British Journal of Management

SSCI-ISI SCOPUS (1990-2023)



  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd , WILEY

Lĩnh vực:
Strategy and ManagementBusiness, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)Management of Technology and Innovation

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Hướng Tới Một Phương Pháp Luận Phát Triển Tri Thức Quản Lý Dựa Trên Bằng Chứng Thông Qua Đánh Giá Hệ Thống Dịch bởi AI
Tập 14 Số 3 - Trang 207-222 - 2003
David Tranfield, David Denyer, Palie Smart

Tiến hành một đánh giá về văn liệu là một phần quan trọng của bất kỳ dự án nghiên cứu nào. Nhà nghiên cứu có thể xác định và đánh giá lãnh thổ tri thức liên quan để chỉ định một câu hỏi nghiên cứu nhằm phát triển thêm cơ sở tri thức. Tuy nhiên, các bản đánh giá 'mô tả' truyền thống thường thiếu tính toàn diện, và trong nhiều trường hợp, không được thực hiện như những mảnh ghép đích thực của khoa học điều tra. Do đó, chúng có thể thiếu phương tiện để hiểu những gì tập hợp các nghiên cứu đang nói. Những đánh giá này có thể bị nghiên cứu viên thiên vị và thường thiếu đi tính chặt chẽ. Hơn nữa, việc sử dụng các đánh giá về bằng chứng sẵn có để cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc và hướng dẫn cho can thiệp vào nhu cầu hoạt động của người thực hành và nhà làm chính sách chủ yếu là yếu tố thứ cấp. Đối với người thực hành, việc hiểu một khối chứng cứ thường mang tính mâu thuẫn đã trở nên ngày càng khó khăn hơn. Chất lượng của bằng chứng hỗ trợ việc ra quyết định và hành động đã bị đặt dấu hỏi, vì bằng chứng không đầy đủ hoặc hoàn chỉnh nghiêm trọng cản trở việc hình thành và thực thi chính sách. Khi nghiên cứu các cách mà các đánh giá quản lý dựa trên bằng chứng có thể đạt được, các tác giả đánh giá quy trình đánh giá hệ thống được sử dụng trong khoa học y học. Trong 15 năm qua, khoa học y học đã cố gắng cải thiện quy trình đánh giá bằng cách tổng hợp nghiên cứu một cách hệ thống, minh bạch và tái sản xuất với cả hai mục tiêu nâng cao cơ sở tri thức và thông tin hoá việc ra quyết định chính sách và thực hành. Bài báo này đánh giá mức độ mà quy trình đánh giá hệ thống có thể được áp dụng cho lĩnh vực quản lý nhằm tạo ra một khối dự trữ tri thức đáng tin cậy và nâng cao thực hành bằng cách phát triển nghiên cứu nhạy cảm với bối cảnh. Bài viết nêu bật các thách thức trong việc phát triển một phương pháp luận thích hợp.

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Formative Versus Reflective Indicators in Organizational Measure Development: A Comparison and Empirical Illustration
Tập 17 Số 4 - Trang 263-282 - 2006
Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Judy A. Siguaw

A comparison is undertaken between scale development and index construction procedures to trace the implications of adopting a reflective versus formative perspective when creating multi‐item measures for organizational research. Focusing on export coordination as an illustrative construct of interest, the results show that the choice of measurement perspective impacts on the content, parsimony and criterion validity of the derived coordination measures. Implications for practising researchers seeking to develop multi‐item measures of organizational constructs are considered.

