The effectiveness and safety of tranexamic acid in total hip or knee arthroplasty: a meta‐analysis of 2720 casesTransfusion Medicine - Tập 25 Số 3 - Trang 151-162 - 2015
Zhenhong Wei, M. Liu
SUMMARYAimsTo evaluate the safety and efficacy of tranexamic acid (TXA) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA). The specific endpoints assessed in this meta‐analysis include the total blood loss, the incidence rate of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolisms (PE), the number of patients requiring at least 1 U of red blood cell following surgery.
BackgroundThe prevalence of THA and TKA is increasing and both are usually accompanied by considerable blood loss. TXA has been reported to reduce total blood loss in many orthopaedic surgeries. TXA administration continues to be a controversial topic in the literature about joint arthroplasty, and many studies have reported substantial doubt with respect to its benefits and safety.
Methods/materialsWe conducted a meta‐analysis that combined all data from available randomised controlled trials, regardless the methods of TXA administration, which included administrated intravenously, intra‐articularly, topically or orally. Finally, available data from the 39 included trials were pooled for analysis. Then, mean differences with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) was calculated for continuous outcomes and relative risks with 95% CIs for dichotomous outcomes.
ResultsThis meta‐analysis suggests that the administration of TXA significantly reduced blood loss and the need for allogeneic blood transfusion, without apparent increased risk of DVT or PE thromboembolic complications.
ConclusionTo our knowledge, this meta‐analysis is more powerful and persuasive than any other published before. It suggests that the use of TXA reduced the risk of blood loss and the need for allogeneic blood transfusion significantly, without apparent increased risk of DVT or PE complications.
Transfusions of CPDA‐1 red blood cells stored for up to 28 days decrease donor exposures in very low‐birth‐weight premature infantsTransfusion Medicine - Tập 15 Số 6 - Trang 467-473 - 2005
Deyse Helena Fernandes da Cunha, Amélia Miyashiro Nunes dos Santos, Benjamin Israel Kopelman, Kelsy Catherina Nema Areco, Ruth Guinsburg, Clóvis de Araújo Peres, Akemi Kuroda Chiba, Sachie T. Kuwano, Claudia Cristina Naufel Terzian, José Orlando Bordin
summary. The goal of this research was to study the safety and the efficacy of transfusing citrate‐phosphate‐adenine anticoagulant‐preservative (CPDA‐1) RBC stored for up to 28 days to reduce donor exposures in premature infants. A prospective randomized two‐group study was conducted with very low‐birth‐weight premature infants that received at least one RBC transfusion during hospital stay. Neonates randomly assigned to Group 1 (26 infants) were transfused with CPDA‐1 RBC stored for up to 28 days; those assigned to Group 2 (26 infants) received CPDA‐1 RBC stored for up to 3 days. Demographic and transfusion‐related data were collected. Neonates from both groups showed similar demographics and clinical characteristics. The number of transfusions per infant transfused was 4·4 ± 4·0 in Group 1 and 4·2 ± 3·1 in Group 2, and the number of donors per infant transfused was 1·5 ± 0·8 (Group 1) and 4·3 ± 3·4 (Group 2), P < 0·001. RBC transfusions containing 29·7 ± 18·3 mmol L−1 of potassium (RBC stored for up to 28 days) did not cause clinical or biochemical changes and reduced donor exposures by 70·2%, compared to transfusions containing 19·8 ± 12·3 mmol L−1 of potassium (RBC stored for up to 3 days), P < 0·001. In conclusion, RBC stored for up to 28 days safely reduced donor exposures in premature infants.
Evaluation of plasma and red cells obtained after leucocyte depletion of whole bloodTransfusion Medicine - Tập 9 Số 1 - Trang 51-61 - 1999
Gary Williamson, Rider, Jonathan R. Swann, ̇Winter, Rawshan Ali, D Pamphilon
We evaluated whole blood integral filtration to produce leucocyte‐depleted red cells and plasma by using the WBF1 whole blood filter (Pall Medsep). Whole blood units were filtered after either warm (2–4 h at room temperature) or cold (12–24 h at 4 °C) holds. Filtered and control units were processed using either a bottom‐and‐top or top‐top method. Red cells were tested weekly for 6 weeks, and plasma 3 monthly for 12 months. All filtered red‐cell packs contained < 5 × 106 leucocytes/unit with 71 of 72 containing < 1 × 106 leucocytes/unit. No clinically significant differences in red‐cell storage parameters were seen, although haemolysis was less and pO2/pCO2 values were better maintained in filtered units. Plasma units contained < 2.5 × 103 leucocytes/unit with no significant loss of factor VIII except in the warm hold units processed by the top‐top method. There was no evidence of complement or coagulation activation with significant removal of preformed C3a in cold hold units. Plasma storage parameters were maintained at control levels for 12 months.
