Annual Review of Microbiology
SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1948,1950-1958,1960,1962-2023)
Cơ quản chủ quản: ANNUAL REVIEWS , Annual Reviews Inc.
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Several microbes promote plant growth, and many microbial products that stimulate plant growth have been marketed. In this review we restrict ourselves to bacteria that are derived from and exert this effect on the root. Such bacteria are generally designated as PGPR (plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria). The beneficial effects of these rhizobacteria on plant growth can be direct or indirect. This review begins with describing the conditions under which bacteria live in the rhizosphere. To exert their beneficial effects, bacteria usually must colonize the root surface efficiently. Therefore, bacterial traits required for root colonization are subsequently described. Finally, several mechanisms by which microbes can act beneficially on plant growth are described. Examples of direct plant growth promotion that are discussed include (a) biofertilization, (b) stimulation of root growth, (c) rhizoremediation, and (d) plant stress control. Mechanisms of biological control by which rhizobacteria can promote plant growth indirectly, i.e., by reducing the level of disease, include antibiosis, induction of systemic resistance, and competition for nutrients and niches.
▪ Tóm tắt Biofilm có thể được định nghĩa là các cộng đồng vi sinh vật gắn liền với bề mặt. Rõ ràng rằng các vi sinh vật trải qua những thay đổi sâu sắc trong quá trình chuyển đổi từ dạng sinh sống tự do (bơi lội) sang các tế bào thuộc một cộng đồng phức tạp, gắn bề mặt. Những thay đổi này được phản ánh qua các đặc điểm hình thái mới phát triển bởi vi khuẩn trong biofilm và xảy ra nhằm đáp ứng với nhiều tín hiệu môi trường khác nhau. Các phương pháp di truyền và phân tử gần đây được sử dụng để nghiên cứu biofilm vi khuẩn và nấm đã xác định các gen và các mạch điều hòa quan trọng cho các tương tác ban đầu giữa tế bào và bề mặt, sự trưởng thành của biofilm, và sự trở lại của các vi sinh vật trong biofilm sang chế độ phát triển planktonic. Các nghiên cứu đến nay cho thấy rằng quá trình chuyển đổi từ planktonic sang biofilm là một quá trình phức tạp và được điều chỉnh cao. Các kết quả được xem xét trong bài báo này cho thấy rằng sự hình thành biofilm phục vụ như một hệ thống mô hình mới cho nghiên cứu sự phát triển của vi sinh vật.
▪ Abstract The phenomenon of oxygen toxicity is universal, but only recently have we begun to understand its basis in molecular terms. Redox enzymes are notoriously nonspecific, transferring electrons to any good acceptor with which they make electronic contact. This poses a problem for aerobic organisms, since molecular oxygen is small enough to penetrate all but the most shielded active sites of redox enzymes. Adventitious electron transfers to oxygen create superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, which are partially reduced species that can oxidize biomolecules with which oxygen itself reacts poorly. This review attempts to present our still-incomplete understanding of how reactive oxygen species are formed inside cells and the mechanisms by which they damage specific target molecules. The vulnerability of cells to oxidation lies at the root of obligate anaerobiosis, spontaneous mutagenesis, and the use of oxidative stress as a biological weapon.
Persisters are dormant variants of regular cells that form stochastically in microbial populations and are highly tolerant to antibiotics. High persister (hip) mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are selected in patients with cystic fibrosis. Similarly, hip mutants of Candida albicans are selected in patients with an oral thrush biofilm. These observations suggest that persisters may be the main culprit responsible for the recalcitrance of chronic infectious disease to antimicrobial therapy. Screening knockout libraries has not produced mutants lacking persisters, indicating that dormancy mechanisms are redundant. Toxin/antitoxin (TA) modules are involved in persister formation in Escherichia coli. The SOS response leads to overexpression of the TisB toxin and persister formation. TisB is a membrane-acting peptide that apparently sends cells into dormancy by decreasing the proton motive force and ATP levels. Stress responses may act as general activators of persister formation. Proteins required for maintaining persisters may represent realistic targets for discovery of drugs capable of effectively treating chronic infections.
