Collectanea Mathematica

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Sắp xếp:  
Concerning P-frames and the Artin–Rees property
Collectanea Mathematica - - 2023
Mostafa Abedi
Moduli spaces of bundles and Hilbert schemes of scrolls over $$\nu $$ -gonal curves
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 70 - Trang 295-321 - 2018
Youngook Choi, Flaminio Flamini, Seonja Kim
The aim of this paper is twofold. We first strongly improve our previous main result Choi et al. (Proc Am Math Soc 146(8):3233–3248, 2018, Theorem 3.1), concerning classification of irreducible components of the Brill–Noether locus parametrizing rank 2 semistable vector bundles of suitable degrees d, with at least $$d-2g+4$$ independent global sections, on a general $$\nu $$ -gonal curve C of genus g. We then uses this classification to study several properties of the Hilbert scheme of suitable surface scrolls in projective space, which turn out to be special and stable.
Linear syzygies, flag complexes, and regularity
Collectanea Mathematica - - 2016
Alexandru Constantinescu, Thomas Kahle, Matteo Varbaro
A remark on the rational cohomology of $$\bar S_{1,n} $$
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 60 - Trang 241-247 - 2009
Gilberto Bini, Claudio Fontanari
We focus on the rational cohomology of Cornalba’s moduli space of spin curves of genus 1 withn marked points. In particular, we show that both its first and its third cohomology group vanish and the second cohomology group is generated by boundary classes.
Some extensions of Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 68 - Trang 69-85 - 2016
Neil Epstein, Yongwei Yao
Let R be an excellent Noetherian ring of prime characteristic. Consider an arbitrary nested pair of ideals (or more generally, a nested pair of submodules of a fixed finite module). We do not assume that their quotient has finite length. In this paper, we develop various sufficient numerical criteria for when the tight closures of these ideals (or submodules) match. For some of the criteria we only prove sufficiency, while some are shown to be equivalent to the tight closures matching. We compare the various numerical measures (in some cases demonstrating that the different measures give truly different numerical results) and explore special cases where equivalence with matching tight closure can be shown. All of our measures derive ultimately from Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity.
Graphs, hypergraphs, and properads
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 67 - Trang 155-190 - 2016
Joachim Kock
A categorical formalism for directed graphs is introduced, featuring natural notions of morphisms and subgraphs, and leading to two elementary descriptions of the free-properad monad, first in terms of presheaves on elementary graphs, second in terms of groupoid-enriched hypergraphs.
Anisotropic classes of inhomogeneous pseudodifferential symbols
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 64 - Trang 155-173 - 2011
Árpád Bényi, Marcin Bownik
We introduce a class of pseudodifferential operators in the anisotropic setting induced by an expansive dilation A which generalizes the classical isotropic class $${S^{m}_{\gamma, \delta}}$$ of inhomogeneous symbols. We extend a well-known L 2-boundedness result to the anisotropic class $${S_{\delta, \delta}^0(A)}$$ , 0 ≤ δ < 1. As a consequence, we deduce that operators with symbols in the anisotropic class $${S^0_{1,0}(A)}$$ are bounded on L p spaces, 1 < p < ∞.
Nash multiplicities and resolution invariants
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 68 Số 2 - Trang 175-217 - 2017
Ana Bravo, Santiago Encinas, Beatriz Pascual-Escudero
Bad projections of the PSD cone
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 72 - Trang 261-280 - 2021
Yuhan Jiang, Bernd Sturmfels
The image of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices under a linear map is a convex cone. Pataki characterized the set of linear maps for which that image is not closed. The Zariski closure of this set is a hypersurface in the Grassmannian. Its components are the coisotropic hypersurfaces of symmetric determinantal varieties. We develop the convex algebraic geometry of such bad projections, with focus on explicit computations.
Divided differences and restriction operator on Paley–Wiener spaces $${PW_{\tau}^{p}}$$ for N–Carleson sequences
Collectanea Mathematica - Tập 64 - Trang 251-281 - 2012
Frédéric Gaunard
For a sequence of complex numbers $${\Lambda}$$ we consider the restriction operator $${R_{\Lambda}}$$ defined on Paley–Wiener spaces $${PW_{\tau}^{p}}$$ (1 < p < ∞). Lyubarskii and Seip gave necessary and sufficient conditions on $${\Lambda}$$ for $${R_{\Lambda}}$$ to be an isomorphism between $${PW_{\tau}^{p}}$$ and a certain weighted l p space. The Carleson condition appears to be necessary. We extend their result to N–Carleson sequences (finite unions of N disjoint Carleson sequences). More precisely, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for $${R_{\Lambda}}$$ to be an isomorphism between $${PW_{\tau}^{p}}$$ and an appropriate sequence space involving divided differences.
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