
Acta Mathematica




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Netherlands , INT PRESS BOSTON, INC

Lĩnh vực:
Mathematics (miscellaneous)

Phân tích ảnh hưởng

Thông tin về tạp chí


Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Sur un problème de représentation conforme
Tập 15 - Trang 33-44 - 1891
Gustav Cassel
Finite loop spaces are manifolds
Tập 192 - Trang 5-31 - 2004
Tilman Bauer, Nitu Kitchloo, Dietrich Notbohm, Erik Kjær Pedersen
Troncature pour les espaces symétriques réductifs
Tập 179 - Trang 41-77 - 1997
Patrick Delorme
K-homology and index theory on contact manifolds
Tập 213 - Trang 1-48 - 2014
Paul F. Baum, Erik van Erp
This paper applies K-homology to solve the index problem for a class of hypoelliptic (but not elliptic) operators on contact manifolds. K-homology is the dual theory to K-theory. We explicitly calculate the K-cycle (i.e., the element in geometric K-homology) determined by any hypoelliptic Fredholm operator in the Heisenberg calculus. The index theorem of this paper precisely indicates how the analytic versus geometric K-homology setting provides an effective framework for extending formulas of Atiyah–Singer type to non-elliptic Fredholm operators.
Further results onE-compact spaces. I
Tập 120 - Trang 161-185 - 1968
S. Mrówka
Structure in simplexes
Tập 117 - Trang 103-121 - 1967
Edward G. Effros
Operator-Lipschitz functions in Schatten–von Neumann classes
Tập 207 - Trang 375-389 - 2012
Denis Potapov, Fedor Sukochev
This paper resolves a number of problems in the perturbation theory of linear operators, linked with the 45-year-old conjecure of M. G. Kreĭn. In particular, we prove that every Lipschitz function is operator-Lipschitz in the Schatten–von Neumann ideals S α , 1 < α < ∞. Alternatively, for every 1 < α < ∞, there is a constant c α > 0 such that $$ {\left\| {f(a) - f(b)} \right\|_{\alpha }} \leqslant {c_{\alpha }}{\left\| f \right\|_{{{\text{Lip}}\,{1}}}}{\left\| {a - b} \right\|_{\alpha }}, $$ where f is a Lipschitz function with $$ {\left\| f \right\|_{{{\text{Lip}}\,{1}}}}: = \mathop{{\sup }}\limits_{{_{{\lambda \ne \mu }}^{{\lambda, \mu \in \mathbb{R}}}}} \left| {\frac{{f\left( \lambda \right) - f\left( \mu \right)}}{{\lambda - \mu }}} \right| < \infty, $$ $$ {\left\| \cdot \right\|_{\alpha }} $$ is the norm is S α , and a and b are self-adjoint linear operators such that $$ a - b \in {S^{\alpha }} $$ .
Groups related to compact Riemann surfaces
Tập 123 - Trang 13-42 - 1969
Chih-Han Sah