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genalex 6: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research
Tập 6 Số 1 - Trang 288-295 - 2006
Rod Peakall, Peter E. Smouse

genalex is a user‐friendly cross‐platform package that runs within Microsoft Excel, enabling population genetic analyses of codominant, haploid and binary data. Allele frequency‐based analyses include heterozygosity, F statistics, Nei's genetic distance, population assignment, probabilities of identity and pairwise relatedness. Distance‐based calculations include amova, principal coordinates analysis (PCA), Mantel tests, multivariate and 2D spatial autocorrelation and twogener. More than 20 different graphs summarize data and aid exploration. Sequence and genotype data can be imported from automated sequencers, and exported to other software. Initially designed as tool for teaching, genalex 6 now offers features for researchers as well. Documentation and the program are available at

microchecker: phần mềm nhận diện và sửa lỗi kiểu hình gen trong dữ liệu microsatellite Dịch bởi AI
Tập 4 Số 3 - Trang 535-538 - 2004
Cock van Oosterhout, William F. Hutchinson, D. Wills, Peter Shipley
Tóm tắt

Phân hủy DNA, nồng độ DNA thấp và đột biến vị trí mồi có thể dẫn đến việc phân công sai kiểu hình gen microsatellite, gây sai lệch cho các phân tích di truyền học quần thể. microchecker là phần mềm dựa trên giao diện windows® để kiểm tra kiểu hình gen của microsatellite từ các quần thể lưỡng bội. Chương trình hỗ trợ nhận diện lỗi kiểu hình gen do các allele không khuếch đại (allele ẩn), hiện tượng ưu thế allele ngắn (rơi allele lớn), và việc ghi nhận các đỉnh kẻ. Chương trình cũng phát hiện lỗi đánh máy. microchecker ước tính tần số của allele ẩn và quan trọng hơn, có thể điều chỉnh tần số allele và kiểu hình gen của các allele đã được khuếch đại, cho phép sử dụng chúng trong các phân tích di truyền học quần thể tiếp theo. microchecker có thể được tải về miễn phí từ

#Genotyping errors #Microsatellite data #DNA degradation #Population genetics #Null alleles #Large allele dropout #Stutter peaks #Microchecker #Genetic analysis tools
bold: The Barcode of Life Data System (
Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 355-364 - 2007
Sujeevan Ratnasingham, Paul D. N. Hebert

The Barcode of Life Data System (bold) is an informatics workbench aiding the acquisition, storage, analysis and publication of DNA barcode records. By assembling molecular, morphological and distributional data, it bridges a traditional bioinformatics chasm. bold is freely available to any researcher with interests in DNA barcoding. By providing specialized services, it aids the assembly of records that meet the standards needed to gain BARCODE designation in the global sequence databases. Because of its web‐based delivery and flexible data security model, it is also well positioned to support projects that involve broad research alliances. This paper provides a brief introduction to the key elements of bold, discusses their functional capabilities, and concludes by examining computational resources and future prospects.

distruct: a program for the graphical display of population structure
Tập 4 Số 1 - Trang 137-138 - 2004
Noah A. Rosenberg

In analysis of multilocus genotypes from structured populations, individual coefficients of membership in subpopulations are often estimated using programs such as structure. distruct provides a general method for visualizing these estimated membership coefficients. Subpopulations are represented as colours, and individuals are depicted as bars partitioned into coloured segments that correspond to membership coefficients in the subgroups. distruct, available at, can also be used to display subpopulation assignment probabilities when individuals are assumed to have ancestry in only one group.

spagedi: a versatile computer program to analyse spatial genetic structure at the individual or population levels
Tập 2 Số 4 - Trang 618-620 - 2002
Olivier J. Hardy, Xavier Vekemans

spag e d i version 1.0 is a software primarily designed to characterize the spatial genetic structure of mapped individuals or populations using genotype data of codominant markers. It computes various statistics describing genetic relatedness or differentiation between individuals or populations by pairwise comparisons and tests their significance by appropriate numerical resampling. spag e d i is useful for: (i) detecting isolation by distance within or among populations and estimating gene dispersal parameters; (ii) assessing genetic relatedness between individuals and its actual variance, a parameter of interest for marker based inferences of quantitative inheritance; (iii) assessing genetic differentiation among populations, including the case of haploids or autopolyploids.

hp‐rare 1.0: a computer program for performing rarefaction on measures of allelic richness
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 187-189 - 2005
Steven T. Kalinowski

The number of alleles in a sample (allelic richness) is a fundamental measure of genetic diversity. However, this diversity measure has been difficult to use because large samples are expected to contain more alleles than small samples. The statistical technique of rarefaction compensates for this sampling disparity. Here I introduce a computer program that performs rarefaction on private alleles and hierarchical sampling designs.

hierfstat, a package for r to compute and test hierarchical F‐statistics
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 184-186 - 2005
Jérôme Goudet

The package hierfstat for the statistical software r, created by the R Development Core Team, allows the estimate of hierarchical F‐statistics from a hierarchy with any numbers of levels. In addition, it allows testing the statistical significance of population differentiation for these different levels, using a generalized likelihood‐ratio test. The package hierfstat is available at

genotypeandgenodive: two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms
Tập 4 Số 4 - Trang 792-794 - 2004
Patrick G. Meirmans, Peter H. van Tienderen

Investigating diversity in asexual organisms using molecular markers involves the assignment of individuals to clonal lineages and the subsequent analysis of clonal diversity. Assignment is possible using a distance matrix in combination with a user‐specified threshold, defined as the maximum distance between two individuals that are considered to belong to the same clonal lineage. Analysis of clonal diversity requires tests for differences in diversity and clonal composition between populations. We developed two programs,genotypeandgenodivefor such analyses of clonal diversity in asexually reproducing organisms. Additionally,genotypecan be used for detecting genotyping errors in studies of sexual organisms.

microsatellite analyser (MSA): a platform independent analysis tool for large microsatellite data sets
Tập 3 Số 1 - Trang 167-169 - 2003
Daniel Dieringer, Christian Schlötterer

In molecular ecology the analysis of large microsatellite data sets is becoming increasingly popular. Here we introduce a new software tool, which is specifically designed to facilitate the analysis of large microsatellite data sets. All common microsatellite summary statistics and distances can be calculated. Furthermore, the microsatellite analyser (msa) software offers an improved method to deal with inbred samples (such as Drosophila isofemale lines). Executables are available for Windows and Macintosh computers.

Indices of multilocus linkage disequilibrium
Tập 1 Số 1-2 - Trang 101-102 - 2001
Paul‐Michael Agapow, Austin Burt

Linkage disequilibrium is an ubiquitous biological phenomenon. However a common metric for disequilibrium – the index of association or IA– is dependent on sample size. In this paper we present a modification of IA that removes this dependency. This method has been implemented in a software package.