Epilepsy Research



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Elsevier

Lĩnh vực:
Neurology (clinical)Neurology

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Thông tin về tạp chí


Epilepsy Research provides for publication of high quality articles in both basic and clinical epilepsy research, with a special emphasis on translational research that ultimately relates to epilepsy as a human condition. The journal is intended to provide a forum for reporting the best and most rigorous epilepsy research from all disciplines ranging from biophysics and molecular biology to epidemiological and psychosocial research. As such the journal will publish original papers relevant to epilepsy from any scientific discipline and also studies of a multidisciplinary nature. Clinical and experimental research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches to the study of epilepsy and its treatment are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant clinical or experimental relevance, and interest to a multidisciplinary audience in the broad arena of epilepsy. Review articles focused on any topic of epilepsy research will also be considered, but only if they present an exceptionally clear synthesis of current knowledge and future directions of a research area, based on a critical assessment of the available data or on hypotheses that are likely to stimulate more critical thinking and further advances in an area of epilepsy research.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

BDNF as potential biomarker of epilepsy severity and psychiatric comorbidity: pitfalls in the clinical population
Tập 195 - Trang 107200 - 2023
Aileen McGonigal, Christel Becker, Julia Fath, Kahina Hammam, Karine Baumstarck, Sara Fernandes, Bernard Giusiano, Stéphane Dufau, Sylvain Rheims, Louis Maillard, Arnaud Biraben, Jean-Jacques Benoliel, Christophe Bernard, Fabrice Bartolomei
Oxidative stress markers in the neocortex of drug-resistant epilepsy patients submitted to epilepsy surgery
Tập 107 Số 1-2 - Trang 75-81 - 2013
Jordi Rumià, Frederic Mármol, Juan Pablo Sánchez, J. Giménez-Crouseilles, Mar Carreño, Núria Bargalló, Teresa Boget, Luís Pintor, Xavier Setoaín, Antonio Donaire, Guillermo T. Sáez, Teresa Ribalta, Elisa Ferrer, P Puig-Parellada
Effects of epilepsy and valproic acid on oxidant status in children with idiopathic epilepsy
Tập 84 Số 2-3 - Trang 232-237 - 2009
Uluç Yiş, Eylem Seçkin, Semra Hız Kurul, Filiz Kuralay, Eray Dırık
Eicosanoid levels in the neocortex of drug-resistant epileptic patients submitted to epilepsy surgery
Tập 99 Số 1-2 - Trang 127-131 - 2012
Jordi Rumià, Frederic Mármol, Juan Pablo Sánchez, Mar Carreño, Núria Bargalló, Teresa Boget, Luís Pintor, Xavier Setoaín, Eva Baillés, Antonio Donaire, Elisa Ferrer, P Puig-Parellada
Conditional deletion of TrkC does not modify limbic epileptogenesis
Tập 102 - Trang 126-130 - 2012
A. Soren Leonard, Ram S. Puranam, Jeffrey Helgager, Gumei Liu, James O. McNamara
Associations between electroencephalographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings in tuberous sclerosis complex
Tập 87 - Trang 197-202 - 2009
Anne Gallagher, Catherine J. Chu-Shore, Maria A. Montenegro, Philippe Major, Daniel J. Costello, David A. Lyczkowski, David Muzykewicz, Colin Doherty, Elizabeth A. Thiele
Acoustic brainstem nuclei express Fos after flurothyl-induced generalized seizures in rats
Tập 34 - Trang 49-55 - 1999
D.C Silveira, S.C Schachter, D.L Schomer
Differences in evoked potential characteristics between DRPLA patients and patients with progressive myoclonic epilepsy: preliminary findings indicating usefulness for differential diagnosis
Tập 37 - Trang 3-11 - 1999
Kiyoto Kasai, Teiichi Onuma, Masaaki Kato, Takeji Kato, Jun Takeya, Masanori Sekimoto, Keiichiro Watanabe, Narihiro Minami, Yu-ichi Goto, Yoshio Minabe
Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase activities and the hydroperoxide concentration are modified in the hippocampus of epileptic rats
Tập 46 Số 2 - Trang 121-128 - 2001
Maria Ines Bellissimo, Débora Amado, Dulcinéia Saes Parra Abdalla, Elaine Ferreira, Ésper A. Cavalheiro, Maria da Graça Naffah‐Mazzacoratti