Red blood cell storage and cell morphologyTransfusion Medicine - Tập 22 Số 2 - Trang 90-96 - 2012
Barbara Blasi, Angelo D’Alessandro, N. Ramundo, Lello Zolla
Aim: In this study, we performed weekly assessment of morphology‐related parameters through monitoring of CPD‐SAGM leuco‐filtered erythrocyte concentrates from blood withdrawal until the 42nd day of storage.
Background: Liquid storage of red blood cells (RBCs) delivers a blood‐derived therapeutic, which is safe, available, effective and affordable for most patients who need transfusion therapy in developed countries. However, a growing body of accumulating controversial evidences, from either biochemical or retrospective clinical studies, prompted safety concerns about longer stored RBCs.
Methods: Statistical image analysis through scanning electron microscope was coupled to osmotic fragility and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Results: We could observe that by day 21 more than 50% of RBCs displayed non‐discocyte phenotypes. This observation was related to an increase in osmotic fragility, which was totally overlapped in day 0 controls and day 7 RBCs while only slightly augmented in day 14 samples. Cation dysregulation (pH internal/external alteration and potassium) might both reflect and trigger a negative feedback loop with metabolic fluxes and membrane cation pumps.
Conclusion: Morphology parameters suggest that significant alterations to RBC morphology over storage duration occur soon after the 14th day of storage, as to become significant enough within the 21st day.
Transfusion‐transmitted CMV infection – current knowledge and future perspectivesTransfusion Medicine - Tập 27 Số 4 - Trang 238-248 - 2017
Malte Ziemann, Thomas Thiele
SUMMARYTransmission of human cytomegalovirus (CMV) via transfusion (TT‐CMV) may still occur and remains a challenge in the treatment of immunocompromised CMV‐seronegative patients, e.g. after stem cell transplantation, and for low birthweight infants. Measures to reduce the risk of TT‐CMV have been evaluated in clinical studies, including leucocyte depletion of cellular blood products and/or the selection of CMV‐IgG‐negative donations. Studies in large blood donor cohorts indicate that donations from newly CMV‐IgG‐positive donors should bear the highest risk for transmitting CMV infections because they contain the highest levels of CMV‐DNA, and early CMV antibodies cannot neutralise CMV. Based on this knowledge, rational strategies to reduce the residual risk of TT‐CMV using leucoreduced blood products could be designed. However, there is a lack of evidence that CMV is still transmitted by transfusion of leucoreduced units. In low birthweight infants, most (if not all) CMV infections are caused by breast milk feeding or congenital transmission rather than by transfusion of leucoreduced blood products. For other patients at risk, no definitive data exist about the relative importance of alternative transmission routes of CMV compared to blood transfusion. As a result, only the conduction of well‐designed studies addressing strategies to prevent TT‐CMV and the thorough examination of presumed cases of TT‐CMV will achieve guidance for the best transfusion regimen in patients at risk.
Transfusion requirement and length of stay of anaemic surgical patients associated with a patient blood management service:a single‐Centre retrospective studyTransfusion Medicine - Tập 29 Số 5 - Trang 311-318 - 2019
J. Faulds, Caroline Whately‐Smith, Kofi Clarke
SummaryObjectiveTo assess the value of patient blood management (PBM) in the detection and management of preoperative anaemia before elective surgery.
BackgroundPBM is recognised as the standard of care, with diagnosis and management of preoperative anaemia being the key components of PBM. No formal assessment of the value of PBM anaemia screening and correction before scheduled surgery had been made at our hospital.
MethodsWe conducted a retrospective study in a tertiary‐care, academic hospital of consecutive records of elective surgery (n = 25 641). We excluded minor surgeries. We identified anaemic patients who had been assessed by PBM or not (non‐PBM). We calculated transfusion incidence and hospital length of stay (LOS) across all surgical specialities.
ResultsDuring the 1‐year study period, 15 245 patients were eligible for inclusion; 311 patients (2·0%) were transfused, and 83·3% of transfusions were in anaemic patients. Transfusion incidence was 9·2% in anaemic PBM‐assessed patients and 17·4% in non‐PBM patients. For haemoglobin (Hb) <100 g L−1, the transfusion incidence was 22·1% [95% confidence interval (CI) 15·5–30·6%] in PBM and 40·0% (95% CI 35·1–45·0%) in non‐PBM patients, and for Hb 100–119 g L−1, it was 4·7% (95% CI 2·8–7·5%) and 7·9% (95% CI 6·3–9·8%), respectively. Overall mean LOS was 2·1 days [standard deviation (SD) 6·0]. Mean LOS with Hb <100 g L−1 was 6·7 days (SD 14·8) in PBM‐assessed patients and 12·4 days (SD 19·5) in non‐PBM patients and was 3·1 (SD 5·2) and 6·2 (SD 9·5) days, respectively, for Hb 100–119 g L−1.
