Analysis Mathematica
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Geodesic Distance and Monge—Ampère Measures on Contact Sets
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 48 Số 2 - Trang 451-488 - 2022
Derivatives of the maximum modulus of a starlike function
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 19 - Trang 39-52 - 1993
т. шЕИл-сМЕлл ВыскАжАл пРЕДпОлОжЕНИЕ, ЧтО Дл ьn=1,2, ...
$$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{r \to 0} \frac{{(1 - r)^{n + 1} M^{n + 1} (r,f)}}{{M(r,f)}} = \alpha (\alpha + 1) \ldots (\alpha + n),$$
гДЕf-жВЕжДООБРАжНАь ФУНкцИь ИM(r,f)=max{¦f(z)¦: [z]=r}. Мы пОкАжыВАЕМ Дль слУЧА ьn=2, ЧтО ЁтО НЕВЕРНО.
Tauberian Conditions under Which Convergence of Integrals Follows from Summability (C, 1) over R+
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 26 Số 1 - Trang 53-61 - 2000
Given f ∈ L loc 1 (R +), we define $$s\left( t \right): = \int\limits_0^t {f\left( x \right)} {\text{ }}dx{\text{ and }}\sigma \left( t \right):\frac{1}{t}{\text{ }}\int\limits_0^t {s\left( u \right)} {\text{ }}du{\text{ for }}t >0$$ Our permanent assumption is that σ(t) → A as t → ∞, where A is a finite number. First, we consider real-valued functions, and prove that s(t) → A as t → ∞ if and only if two one-sided Tauberian conditions are satisfied. In particular, these two conditions are satisfied if s(t) is slowly decreasing (or increasing) in the sense of R. Schmidt; in particular, if f(x) obeys a Landau type one-sided Tauberian condition. Second, we extend these results for complex-valued functions by giving a two-sided Tauberian condition, being necessary and sufficient in order that σ(t) → A imply s(t) → A as t → ∞. In particular, this condition is satisfied if s(t) is slowly oscillating; in particular if f(x) obeys a Landau type two-sided Tauberian condition.
Scaling of spectra of random convolutions with three-element digit sets
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 47 Số 4 - Trang 781-793 - 2021
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 6 - Trang 207-221 - 1980
$$W_1 (G) = \{ x = G*y:y\varepsilon L_1 ,\parallel y\parallel _1 \leqq 1\} (L_1 = L_1 (R^1 ))$$
$$W_1^0 (G) = \{ x = G*y\varepsilon W_1 (G), y \bot 1\} .$$
For each even functionG(t) (¦G(v)(t)¦≦/(1+t2), v=0,1,...; t∃R1) such that its Fourier transformg(t) is 4 times monotonous on [λ, ∞) and tends to zero ast→∞, exact estimates of the best one-sided approximations by entire functions of exponential type≦σ (σ≧λ) are calculated for the classesW
(G) andW
(G) inL
Two Theorems on Factorization of Inequalities
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 26 - Trang 133-142 - 2000
The factorization of inequalities for infinite numerical series is a new research field. A monograph giving a systematic treatment of this subject is due to BENNETT. Here two theorems of this type are proved. Our new results extend previous theorems to the so-called Mulholland functions.
On a module containment theorem of piecewise continuous almost periodic functions and its application
Analysis Mathematica - - 2016
Embedding operators of Sobolev spaces with variable exponents and applications
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 41 - Trang 273-297 - 2015
We introduce the vector-valued Sobolev spaces W
m,p(x) (Ω;E
0,E) with variable exponent associated with two Banach spaces E
0 and E. The most regular space E
is found such that the differential operator D
is bounded and compact from W
0,E) to L
), where E
are interpolation spaces between E
0 and E is depending on α = (α
1, α
2,..., α
) and the positive integer m, where Ω ⊂ ℝ
is a region such that there exists a bounded linear extension operator from W
m,p(x) (Ω;E
0,E) to W
m,p(x) (ℝ
;E (A), E). The function p(x) is Lipschitz continuous on Ω and q(x) is a measurable function such that
$$1 < p(x) \leqslant q(x) \leqslant \tfrac{{np(x)}}
{{n - mp(x)}}$$
for a.e.
$$x \in \bar \Omega $$
. Ehrling–Nirenberg–Gagilardo type sharp estimates for mixed derivatives are obtained. Then, by using this embedding result, the separability properties of abstract differential equations are established.
Приближение классов B p, θ Ω , периодических функций многих переменных линейными методами
Analysis Mathematica - Tập 39 - Trang 217-233 - 2013
В работе изучаются вопросы приближения линейными методами классов B
, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, периодических функций многих переменных в пространстве L
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