
Water Science and Technology




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Water Science and TechnologyEnvironmental Engineering

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Progress in sensor technology - progress in process control? Part I: Sensor property investigation and classification
Tập 47 Số 2 - Trang 103-112 - 2003
Leiv Rieger, J. Alex, Stefanie Winkler, M. Boehler, Michael Thomann, Hansruedi Siegrist
To ensure correctly operating control systems, the measurement and control equipment in WWTPs must be mutually consistent. The dynamic simulation of activated sludge systems could offer a suitable tool for designing and optimising control strategies. Ideal or simplified sensor models represent a limiting factor for comparability with field applications. More realistic sensor models are therefore required. Two groups of sensor models are proposed on the basis of field and laboratory tests: one for specific sensors and another for a classification of sensor types to be used with the COST simulation benchmark environment. This should lead to a more realistic test environment and allow control engineers to define the requirements of the measuring equipment as a function of the selected control strategy.
Progress in sensor technology - progress in process control? Part II: results from a simulation benchmark study
Tập 47 Số 2 - Trang 113-120 - 2003
J. Alex, Leiv Rieger, Stefanie Winkler, Hansruedi Siegrist
To show the impact of sensor behaviour on the control result, four strategies for aeration control are tested using different sensor characteristics. It is demonstrated, on the one hand, how an increasing response time will limit the achievable control quality and, on the other hand, how a given sensor characteristic can be taken into account for the controller design. The presented tests show that an improvement potential by control for WWTPs is available but this potential is limited compared to proper DO control with fixed set-points. To activate this control potential, sufficient control authority must be available and a careful control design is required. It can be shown that using feedback control, sensors with a small response time have significant advantages compared to conventional sensors. Using feed forward control, the improvement potential by control is considerably higher and additionally, the sensor delay can be integrated into the controller design. The presented discussion is based on simulation studies performed on a standardised benchmark case. For these tests it was necessary to include sensor models into the simulation model. It can be stated that the usage of sensor models is necessary for the application of dynamic simulation for the design and evaluation of WWTP control and in general to achieve realistic results.
Potential of turbidity monitoring for real time control of pollutant discharge in sewers during rainfall events
Tập 59 Số 8 - Trang 1471-1478 - 2009
C. Lacour, Claude Joannis, Marie-Christine Gromaire, Ghassan Chebbo
Turbidity sensors can be used to continuously monitor the evolution of pollutant mass discharge. For two sites within the Paris combined sewer system, continuous turbidity, conductivity and flow data were recorded at one-minute time intervals over a one-year period. This paper is intended to highlight the variability in turbidity dynamics during wet weather. For each storm event, turbidity response aspects were analysed through different classifications. The correlation between classification and common parameters, such as the antecedent dry weather period, total event volume per impervious hectare and both the mean and maximum hydraulic flow for each event, was also studied. Moreover, the dynamics of flow and turbidity signals were compared at the event scale. No simple relation between turbidity responses, hydraulic flow dynamics and the chosen parameters was derived from this effort. Knowledge of turbidity dynamics could therefore potentially improve wet weather management, especially when using pollution-based real-time control (P-RTC) since turbidity contains information not included in hydraulic flow dynamics and not readily predictable from such dynamics.
A Legislative initiative for the protection of black sea water from industrial indirect discharges
Tập 32 - Trang 175-181 - 1995
Atanas Paskalev, Galina Dimova
Behaviour of Alkylphenol Polyethoxylate Surfactants and of Nitrilotriacetate in Sewage Treatment
Tập 19 Số 3-4 - Trang 449-460 - 1987
Walter Giger, Marijan Ahel, Matthias Koch, Hansulrich Laubscher, Christian Schaffner, J.K. Schneider
Effluents and sludges from several municipal sewage treatment plants in Switzerland were analyzed for nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPnEO, n=3-20), nonylphenol mono- and diethoxylate (NPlEO, NP2EO), corresponding nonylphenoxy carboxylic acids (NP1EC, NP2EC) and nonylphenol (NP). These chemicals derive from nonionic surfactants of the NPnEO-type, and specific analitical techniques were used to study their behaviour during mechanical-biological sewage and subsequent sludge treatment. The parent NPnEO-surfactants, with concentrations in raw and mechanically treated sewage from 400-2200 mg/m3, were relatively efficiently removed by the activated sludge treatment. The abundances of the different metabolites varied depending on treatment conditions. The refractory nature of NPl/2EO, NP and NPl/2EC was recognized. Both biotransformations and physico-chemical processes determine the behaviour and fate of nonylphenolic substances in sewage treatment. Nitrilotriacetate (NTA) was found in primary effluents at concentrations between 430 and 1390 mg/m3. The various treatment plants showed different removal efficiencies for NTA depending on the operating conditions. Activated sludge treatment with low sludge loading rates and nitrifying conditions removed NTA with efficiencies between 95 and 99%. High sludge loading caused a decrease in NTA removal efficiencies from 70% to 39%.
