Suzuki in Int. J. Financ. Eng. 2:1550015, 2015). Among others, we investigate the Malliavin differentiability of the density of the minimal martingale measure. Moreover, we introduce some numerical experiments for locally risk-minimizing strategies.
Correspondence between lifetime minimum wealth and utility of consumption
Finance and Stochastics - - 2007
Erhan Bayraktar, Virginia R. Young
Additive logistic processes in option pricing
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 25 - Trang 689-724 - 2021
Peter Carr, Lorenzo Torricelli
In option pricing, it is customary to first specify a stochastic underlying model and then extract valuation equations from it. However, it is possible to reverse this paradigm: starting from an arbitrage-free option valuation formula, one could derive a family of risk-neutral probabilities and a corresponding risk-neutral underlying asset process. In this paper, we start from two simple arbitrage-free valuation equations, inspired by the log-sum-exponential function and an $\ell ^{p}$ vector norm. Such expressions lead respectively to logistic and Dagum (or “log-skew-logistic”) risk-neutral distributions for the underlying security price. We proceed to exhibit supporting martingale processes of additive type for underlying securities having as time marginals two such distributions. By construction, these processes produce closed-form valuation equations which are even simpler than those of the Bachelier and Samuelson–Black–Scholes models. Additive logistic processes provide parsimonious and simple option pricing models capturing various important stylised facts at the minimum price of a single market observable input.
Valuation of exotic options under shortselling constraints
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 6 - Trang 143-172 - 2002
Uwe Schmock, Steven E. Shreve, Uwe Wystup
Options with discontinuous payoffs are generally traded above their theoretical Black–Scholes prices because of the hedging difficulties created by their large delta and gamma values. A theoretical method for pricing these options is to constrain the hedging portfolio and incorporate this constraint into the pricing by computing the smallest initial capital which permits super-replication of the option. We develop this idea for exotic options, in which case the pricing problem becomes one of stochastic control. Our motivating example is a call which knocks out in the money, and explicit formulas for this and other instruments are provided.
Pricing of catastrophe reinsurance and derivatives using the Cox process with shot noise intensity
Finance and Stochastics - - 2003
Angelos Dassios, Ji-Wook Jang
We use the Cox process (or a doubly stochastic Poisson process) to model the claim arrival process for catastrophic events. The shot noise process is used for the claim intensity function within the Cox process. The Cox process with shot noise intensity is examined by piecewise deterministic Markov process theory. We apply the model to price stop-loss catastrophe reinsurance contract and catastrophe insurance derivatives. The asymptotic distribution of the claim intensity is used to derive pricing formulae for stop-loss reinsurance contract for catastrophic events and catastrophe insurance derivatives. We assume that there is an absence of arbitrage opportunities in the market to obtain the gross premium for stop-loss reinsurance contract and arbitrage-free prices for insurance derivatives. This can be achieved by using an equivalent martingale probability measure in the pricing models. The Esscher transform is used for this purpose.
Yield curve shapes and the asymptotic short rate distribution in affine one-factor models
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 12 - Trang 149-172 - 2008
Martin Keller-Ressel, Thomas Steiner
We consider a model for interest rates where the short rate is given under the risk-neutral measure by a time-homogeneous one-dimensional affine process in the sense of Duffie, Filipović, and Schachermayer. We show that in such a model yield curves can only be normal, inverse, or humped (i.e., endowed with a single local maximum). Each case can be characterized by simple conditions on the present short rate r t . We give conditions under which the short rate process converges to a limit distribution and describe the risk-neutral limit distribution in terms of its cumulant generating function. We apply our results to the Vasiček model, the CIR model, a CIR model with added jumps, and a model of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type.
Computing deltas without derivatives
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 21 - Trang 509-549 - 2017
D. Baños, T. Meyer-Brandis, F. Proske, S. Duedahl
A well-known application of Malliavin calculus in mathematical finance is the probabilistic representation of option price sensitivities, the so-called Greeks, as expectation functionals that do not involve the derivative of the payoff function. This allows numerically tractable computation of the Greeks even for discontinuous payoff functions. However, while the payoff function is allowed to be irregular, the coefficients of the underlying diffusion are required to be smooth in the existing literature, which for example already excludes simple regime-switching diffusion models. The aim of this article is to generalise this application of Malliavin calculus to Itô diffusions with irregular drift coefficients, where we focus here on the computation of the delta, which is the option price sensitivity with respect to the initial value of the underlying. To this end, we first show existence, Malliavin differentiability and (Sobolev) differentiability in the initial condition for strong solutions of Itô diffusions with drift coefficients that can be decomposed into the sum of a bounded, but merely measurable, and a Lipschitz part. Furthermore, we give explicit expressions for the corresponding Malliavin and Sobolev derivatives in terms of the local time of the diffusion, respectively. We then turn to the main objective of this article and analyse the existence and probabilistic representation of the corresponding deltas for European and path-dependent options. We conclude with a small simulation study of several regime-switching examples.
Outperformance portfolio optimization via the equivalence of pure and randomized hypothesis testing
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 17 - Trang 839-870 - 2013
Tim Leung, Qingshuo Song, Jie Yang
We study the portfolio optimization problem of maximizing the outperformance probability over a random benchmark through dynamic trading with a fixed initial capital. Under a general incomplete market framework, this stochastic control problem can be formulated as a composite pure hypothesis testing problem. We analyze the connection between this pure testing problem and its randomized counterpart, and from the latter we derive a dual representation for the maximal outperformance probability. Moreover, in a complete market setting, we provide a closed-form solution to the problem of beating a leveraged exchange traded fund. For a general benchmark under an incomplete stochastic factor model, we provide the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman PDE characterization for the maximal outperformance probability.
Conditional Davis pricing
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 24 - Trang 565-599 - 2020
Kasper Larsen, Halil Mete Soner, Gordan Žitković
We study the set of Davis (marginal utility-based) prices of a financial derivative in the case where the investor has a non-replicable random endowment. We give a new characterisation of the set of all such prices, and provide an example showing that even in the simplest of settings – such as Samuelson’s geometric Brownian motion model –, the interval of Davis prices is often a non-degenerate subinterval of the set of all no-arbitrage prices. This is in stark contrast to the case with a constant or replicable endowment where non-uniqueness of Davis prices is exceptional. We provide formulas for the endpoints of these intervals and illustrate the theory with several examples.
Model-independent bounds for option prices—a mass transport approach
Finance and Stochastics - Tập 17 - Trang 477-501 - 2013
Mathias Beiglböck, Pierre Henry-Labordère, Friedrich Penkner
In this paper we investigate model-independent bounds for exotic options written on a risky asset using infinite-dimensional linear programming methods. Based on arguments from the theory of Monge–Kantorovich mass transport, we establish a dual version of the problem that has a natural financial interpretation in terms of semi-static hedging. In particular we prove that there is no duality gap.
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