Exciton là gì? Các công bố khoa học về Exciton

An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. It is a quasiparticle that...

An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. It is a quasiparticle that represents the excited state of a material when an electron is promoted to a higher energy level. Excitons play a critical role in the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors, insulators, and other materials. They can be created by the absorption of light and play a key role in processes such as photosynthesis and organic light-emitting diodes.
Excitons have properties of both a particle and a wave, and they can behave collectively like a single particle. They can also interact with other excitons, leading to complex behaviors in many-body systems. Excitons can exist in different types of materials, including semiconductors, insulators, and some types of liquids and gases.

In semiconductors, excitons can be classified as either bound or unbound. Bound excitons are confined to a small region of the material, while unbound excitons are free to move throughout the material. The properties of excitons, such as their binding energy, dynamics, and lifetime, depend on the specific material and its environment.

Researchers study excitons to understand the fundamental properties of materials and to develop new technologies, such as exciton-based transistors and optical devices. Excitons also play a crucial role in the field of quantum optics and quantum information processing.

Overall, excitons are important quasiparticles in condensed matter physics, and they have substantial implications for various fields of science and technology.
Excitons can have different types and energies, and they can also interact with phonons, which are vibrations of the crystal lattice in a solid. This interaction can affect the behavior and properties of excitons, influencing their mobility and recombination processes.

In addition to their role in fundamental research, excitons have practical applications. For example, they are critical in the development of optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, LEDs, and photodetectors. Understanding and controlling exciton dynamics is important for improving the efficiency and performance of these devices.

Moreover, excitons are also of interest in the emerging field of excitonics, which explores the potential of excitons for transmitting and processing information in novel ways, potentially leading to faster and more efficient electronic and photonic technologies.

In summary, the study of excitons is an active area of research with broad implications for both fundamental science and technological innovation. Excitons have the potential to impact a wide range of applications, from energy harvesting and storage to quantum information processing and next-generation optoelectronic devices.

Danh sách công bố khoa học về chủ đề "exciton":

The exciton model in molecular spectroscopy
Pure and Applied Chemistry - Tập 11 Số 3-4 - Trang 371-392 - 1965
Khắc phục giới hạn hiệu suất phát quang của diode phát sáng perovskite Dịch bởi AI
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - Tập 350 Số 6265 - Trang 1222-1225 - 2015
Đèn LED perovskite sáng hơn

Perovskite lai hữu cơ-vô cơ như các halide chì methylamoni là những vật liệu phát sáng trong đèn đi-ốt phát sáng (LED) có chi phí thấp và được quan tâm. Nguyên nhân là vì, không giống như nhiều nanomaterial vô cơ, chúng có độ tinh khiết màu rất cao. Một nhóm nghiên cứu dưới sự dẫn dắt của Cho et al. đã thực hiện hai cải tiến để khắc phục nhược điểm chính của những vật liệu này là hiệu suất phát quang thấp. Họ đã tạo ra các vật liệu nanohạt không chứa chì kim loại tự do, giúp giam cầm exciton và tránh tình trạng bị dập tắt. Các đèn LED perovskite có hiệu suất dòng điện tương tự như đèn LED hữu cơ phát quang bằng phosphor.

Science , số phát hành này trang 1222

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Observation of the coupled exciton-photon mode splitting in a semiconductor quantum microcavity
Physical Review Letters - Tập 69 Số 23 - Trang 3314-3317
Management of singlet and triplet excitons for efficient white organic light-emitting devices
Nature - Tập 440 Số 7086 - Trang 908-912 - 2006
Layer-controlled band gap and anisotropic excitons in few-layer black phosphorus
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 89 Số 23
Theory of the Contribution of Excitons to the Complex Dielectric Constant of Crystals
American Physical Society (APS) - Tập 112 Số 5 - Trang 1555-1567
Electrically tunable excitonic light-emitting diodes based on monolayer WSe2 p–n junctions
Nature Nanotechnology - Tập 9 Số 4 - Trang 268-272 - 2014
Energy Transfer Mechanisms and the Molecular Exciton Model for Molecular Aggregates
Radiation Research - Tập 20 Số 1 - Trang 55 - 1963
Optical Spectrum ofMoS2: Many-Body Effects and Diversity of Exciton States
Physical Review Letters - Tập 111 Số 21
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