
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands

Lĩnh vực:
Applied Mathematics

Phân tích ảnh hưởng

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The Study of Minimax Inequalities, Abstract Economics and Applications to Variational Inequalities and Nash Equilibria
Tập 54 - Trang 135-166 - 1998
George Xian-Zhi Yuan, George Isac, Kok-Keong Tan, Jian Yu
In this survey, a new minimax inequality and one equivalent geometricform are proved. Next, a theorem concerning the existence of maximalelements for an LC-majorized correspondence is obtained.By the maximal element theorem, existence theorems of equilibrium point fora noncompact one-person game and for a noncompact qualitative game withLC-majorized correspondences are given. Using the lastresult and employing 'approximation approach', we prove theexistence of equilibria for abstract economies in which the constraintcorrespondence is lower (upper) semicontinuous instead of having lower(upper) open sections or open graphs in infinite-dimensional topologicalspaces. Then, as the applications, the existence theorems of solutions forthe quasi-variational inequalities and generalized quasi-variationalinequalities for noncompact cases are also proven. Finally, with theapplications of quasi-variational inequalities, the existence theorems ofNash equilibrium of constrained games with noncompact are given. Our resultsinclude many results in the literature as special cases.
Symmetries and Conservation Laws of the System: ux= vwx, vy= u wy, uv+wxx+wyy=0
Tập 47 - Trang 79-99 - 1997
T. van Bemmelen, P. K. H. Gragert, P. H. M. Kersten
After a short exposition of the theory of local and nonlocal symmetries and conservation laws for systems of PDE’s, results on these and the recursion operator are listed for the system of PDE’s ux=vwx, vy=uwy, uv+wxx+wyy=0. In between the methods of computation are explained.
A Functional Law of the Iterated Logarithm for U-Statistic Type Processes
Tập 78 - Trang 115-120 - 2003
D. Ferger
We prove a functional law of the iterated logarithm for U-statistics type processes. The result is used to determine the almost sure set of limit points for change-point estimators.
On the Steady State Relativistic Euler-Poisson Equations
Tập 125 - Trang 135-157 - 2012
La-Su Mai, Jingyu Li, Kaijun Zhang
We are concerned with the mathematical analysis of the relativistic Euler-Poisson equations in one dimensional case. The existence and uniqueness of the related smooth steady state solutions are proved. The non-relativistic limit and zero-relaxation limit of the model as well as their convergence rates are also obtained.
Global Well-Posedness of 3D Axisymmetric MHD System with Pure Swirl Magnetic Field
Tập 155 - Trang 21-39 - 2017
Yanlin Liu
In this paper, we consider the axisymmetric MHD system with nearly critical initial data having the special structure: $u_{0}=u_{0}^{r} e_{r}+u^{\theta}_{0} e_{\theta}+u_{0}^{z} e_{z}$ , $b_{0}=b_{0}^{\theta}e_{\theta}$ . We prove that, this system is globally well-posed provided the scaling-invariant norms $\|ru^{\theta}_{0}\|_{L^{\infty}}$ , $\|r^{-1}b^{\theta}_{0}\| _{L^{\frac{3}{2}}}$ are sufficiently small.
L p-Theory of elliptic differential operators on manifolds of bounded geometry
Tập 23 - Trang 223-260 - 1991
Yu. A. Kordyukov
This paper is devoted to some of the properties of uniformly elliptic differential operators with bounded coefficients on manifolds of bounded geometry in L pspaces. We prove the coincidence of minimal and maximal extensions of an operator of a considered type with a positive principal symbol, the existence of holomorphic semigroup, generated by it, and the estimates of L p-norms of the operators of this semigroup. Some spectral properties of such operators in L pspaces are also studied.
Alternative Commutation Relations and Quantum Bi-Hamiltonian Systems
Tập 70 - Trang 161-181 - 2002
G. Marmo
We consider alternative descriptions for quantum equations of motion, in analogy with classical bi-Hamiltonian systems.
Geometric Algebra in Linear Algebra and Geometry
Tập 71 - Trang 207-244 - 2002
José María Pozo, Garret Sobczyk
This article explores the use of geometric algebra in linear and multilinear algebra, and in affine, projective and conformal geometries. Our principal objective is to show how the rich algebraic tools of geometric algebra are fully compatible with and augment the more traditional tools of matrix algebra. The novel concept of an h-twistor makes possible a simple new proof of the striking relationship between conformal transformations in a pseudo-Euclidean space to isometries in a pseudo-Euclidean space of two higher dimensions. The utility of the h-twistor concept, which is a generalization of the idea of a Penrose twistor to a pseudo-Euclidean space of arbitrary signature, is amply demonstrated in a new treatment of the Schwarzian derivative.
Finite-Order Formulation of Vinogradov's C-Spectral Sequence
Tập 72 - Trang 133-154 - 2002
Raffaele Vitolo
The C-spectral sequence was introduced by A. M. Vinogradov in the late Seventies as a fundamental tool for the study of the algebro-geometric properties of jet spaces and differential equations. A spectral sequence arises from the contact filtration of the modules of forms on jet spaces of a fibring (or on a differential equation). In order to avoid serious technical difficulties, the order of the jet space is not fixed, i.e., computations are performed on spaces containing forms on jet spaces of any order. In this paper we show that there exists a formulation of Vinogradov's C-spectral sequence in the case of finite-order jet spaces of a fibred manifold. We compute all cohomology groups of the finite-order C-spectral sequence. We obtain a finite-order variational sequence which is shown to be naturally isomorphic with Krupka's finite-order variational sequence.
Asymptotic analysis
Tập 6 - Trang 214-215 - 1986