
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (2012-2021)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Verlag , SPRINGER

Lĩnh vực:
Neuroscience (miscellaneous)

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Understanding the dynamics of biological and neural oscillator networks through exact mean-field reductions: a review
- 2020
Christian Bick, Marc Goodfellow, Carlo R. Laing, Erik Andreas Martens

Many biological and neural systems can be seen as networks of interacting periodic processes. Importantly, their functionality, i.e., whether these networks can perform their function or not, depends on the emerging collective dynamics of the network. Synchrony of oscillations is one of the most prominent examples of such collective behavior and has been associated both with function and dysfunction. Understanding how network structure and interactions, as well as the microscopic properties of individual units, shape the emerging collective dynamics is critical to find factors that lead to malfunction. However, many biological systems such as the brain consist of a large number of dynamical units. Hence, their analysis has either relied on simplified heuristic models on a coarse scale, or the analysis comes at a huge computational cost. Here we review recently introduced approaches, known as the Ott–Antonsen and Watanabe–Strogatz reductions, allowing one to simplify the analysis by bridging small and large scales. Thus, reduced model equations are obtained that exactly describe the collective dynamics for each subpopulation in the oscillator network via few collective variables only. The resulting equations are next-generation models: Rather than being heuristic, they exactly link microscopic and macroscopic descriptions and therefore accurately capture microscopic properties of the underlying system. At the same time, they are sufficiently simple to analyze without great computational effort. In the last decade, these reduction methods have become instrumental in understanding how network structure and interactions shape the collective dynamics and the emergence of synchrony. We review this progress based on concrete examples and outline possible limitations. Finally, we discuss how linking the reduced models with experimental data can guide the way towards the development of new treatment approaches, for example, for neurological disease.

The dynamics underlying pseudo-plateau bursting in a pituitary cell model
Tập 1 - Trang 1-23 - 2011
Wondimu Teka, Joël Tabak, Theodore Vo, Martin Wechselberger, Richard Bertram
Pituitary cells of the anterior pituitary gland secrete hormones in response to patterns of electrical activity. Several types of pituitary cells produce short bursts of electrical activity which are more effective than single spikes in evoking hormone release. These bursts, called pseudo-plateau bursts, are unlike bursts studied mathematically in neurons (plateau bursting) and the standard fast-slow analysis used for plateau bursting is of limited use. Using an alternative fast-slow analysis, with one fast and two slow variables, we show that pseudo-plateau bursting is a canard-induced mixed mode oscillation. Using this technique, it is possible to determine the region of parameter space where bursting occurs as well as salient properties of the burst such as the number of spikes in the burst. The information gained from this one-fast/two-slow decomposition complements the information obtained from a two-fast/one-slow decomposition.
Mesoscopic population equations for spiking neural networks with synaptic short-term plasticity
Tập 10 Số 1 - 2020
Valentin Schmutz, Wulfram Gerstner, Tilo Schwalger

Coarse-graining microscopic models of biological neural networks to obtain mesoscopic models of neural activities is an essential step towards multi-scale models of the brain. Here, we extend a recent theory for mesoscopic population dynamics with static synapses to the case of dynamic synapses exhibiting short-term plasticity (STP). The extended theory offers an approximate mean-field dynamics for the synaptic input currents arising from populations of spiking neurons and synapses undergoing Tsodyks–Markram STP. The approximate mean-field dynamics accounts for both finite number of synapses and correlation between the two synaptic variables of the model (utilization and available resources) and its numerical implementation is simple. Comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations of the microscopic model show that in both feedforward and recurrent networks, the mesoscopic mean-field model accurately reproduces the first- and second-order statistics of the total synaptic input into a postsynaptic neuron and accounts for stochastic switches between Up and Down states and for population spikes. The extended mesoscopic population theory of spiking neural networks with STP may be useful for a systematic reduction of detailed biophysical models of cortical microcircuits to numerically efficient and mathematically tractable mean-field models.

Mechanisms of Intermittent State Transitions in a Coupled Heterogeneous Oscillator Model of Epilepsy
Tập 3 Số 1 - Trang 17 - 2013
Marc Goodfellow, Paul Glendinning
Geometry of color perception. Part 1: structures and metrics of a homogeneous color space
- 2020
Edoardo Provenzi

This is the first half of a two-part paper dealing with the geometry of color perception. Here we analyze in detail the seminal 1974 work by H.L. Resnikoff, who showed that there are only two possible geometric structures and Riemannian metrics on the perceived color space $\mathcal{P} $ P compatible with the set of Schrödinger’s axioms completed with the hypothesis of homogeneity. We recast Resnikoff’s model into a more modern colorimetric setting, provide a much simpler proof of the main result of the original paper, and motivate the need of psychophysical experiments to confute or confirm the linearity of background transformations, which act transitively on $\mathcal{P} $ P . Finally, we show that the Riemannian metrics singled out by Resnikoff through an axiom on invariance under background transformations are not compatible with the crispening effect, thus motivating the need of further research about perceptual color metrics.

Emergent Dynamical Properties of the BCM Learning Rule
Tập 7 Số 1 - 2017
Lawrence C. Udeigwe, Paul Munro, Bard Ermentrout
Investigating the Correlation–Firing Rate Relationship in Heterogeneous Recurrent Networks
Tập 8 Số 1 - 2018
Andrea K. Barreiro, Cheng Ly
Analysis of stability and bifurcations of fixed points and periodic solutions of a lumped model of neocortex with two delays
- 2012
Sid Visser, Hil Gaétan Ellart Meijer, Michel Johannes Antonius Maria van Putten, Stephan A. van Gils