Big Data Analytics Capabilities and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and Moderating Effect of the Environment
Tập 30 Số 2 - Trang 272-298 - 2019
Patrick Mikalef, Maria Boura, George Lekakos, John Krogstie

With big data analytics growing rapidly in popularity, academics and practitioners have been considering the means through which they can incorporate the shifts these technologies bring into their competitive strategies. Drawing on the resource‐based view, the dynamic capabilities view, and on recent literature on big data analytics, this study examines the indirect relationship between a big data analytics capability (BDAC) and two types of innovation capabilities: incremental and radical. The study extends existing research by proposing that BDACs enable firms to generate insight that can help strengthen their dynamic capabilities, which in turn positively impact incremental and radical innovation capabilities. To test their proposed research model, the authors used survey data from 175 chief information officers and IT managers working in Greek firms. By means of partial least squares structural equation modelling, the results confirm the authors’ assumptions regarding the indirect effect that BDACs have on innovation capabilities. Specifically, they find that dynamic capabilities fully mediate the effect on both incremental and radical innovation capabilities. In addition, under conditions of high environmental heterogeneity, the impact of BDACs on dynamic capabilities and, in sequence, incremental innovation capability is enhanced, while under conditions of high environmental dynamism the effect of dynamic capabilities on incremental innovation capabilities is amplified.

Enacting Leadership for Collaborative Advantage: Dilemmas of Ideology and Pragmatism in the Activities of Partnership Managers
Tập 14 Số s1 - 2003
Siv Vangen, Chris Huxham

Working across organizations has long been recognized as a characteristic of public management, but recent years have seen a worldwide intensification in partnership working. Rhetoric about the benefits is endemic but so are complaints about the difficulty of partnership working in practice. Understanding the way that collaborative approaches may provide value is therefore an essential element of understanding the changing roles of public‐sector organizations. The particular aim of this paper is to contribute to a growing understanding of the way in which individuals enact leadership roles in such situations. The focus is on partnership managers, whose main role is to organize the activities of a collaboration. The way in which partnership managers enact leadership is explored and insight into the kinds of activities that typically occupy them, the types of challenges and dilemmas that they face and typical ways in which they respond to these is provided. We suggest that the main categories of activities split into two opposing perspectives on leadership. We propose an overarching concept which suggests that collaborative leadership involves the management of a tension between ideology and pragmatism.

The Evolving Firm: How Dynamic and Operating Capabilities Interact to Enable Entrepreneurship
Tập 20 Số s1 - 2009
Lance R. Newey, Shaker A. Zahra

In this study, we expand our understanding of firm evolution by focusing on how operating and dynamic capabilities interact through endogenously led changes. The focus on endogenous change complements the current emphasis in the literature on how dynamic capabilities help firms cope with the risk of core rigidities following an exogenous shock. Our comparison of two collaborating firms shows that, at the operating capability level, firms build absorptive capacity in value networks during their product development experiences and this learning needs to be captured at the product portfolio planning level. When this learning is captured and transformed, product portfolio planning acts as a dynamic capability reconfiguring operating capabilities based on beliefs about follow‐on entrepreneurial opportunities. Under conditions of endogenous change, dynamic capabilities are guided by a proactive entrepreneurial logic, complementing the need for reactive adaptive responses in circumstances of exogenous change. A key implication is that dynamic capabilities have a more expansive and critical role in the adaptation of firms than previously considered. Our theorizing shows how interactions between dynamic and operating capabilities build the adaptive capacity of the organization.

Corporate Governance and Tobin's Q as a Measure of Organizational Performance
Tập 29 Số 1 - Trang 171-190 - 2018
Satwinder Singh, Naeem Tabassum, Tamer K. Darwish, Georgios Batsakis

This empirical study examines the relationship between corporate governance and organizational performance (OP), measured using Tobin's Q (TQ) in the context of an emerging economy for which, as yet, only a handful of studies have been conducted. We employ a system generalized method of moments approach controlling for endogeneity and test it on a newly created dataset comprising 324 listed firms in Pakistan. We find that board size, number of board committees and ownership concentration are positively linked with high TQ ratio, whilst board independence and CEO duality display a negative relationship. In terms of moderating effects, we find that ownership concentration negatively moderates the relationship between board independence and OP, as well as that of CEO duality and OP. The relationship between the number of board committees and OP is positively moderated by ownership concentration. Our findings contribute towards a better articulation and application of a more concrete measure of OP − that of the TQ ratio − whilst, at the same time, testing the board composition–performance relationship in the context of an upcoming and increasingly important emerging market. Wider applicability of results and policy implications are discussed.