Methane is the most abundant hydrocarbon in the atmosphere, and it is an important greenhouse gas, which has so far contributed an estimated 20% of postindustrial global warming. A great deal of biogeochemical research has focused on the causes and effects of the variation in global fluxes of methane throughout earth's history, but the underlying microbial processes and their key agents remain poorly understood. This is a disturbing knowledge gap because 85% of the annual global methane production and about 60% of its consumption are based on microbial processes. Only three key functional groups of microorganisms of limited diversity regulate the fluxes of methane on earth, namely the aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, the methanogenic archaea, and their close relatives, the anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME). The ANME represent special lines of descent within the Euryarchaeota and appear to gain energy exclusively from the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), with sulfate as the final electron acceptor according to the net reaction:
[Formula: see text]
This review summarizes what is known and unknown about AOM on earth and its key catalysts, the ANME clades and their bacterial partners.
Bacterial plasmids encode resistance systems for toxic metal ions including Ag+, AsO2−, AsO43−, Cd2+, Co2+, CrO42−, Cu2+, Hg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sb3+, TeO32−, Tl+, and Zn2+. In addition to understanding of the molecular genetics and environmental roles of these resistances, studies during the last few years have provided surprises and new biochemical mechanisms. Chromosomal determinants of toxic metal resistances are known, and the distinction between plasmid resistances and those from chromosomal genes has blurred, because for some metals (notably mercury and arsenic), the plasmid and chromosomal determinants are basically the same. Other systems, such as copper transport ATPases and metallothionein cation-binding proteins, are only known from chromosomal genes. The largest group of metal resistance systems function by energy-dependent efflux of toxic ions. Some of the efflux systems are ATPases and others are chemiosmotic cation/proton antiporters. The CadA cadmium resistance ATPase of gram-positive bacteria and the CopB copper efflux system of Enterococcus hirae are homologous to P-type ATPases of animals and plants. The CadA ATPase protein has been labeled with 32P from γ-32P-ATP and drives ATP-dependent Cd2+ uptake by inside-out membrane vesicles. Recently isolated genes defective in the human hereditary diseases of copper metabolism, Menkes syndrome and Wilson's disease, encode P-type ATPases that are more similar to the bacterial CadA and CopB ATPases than to eukaryote ATPases that pump different cations. The arsenic resistance efflux system transports arsenite, using alternatively either a two-component (ArsA and ArsB) ATPase or a single polypeptide (ArsB) functioning as a chemiosmotic transporter. The third gene in the arsenic resistance system, arsC, encodes an enzyme that converts intracellular arsenate [As (V)] to arsenite [As (III)], the substrate of the efflux system. The three-component Czc (Cd2+, Zn2+, and Co2+) chemiosmotic efflux pump of soil microbes consists of inner membrane (CzcA), outer membrane (CzcC), and membrane-spanning (CzcB) proteins that together transport cations from the cytoplasm across the periplasmic space to the outside of the cell. Finally, the first bacterial metallothionein (which by definition is a small protein that binds metal cations by means of numerous cysteine thiolates) has been characterized in cyanobacteria.
The importance of accurate demographic information is reflected in the United States Constitution, Article 1, which provides for a decennial census of this country's human population. Bacteria also conduct a census of their population and do so more frequently, more efficiently, and as far we know, with little if any of the political contentiousness caused by human demographers. Many examples have been found of particular bacterial genes, operons, or regulons that are expressed preferentially at high cell densities. Many of these are regulated by proteins related to the LuxR and LuxI proteins of Vibrio fischeri, and by a diffusible pheromone called an autoinducer. LuxR and LuxI and their cognate autoinducer (3-oxohexanoyl homoserine lactone, designated VAI-1) provide an important model to describe the functions of this family of proteins. LuxR is a VAI-1 receptor and a VAI-1–dependent transcriptional activator, and LuxI directs the synthesis of VAI-1. VAI-1 diffuses across the bacterial envelope, and intracellular concentrations of it are therefore strongly increased by nearby VAI-1–producing bacteria. Similar systems regulate pathogenesis factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Erwinia spp., as well as Ti plasmid conjugal transfer in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and many other genes in numerous genera of gram-negative bacteria. Genetic analyses of these systems have revealed a high degree of functional conservation, while also uncovering features that are unique to each.