Annual Review of Microbiology

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Models of Genetic Recombination
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 28 Số 1 - Trang 445-468 - 1974
R D Horchkiss
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 48 Số 1 - Trang 401-426 - 1994
Bala Swaminathan, Peter Feng
Plant Cell Wall Deconstruction by Ascomycete Fungi
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 67 Số 1 - Trang 477-498 - 2013
N. Louise Glass, Monika Schmoll, Jamie H. D. Cate, Samuel T. Coradetti
Plant biomass degradation by fungi requires a diverse set of secreted enzymes and significantly contributes to the global carbon cycle. Recent advances in genomic and systems-level studies have begun to reveal how filamentous ascomycete species exploit carbon sources in different habitats. These studies have laid the groundwork for unraveling new enzymatic strategies for deconstructing the plant cell wall, including the discovery of polysaccharide monooxygenases that enhance the activity of cellulases. The identification of genes encoding proteins lacking functional annotation, but that are coregulated with cellulolytic genes, suggests functions associated with plant biomass degradation remain to be elucidated. Recent research shows that signaling cascades mediating cellulolytic responses often act in a light-dependent manner and show crosstalk with other metabolic pathways. In this review, we cover plant biomass degradation, from sensing, to transmission and modulation of signals, to activation of transcription factors and gene induction, to enzyme complement and function.
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 59 Số 1 - Trang 407-450 - 2005
Alan G. Hinnebusch
Cells reprogram gene expression in response to environmental changes by mobilizing transcriptional activators. The activator protein Gcn4 of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is regulated by an intricate translational control mechanism, which is the primary focus of this review, and also by the modulation of its stability in response to nutrient availability. Translation of GCN4 mRNA is derepressed in amino acid-deprived cells, leading to transcriptional induction of nearly all genes encoding amino acid biosynthetic enzymes. The trans-acting proteins that control GCN4 translation have general functions in the initiation of protein synthesis, or regulate the activities of initiation factors, so that the molecular events that induce GCN4 translation also reduce the rate of general protein synthesis. This dual regulatory response enables cells to limit their consumption of amino acids while diverting resources into amino acid biosynthesis in nutrient-poor environments. Remarkably, mammalian cells use the same strategy to downregulate protein synthesis while inducing transcriptional activators of stress-response genes under various stressful conditions, including amino acid starvation.
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 43 Số 1 - Trang 567-600 - 1989
Irving P. Crawford
Organization, Expression, and Evolution of Genes for Mercury Resistance
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 40 Số 1 - Trang 607-634 - 1986
Anne O. Summers
Host Defense Mechanisms at Mucosal Surfaces
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 35 Số 1 - Trang 477-496 - 1981
Paul C. McNabb, Thomas B. Tomasi
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 3 Số 1 - Trang 371-394 - 1949
Jacques Monod
Strategies for the Discovery of Secondary Metabolites from Marine Bacteria: Ecological Perspectives
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 48 Số 1 - Trang 559-584 - 1994
W. Fenical
The Class Mesomycetozoea: A Heterogeneous Group of Microorganisms at the Animal-Fungal Boundary
Annual Review of Microbiology - Tập 56 Số 1 - Trang 315-344 - 2002
Leonel Mendoza, John W. Taylor, Libero Ajello
▪ Abstract  When the enigmatic fish pathogen, the rosette agent, was first found to be closely related to the choanoflagellates, no one anticipated finding a new group of organisms. Subsequently, a new group of microorganisms at the boundary between animals and fungi was reported. Several microbes with similar phylogenetic backgrounds were soon added to the group. Interestingly, these microbes had been considered to be fungi or protists. This novel phylogenetic group has been referred to as the DRIP clade (an acronym of the original members: Dermocystidium, rosette agent, Ichthyophonus, and Psorospermium), as the class Ichthyosporea, and more recently as the class Mesomycetozoea. Two orders have been described in the mesomycetozoeans: the Dermocystida and the Ichthyophonida. So far, all members in the order Dermocystida have been pathogens either of fish (Dermocystidium spp. and the rosette agent) or of mammals and birds (Rhinosporidium seeberi), and most produce uniflagellated zoospores. Fish pathogens also are found in the order Ichthyophonida, but so are saprotrophic microbes. The Ichthyophonida species do not produce flagellated cells, but many produce amoeba-like cells. This review provides descriptions of the genera that comprise the class Mesomycetozoea and highlights their morphological features, pathogenic roles, and phylogenetic relationships.
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