Strategic Alliance Research in the Era of Digital Transformation: Perspectives on Future Research
Tập 31 Số 3 - Trang 589-617 - 2020
Qile He, Maureen Meadows, Duncan Angwin, Emanuel Gomes, John Child

The emerging digital transformation in the twenty‐first century is rapidly and significantly changing the business landscape. The fast‐changing activities, expectations and new modes of collaboration suggest it is time to review the current theoretical insights from strategic alliance (SA) research, which are based on assumptions from a different era. We therefore aim to stimulate multidisciplinary debate and theoretical reflections to better understand emerging paradoxes and challenges that contemporary firms face in the formation, evolution and dissolution of strategic alliances. Specifically, we offer alternative visions of SA research and suggest fresh applications or supplements of existing theoretical perspectives and research methods that can better address the research questions emerging from an era of digital transformation.

How Dynamic Capabilities Affect the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Operating Routines under High and Low Levels of Environmental Dynamism
Tập 26 Số 2 - Trang 327-345 - 2015
Hendrik Wilhelm, Maren Schlömer, Indre Maurer

In analysing data on the purchasing routines of 200 small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), this study underscores the overall importance of dynamic capabilities as a way to understand differences in operating‐routine performance. The results suggest that dynamic capabilities have different performance effects in high‐dynamic and low‐dynamic environments. Dynamic capabilities enhance the effectiveness of operating routines under both high and low levels of environmental dynamism. Yet, when analysing the efficiency of operating routines, taking into account the costs of increased effectiveness, dynamic capabilities appear to pay off only under high levels of environmental dynamism.

Mixed Results, Lousy Process: the Management Experience of Organizational Change
Tập 11 Số s1 - 2000
Mike Doyle, Tim Claydon, Dave Buchanan

This paper reports the findings of a survey of 92 managers, from 14 public and 14 private‐sector organizations. The aim was to explore the experience of change, extending the findings of a previous study (Buchanan, Claydon and Doyle, 1999). The survey addressed six themes: communication, evaluation, learning, attitudes and relationships, implementation and change and continuity. Overall, the results present a bleak picture of the process and outcomes of contemporary change. Most managers claim that change responsibility affords valuable personal learning. However, recent change has also been accompanied by stress, work intensification, command and control and management–employee distrust. A comparison of public and private–sector responses suggests that the experience of change in the public sector has been more pressured than in the private sector. Comparison of responses by management level indicates that senior managers are more likely to hold positive views of the change process and its outcomes. Explanations for these differences in experience and perception are considered, along with the implications. It is concluded that an adequate theory of organizational change must address the contradictions and tensions in the lived experience of those implicated, and that effective practice should consider the linkage of change implementation with organizational learning mechanisms which, on this evidence, are absent.

Entering a Dialogue: Positioning Case Study Findings towards Theory
Tập 25 Số 2 - Trang 373-387 - 2014
Hans‐Gerd Ridder, Christina Hoon, Alina Baluch

Demonstrating a theoretical contribution is seen as a central challenge in case study research; however, the literature provides little guidance on the crucial step of positioning the study's theoretical claims in relationship to prior theory. This paper addresses the question of how to enter into a dialogue with extant theory in theory building case study research in the field of management. We present three ways of positioning to demonstrate a theoretical contribution, illustrating each with examples from recent case studies drawing on the dynamic capabilities approach. By distinguishing between seeking complementarities and dissimilarities in theory building, we add to this discussion and shed light on the benefits of entering a synergistic, antagonistic and pluralistic dialogue for making a significant theoretical contribution. Methodologically, we more fully specify how case study researchers can elaborate upon their theoretical claims in relation to prior theory.