ConclusionAnaemic elective surgery patients assessed by patient blood management (PBM) had a markedly lower transfusion risk and shorter LOS than anaemic patients not assessed by PBM.
DEHP‐plasticised PVC: relevance to blood services*Transfusion Medicine - Tập 21 Số 2 - Trang 73-83 - 2011
Joshua N. Sampson, Dirk de Korte
Phthalates are the most widely used plasticisers in the world and have been in medical use since 1955. Di(2‐ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is present in many industrial and domestic products, and is a common plasticiser used in blood bags and tubing sets. Concerns have been raised by environmental groups that DEHP exposure may result in gender birth defects and the feminisation of boys although there were no studies performed of intravenous exposure to DEHP on higher mammals or humans which report similar effects.
This article reports on the toxicology of DEHP and considers concerns regarding its use in the context of transfusion medicine. The benefits of using DEHP are evaluated and the use of alternative plasticisers to DEHP is explored. The article reports on international and European regulatory recommendations for DEHP use in transfusion medicine and examines the impact of legislation on the medical devices and blood industries. The article also reviews labelling considerations for blood components and offers some guidance for blood establishments in respect of DEHP use.
Perceived safety of donor blood and blood substitutes for transfusion: the role of informational frame, patient groups and stress appraisalsTransfusion Medicine - Tập 15 Số 5 - Trang 401-412 - 2005
Eamonn Ferguson, Joanna Leaviss, Ellen Townsend, Piers Fleming, K. C. Lowe
summary. Patients express concerns about the safety of donated blood. Do they have similar concerns about potential ‘blood substitutes’ and does the way information is presented on these options alter patients' perceptions? A two (informational frame: gain or loss) by four (transfusion type: human donor blood, human haemoglobin, bovine haemoglobin or perfluorocarbon emulsion substitutes) by three (patient group: adult haemophiliac/leukaemia patients, relatives/friends of haemophiliac/leukaemia patients and controls) between‐subjects design was used. There were 82 patients, 118 relatives/friends and 263 controls from the UK. Blood substitutes were perceived as being significantly less safe than donor blood. Perceptions of safety were greater when transfusion information (regardless of transfusion type or patient group) was presented as gains rather than losses. Different demographic and psychological factors predicted perceived safety (e.g. sex) and perceived risk (e.g. age and experience).
In vitro antiviral and antibacterial activity of commercial intravenous immunoglobulin preparations – a potential role for adjuvant intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in infectious diseases*Transfusion Medicine - Tập 12 Số 2 - Trang 133-139 - 2002
Ilan Krause, Ruihua Wu, Yaniv Sherer, M. Patanik, James B. Peter, Yehuda Shoenfeld
Summary The identification of specific antimicrobial activity of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) preparations against particular microbial pathogens can assist in determining their therapeutic potential for specific infectious diseases. We analysed five different commercial IVIG preparations for the presence of antibodies directed against a large panel of viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic pathogens. All IVIG batches contained high activity against herpesviruses types 1, 2, 6 and 7, as well as against varicella zoster virus, Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV), measles, mumps, rubella and parvovirus B19. Some IVIG batches also had a significant activity against adenovirus and Saint Louis encephalitis virus. The IVIGs held high activity against several bacterial pathogens, including Mycoplasma pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumonia, Helicobacter pylori and tetanus. No activity was found against various parasitic and fungal pathogens. Our findings may provide further support for the use of IVIG for the prevention and treatment of infections caused by specific viral and bacterial pathogens.
Diagnostic applications of microarraysTransfusion Medicine - Tập 16 Số 4 - Trang 233-247 - 2006
Juraj Petrík
summary Microarrays were designed to monitor the expression of many genes in parallel, providing substantially more information than Northern blots or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysing one or few genes at a time. The large sequencing projects provided the content for detailed expression studies under a variety of stimuli and conditions. The human genome project identified around 30 000 human genes. Estimated number of protein products is, however, 10–30 times higher, mainly due to the alternative splicing and post‐translational modifications. The identification of gene functions requires both genomic and proteomic approaches, including protein microarrays, and numerous current microarray projects focus on deciphering gene expression patterns under a variety of conditions. Establishing the key genes and gene products for particular conditions opens the way for diagnostic applications using multiparameter, high‐throughput assays. This format can also accommodate existing blood screening assays, potentially providing a single testing platform. This review considers the progress in diagnostic microarrays in a wider context of in vitro diagnostics field.