Activated Sludge Model No.2d, ASM2d
Tập 39 Số 1 - 1999
Mogens Henze, Willi Gujer, Toshihiro Mino, Tetsuji Matsuo, M. C. Wentzel, G. v. R. Marais, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht
Robustness and economic measures as control benchmark performance criteria
Tập 45 Số 4-5 - Trang 117-126 - 2002
Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Sylvie Gillot
The objective of this paper was to investigate the usefulness of new multi-criteria measures to evaluate a control strategy through the Benchmark protocol. Using a case study in which respirometry-based control strategies are evaluated, the proposed measures were calculated. An economic index including weighted investment and operating costs (termed Total Cost Index – TCI) appears more powerful than a grey-scale presentation approach. Using the latter approach, it is hard to reflect the relative importance of the criteria investigated, which makes practical decisions rather difficult. In addition, a Robustness Index (RI) is proposed that allows us to evaluate the transferability of control strategies to situations different from the ones defined in the benchmark protocol. Finally, the case study shows that it may be advisable to replace the currently used open loop benchmark reference by a plant in which dissolved oxygen is controlled in all aerated reactors. This quite simple strategy also turned out to be the best one among all evaluated strategies.
Risk assessment of Campylobacter species in shellfish: identifying the unknown
Tập 35 Số 11-12 - Trang 29-34 - 1997
Peter Teunis, Arie H. Havelaar, J Vliegenthart, G. Roessink
Shellfish are frequently contaminated by Campylobacter spp, presumably originating from faeces from gulls feeding in the growing or relaying waters. The possible health effects of eating contaminated shellfish were estimated by quantitative risk assessment. A paucity of data was encountered necessitating many assumptions to complete the risk estimate. The level of Campylobacter spp in shellfish meat was calculated on the basis of a five-tube, single dilution MPN and was strongly season-dependent. The contamination level of mussels (<1/g) appeared to be higher than in oysters. The usual steaming process of mussels was found to completely inactivate Campylobacter spp so that risks are restricted to raw/undercooked shellfish. Consumption data were estimated on the basis of the usual size of a portion of raw shellfish and the weight of meat/individual animal. Using these data, season-dependent dose-distributions could be estimated. The dominant species in Dutch shellfish is C. lari but little is known on its infectivity for man. As a worst case assumption, it was assumed that the infectivity was similar to C. jejuni. A published dose-response model for Campylobacter-infection of volunteers is available but with considerable uncertainty in the low dose region. Using Monte Carlo simulation, risk estimates were constructed. The consumption of a single portion of raw shellfish resulted in a risk of infection of 5–20% for mussels (depending on season; 95% CI 0.01–60%). Repeated (e.g. monthly) exposures throughout a year resulted in an infection risk of 60% (95% CI 7–99%). Risks for oysters were slightly lower than for mussels. It can be concluded that, under the assumptions made, the risk of infection with Campylobacter spp by eating of raw shellfish is substantial. Quantitative risk estimates are highly demanding for the availability and quality of experimental data, and many research needs were identified.
River Water Quality Modelling: II. Problems of the Art
Tập 38 Số 11 - Trang 245-252 - 1998
Peter Shanahan, Mogens Henze, L. Koncsos, Wolfgang Rauch, Peter Reichert, L. Somlyódy, Peter A. Vanrolleghem
The U.S. EPA QUAL2E model is currently the standard for river water quality modelling. While QUAL2E is adequate for the regulatory situation for which it was developed (the U.S. wasteload allocation process), there is a need for a more comprehensive framework for research and teaching. Moreover, QUAL2E and similar models do not address a number of practical problems such as stormwater flow events, nonpoint source pollution, and transient streamflow. Limitations in model formulation affect the ability to close mass balances, to represent sessile bacteria and other benthic processes, and to achieve robust model calibration. Mass balance problems arise from failure to account for mass in the sediment as well as in the water column and due to the fundamental imprecision of BOD as a state variable.